Neerslag Card (rain forecast) (Buienalarm and/or Buienradar)

I quite often get the following warnings/error:

2021-08-30 14:29:33 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.entity] Update of sensor.neerslag_buienradar_regen_data is taking over 10 seconds
2021-08-30 14:29:38 ERROR (SyncWorker_6) [homeassistant.components.command_line] Timeout for command: python3 -c "import requests; import json; import random; dataRequest = requests.get(''+str(random.randint(0,999999999999999)) ).text; dataRequest = dataRequest.replace('\r\n',' '); data = '{\"data\":\"'+dataRequest+'\"}';    print(data);"
2021-08-30 14:29:38 WARNING (SyncWorker_6) [homeassistant.components.command_line.sensor] Empty reply found when expecting JSON data

Sometimes a reboot of home assistant fixes the issue for a while. But it always returns after some time. Is there something wrong in my buienradar sensor?

  - platform: command_line
    command: python3 -c "import requests; import json; import random; dataRequest = requests.get('{{state_attr("zone.home", "latitude") | round(2)}}&lon={{state_attr("zone.home", "longitude") | round(2)}}&c='+str(random.randint(0,999999999999999)) ).text; dataRequest = dataRequest.replace('\r\n',' '); data = '{\"data\":\"'+dataRequest+'\"}';    print(data);"
    name: Neerslag_Buienradar_Regen_Data
      - data
    value_template: 'last_changed: {{states.sensor.neerslag_buienradar_regen_data.last_changed | default(now())}}'
    scan_interval: 240

or do I need to do something else to fix it?

No, there is nothing wrong with your custom sensor configuration. The problem occurs when the Buienradar service becomes unavailable or takes too long to answer - I too have experienced this. This produces the error message you are seeing in the Home Assistant logs. You can ignore the error message and restarting Home Assistant is not needed. The Neerslag Card and your custom sensor is working fine.

I can advice you to migrate to the Neerslag App. The Neerslag App handles these timeout errors internally, so they won’t be displayed in the logs.

I’m looking for exactly the same functionality as @spudje. I love the card but only want to show it if there is actually rain forecasted the upcoming 2 hours. Because now I’m constantly looking at a flat line. ‘it is raining now’ or ‘in x minutes it will rain’ could be used in a conditional card then I guess. Are you going to implement this or should be still request it?

@X1pheR, for the Neerslag App it is on the todo list. The idea is to provide additional sensors. This will allow for usage in automations.

The Neerslag Card is purely a front-end. While I could create something to visualize the information - be it extending the original Neerslag Card or add an additional Card - it wouldn’t be useable in automations.

Therefor I’m aiming towards adding additional sensors in the Neerslag App. I still need to define the specifications for these sensors. Because just saying it will rain in 10 minutes, actually doesn’t say much. The intensity and duration for example also plays a part.


Sounds great! :+1:
Very useful for my sunshade automation.

Cool, there’s use for both I assume.

  • Just a boolean/switch saying it will or will not rain in the coming (configurable) x minutes (2 hours would be my choice).
  • Details like intensity & duration (which I will not use)

For an initial start. A simply sensor sensor indicating rain has been detected for the upcoming period would be good.

However, to make this usable for automation it will need to be more detailed. Hence my point regarding the duration and intensity. Because 0,01 mm/h rain for a period of 5 minutes would be completly different compared to 5 mm/h rain for a period of 30 minutes.

@aex351 excellent! can’t wait for it. hope you make it configurable by specifying or which period you want to check. I would set this at 2 hours. since the lovelace card shows (or gets the data set) for the upcoming 2 hours. this way that would be my conditional lovelace trigger to show the neerslag card or a card stating no rain forecasted :wink:

Hi aex351,

After many unsuccessful attempts, I now get data if I use the default co-ords, when the integration is installed. But anytime I try to use Irish co-ords I return to the situation already mentioned above - I always reboot HA & clear cache after every change / test I’ve tried.
Can you share the co-ords that you used when testing, so that I can try those?

thanks in advance,

I don’t have the previously used coordinates anymore. However, I just tried with random Limerick and Dublin coördinaties and it is also failing for me currently. I am not sure if the used API supports the coordinates (anymore). It still does seem that both Buienradar and Buienalarm support Ireland through their website.

Me too, on two phones: Android 11 lineage latest and MIUI 12.5 (android 11) the widget doesnt work on the home assistant app. It gives error: “Custom element doesn`t excist: neerslag-card”
When I access the mobile webpage of HA with a browser on that phones, the error is: “No sensor data available”
From a computer browser the widget is working fine.

You are describing 3 things. These are actually quite common.

Statement: On two phones: Android 11 lineage latest and MIUI 12.5 (android 11) the widget doesnt work on the home assistant app. It gives error: “Custom element doesn`t excist: neerslag-card”
Solution: Problem is the cache and your dashboard not being refreshed. You will need to clear the app cache. If this doesn’t work for you. Reinstalling the mobile Home Assistant app ensures the cache is cleared.

Statement: When I access the mobile webpage of HA with a browser on that phones, the error is: “No sensor data available”
Solution: This is not an issue with the Neerslag Card. It basically describes that there is no sensor data available. Typically this happens when you setup the sensors. It takes a couple of minutes for the Neerslag App to load the data. If you used invalid or unsupported longitude/latitude data then you will also receive this message.

Statement: From a computer browser the widget is working fine.
Solution: Yes, because you installed the Neerslag Card correctly, restarted Home Assistant and the browser cache was refreshed properly.

Love the Card nice work, but … have the same problem. Not working on wallmount older ipad mini 2 (IOS 12) “Custom element doesn`t excist: neerslag-card” Tried every suggested solution, reseting reinstalling etc. Cant seem to get it working :frowning:

Hi Guys, I love This card and it used to work great. Unfortunately I am getting this error. I am not sure what to look for. In integrations I have nothing to delete related to this mention. Can you please help me out? I don’t know where to look.

You have the ‘buien-rain-forecast’ integration installed in your Home Assistant. That integration/plugin is known for causing issues with the Neerslag Card. Please remove it.

You probably either installed it via HACS or manually by navigating to the directory and copy and pasting the files.

I have been breaking my head around this. Looking through all Yaml, integration section in HA, and Hacs. None related to this. Then…suddenly…I looked at the “Frontend” section of HACS, and there I found this (buienalarm) card that should not be there…solved…just to let you guys know.

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I used the integration approach not the manual way. I see the following error
can i add geolocation completely like example 52.0961212121 or just short


Same here. After installing the Neerslag app and restarting HA, the card is not shown in the available card list. Adding it manually gives the same error as above. Running HA 2021.12.3.

Edit: After CTRL-F5 in my browser to force refresh it, the card is now shown in ‘add card’ and I can add it and everything is working.

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I’m removing Neerslag app from my machine, as the repo owner does not seem to cooperate with other coders on cross-card issues.

Make your own decisions… :wink:

I am receiving the same error on my wallmounted iPad Air. Strangely, my PC’s both show the card correctly.
On the iPad I have already cleared the cache and cookies, but it’s still not displaying correctly. Other newly added cards show correctly on it, so it seems to be a neerslag-card specific issue.

Any clue? Perhaps my iOS 12 tablet is too old?