Continuing the discussion from Z-wave USB via docker:
I’ve ran a command: docker run -d --name=“home-assistant” -v ~/.homeassistant:/config -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro --net=host --device=/dev/ttyACM0:/zwaveusbstick:rwm homeassistant/home-assistant
However, Docker tells me I’ll need to give a container a different name or remove an existing container.
What should I do if I wish to expose Z-Wave USB stick through the docker container?
Two more questions:
How do I make it so that the container gets started similar to --restart=always command if Home Assistant crashes or when I reboot my server?
Is the OZW Control Panel included in Docker? If so, if I stop the Home Assistant container, how would I run a control panel UI?
Stop Home Assistant container, delete the container, and re-implement the container with needed changes. Docker does not need to redownload the image again, so that covers question 1 and 2. I still have Q3 unanswered, so this deals with getting Open-ZWave Control Panel up and running…
Update 2:
Actually, I found the ozwcp container:
I’ve answered all my questions so I thought I’d leave it here in case others need help.