The shutdown automation has no problem, where I have the problem is in the startup. For triogger it, it is MANDATORY that the temperatures are equal and drop 0.1, if the schedule varies the target temperature and it is higher than the temperature, the boiler turns on but the valves are closed.
Your turn off automation will fire when your turn off fires as well if the absolute value of the difference is higher than 1. Your problem is in the turn_off automation.
Can you explain, what you want to achieve? It looks like you want to turn on heating, if attribute (target) temperature is below current temperature by 0.1°C and turn it off if current temperatur is above target temperature by 1.0°C?
I need that as soon as the target temperature is below the ambient temperature, it triggers the automation, regardless of the fact that a moment before they had the same temperature.
for example:
target temperature tempewrature
9:55 AM 19º 19.5º
10:00AM 20º 19.5º
This does not trigger the automation and the boiler turns on but never heats up because the valves are still closed
wow, it works perfectly with the code you @m0wlheld gave me. I have only corrected the action of the default and it works with a single automation to turn off and turn on.
@petro Thanks for your comments, it’s hard for me to see what I do with the templates. Do you have any documentation to learn how to make templates? What I find and Jinja2 fron Homeassistant I don´t understand.
Home Assistant is wonderful, I have been since October and I am passionate about everything I discover that can be done. And that wonderful community you have. Regards