Need help integrating Tuya based TV lift

Good afternoon,

My name is Richard, living in the Netherlands.
I have been working with Home Assistant for a few months now. In itself, I’m doing fine with installing the usual integrations.

But now the following: I bought a smart TV lift, and I would like to integrate it so that I can create an automation when the TV is turned on and the lift rises. This concerns this model: MyWall TV Lift Medium HP63-1 - Beugels en Meer

With the normal Tuya integration, the device is recognized, after the name it says (unsupported). Device was added without entities. So this was not an option. I continued looking for a solution and then came across the local-tuya integration.

The local-tuya integration has been installed. I have carefully followed the documentation instructions. Adding the device goes well.


Auto configure does not work:

Then I continued with the manual configuration. Chosen for the ‘cover’ entity, as in my opinion it most closely matches the type of device.

I can’t go any further from here. I have tried many combinations and things, but without success. However, at one point there was a response that the lift was going up, but that suddenly stopped working.

What else I was able to find on the tuya API explorer site (get instruction set) is the following:

“result”: {
“category”: “zndsj”,
“functions”: [
“code”: “move”,
“desc”: “{"range":["move_up","move_down","move_left","move_right","move_default","cancel"]}”,
“name”: “运行控制”,
“type”: “Enum”,
“values”: “{"range":["move_up","move_down","move_left","move_right","move_default","cancel"]}”
“code”: “memory”,
“desc”: “{"range":["mem1","mem2","mem3","recall1","recall2","recall3","cancel"]}”,
“name”: “位置记忆”,
“type”: “Enum”,
“values”: “{"range":["mem1","mem2","mem3","recall1","recall2","recall3","cancel"]}”
“status”: [
“code”: “move”,
“name”: “运行控制”,
“type”: “Enum”,
“values”: “{"range":["move_up","move_down","move_left","move_right","move_default","cancel"]}”
“code”: “model_no”,
“name”: “型号”,
“type”: “String”,
“values”: “{"maxlen":255}”
“code”: “memory”,
“name”: “位置记忆”,
“type”: “Enum”,
“values”: “{"range":["mem1","mem2","mem3","recall1","recall2","recall3","cancel"]}”
“code”: “fault_code_report”,
“name”: “故障码上报”,
“type”: “Bitmap”,
“values”: “{"label":["fault_code_1","fault_code_2"],"maxlen":2}”
“success”: true,
“t”: 1707395295815,
“tid”: “8874b9f2c67d11eea1957edaaa357452”

If anyone could help me with this, that would be great! I would like to hear from you!

Thank you


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Same here, would love to get it integrated but no clue at all.

the tuya integrations don’t actually support all the different types of devices tuya has. it only supports the most common (lights, switches, etc).

however it does support scenes. and what i think you’re needing to do is just trigger the lift to go up and down right?

so what i’d try is to create a scene in tuya that activates the lift. and in home assistant, call that scene.

i did something similar to have my home assistant trigger a tuya ir blaster…

hope that makes sense, holler if my explanation isn’t clear or if i’m missing something…

Solution is here:

Thanks anyway armedad


If you have the same lift, this is how to do it:
