Neo Coolcam PIR

which one, there are two: the one under Lux Level Function Enable:


how the **** you changed values, what a complicated way of changing those values. Who designed this ****

Either the hardware or the software (or both) are crap

time to move on: 433 PIR sensor are a no go; this Neo PIR sensor is a no go.

It is the last one, the one on the bottom, between “Lux Level Function Enable” and “Led Blink Enable”. For me it works like a charm. But I have to admit it takes some patience to get it to work.

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by mistake I changed the first one. Now I am not able to put back to 100 the first and neither to change to 10 the second.

I tried at least 50 times, and now the button inside the PIR broke.

What a crap

Did you take the zwave stick out of the pi and re-inserted it? If so, did you try sudo reboot?

yes and yes, I think the address of the stick changed, now I put /dev/ttyAMA0

now I receive this in log

17-04-18 21:50:31 WARNING (Dummy-25) [openzwave] Z-Wave Notification DriverFailed : {‘homeId’: 0, ‘notificationType’: ‘DriverFailed’, ‘nodeId’: 255}

17-04-18 21:51:01 WARNING (Thread-1) [homeassistant.components.zwave] zwave not ready after 30 seconds, continuing anyway

no zwave device available …

I had this problem as well, but after a reboot it changed back to the original adress. Weird that a sudo reboot didnt do the same to you.

which problem you had?

And you did 2 sudo reboot or one? I did onem now doing the second

The problem you stated that address changed. One reboot should do the trick. I am not sure why a second reboot would do anything different then the first.

I don’t know if I have the second issue, (zwave not ready after 30 seconds) I have my loglevel set to critical, not to get lost in the big logs otherwise.

I rebooted, same problem, no devices shows

what are my options, all zwave devices disappeared …

Sorry to hear… I don’t know what is going wrong there. I experienced this once before myself. Did a factory reset of all z-wave devices and started over.

I don’t know if there is a better way to do it, but that was my approach. Not something you wanted to hear probably.

Strange /dev/ttyACM0 disappeared and instead came /dev/ttyAMA0 so I supposed had to put the latter in configuration. But gave the error

Now is back /dev/ttyACM0 so I rechanged configuration, rebooting now

now it works.

Trying to change the value to the second PIR, also a nightmare.

Its crap, a total crap

I am able to put ENABLE, but not change the value from 100 to 10

After numerous attempt … I don’t get it.

YOu think is an openzwave issue or a hardware issue?

Any other software I can try to change the LUX value?

Unfortunately I can’t access my home server from work so no screenshots but from what I remember I was able to adjust the sensitivity to something lower than 100 (it was a bit of a pain though, it took a number of tries).

From what I know, there are no free alternatives to OZWCP.

how many?

I tried 50 times and it didn’t work. Maybe I am missing something?