NAS mount on HASS OS

Nah its fine not using vmware
using proxmox. For now i just use fstab entry for smb, but if i make fuse, it can automout on access,if it will work it would be awesome :slight_smile:


Huh? Fuse which I used is a filesystem. At least that’s how I understood it. I don’t understand, but I wish you luck in solving that issue :slight_smile:
I already updated my post with short tutorial how to mount a frigate folder to the media folder over SMB/CIFS.

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The thing is when you mount a folder and the nas become unavailable the mount is not reconnecting. When you have fuse and autoffs ypu can force with to always try and recconect. Will check your post if i can gather some ideas :slight_smile: thx

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So no need to restart HASS OS, i hope im right :slight_smile:

Adding 16K views from this topic :smiley:

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Use-cases for NAS mount (SMB/CIFS or NFS) on Home Assistant OS:

  • Having an external Media source. (After all, a local /media directory is not good enough for people running the OS on SD card on Raspberry Pi or Odroid.)
  • Having a way to store stuff from downloader. (e.g. Saving the videos captured by your Ring Door Bell, which is an example in the official HA documentation)
  • Having a proper location for NVR tools (Network Video Recorder), such as Frigate.
  • Having MariaDB, InfluxDB (or Graphite, or Prometheus) running inside HA OS, but storing the long-term data onto a NAS.
  • Having all these large files outside the HA snapshots (backups), which will help making the snapshots much smaller and faster. (see this issue in influxdb add-on)
  • Having fewer writes to the SD card can make it last longer, offloading the writes to a dedicated NAS system that is optimized for storage.

There are two main needs:

  • Mount stuff to be available to the Home Assistant Core instance (running inside HA OS).
  • Mount stuff to be available to Add-ons (also running inside HA OS).

There is also the problem with the credentials. Where should those be stored? I trust HA developers can figure out a good solution.

I hope this way I can make it easier to understand why users want this kind of feature.


Thank you for your comment, i pinned it on the top.

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Better still, make the backup directly to the mounted NAS share, rather than create it on the HA device. This would be especially helpful for anyone running HA off an SD card (as the beginner instructions recommend.) Writing backups to the SD card is setting users up for failure.

Obviously that would require this feature request to be implemented, first.


Is there any option to mount the network disk to ha now?

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Option 1 (recomended):

Option 2:

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Upvoting this. Use case is the same as the original OP - I use the Frigate add-on, and would like to be able to store my recordings on my NAS rather than eating up my primary SSD. I currently use @ukro solution, but manually updating the fstab files after each OS update is a pain the !"£$

The ability to keep mount points in /etc/fstab that persist across updates would allow people to keep network shares and secondary drives mounted easily for storage/backup purposes.


I completely agree. My NAS server is a lot slower then my HA server and would love to run jellyfin, plex and other stuff on my HA instance instead as running it in synology.


It’s amazing that this isn’t possible. Why even have a Plex add-on without this ability. Seems like a massive oversight.


This is my use case as well, very similar to bjornb & others… I spent a couple of days / late nights trying to figure out how I might achieve something like this before I finally gave up.

  • I want to use my QNAP NAS to serve my media files, but I want the frontend to run from Home Assistant OS on my Raspberry Pi
  • I also would like to store cam recordings, system backups, etc. directly on the NAS

I would love to see this implemented too.

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Lets go baby, more votes <3

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Being able to save / record to a network share would really be a smart choice.
I like that motionEye can record to network drive already but Frigate can’t for example and this is where an option like this would be very very useful :slight_smile:
Many thanks in advance!


Agreed, adding a network share right now is way too complicated for normal users


Also supporting this feature request. Not being able to mount a network drive is very restrictive and limiting.


I vote for this as well. I’ve been at this for close to 3 days now trying to mount a drive and NOTHING has worked. Adding a network file share in Windows is super simple & straight forward.

This should have been implemented BEFORE the new media browser.

Not everyone wants all their media on the same machine as their HASS OS.