Neo Coolcam PIR

yesterday it went to AWAKE, now it stays in SLEEPING

EDIT now in DINAMIC (sleepiing)
after a while

DYNAMIC (awake)

nothing, what a piece of junk.

Anyone out there. DO NOT BUY THIS PRODUCT, until this is fixed

Now I reset the piece of junk. It is recognized in openzwave (before was node 4 now 5), but is not recognized in HASS.

How to get back the junk in HASS? AT least I use it as motion sensor

If you haven’t linked the zwcfg.xml file between OZWCP and HASS you need to add the sensor to HASS as well, from the Service tab.

Before calling this a piece of junk: are you sure you read the manual of the PIR to understand what the different settings are and what they mean? Also are you sure you understand how z-wave works in Home Assistant in combination with the open z-wave control panel? The Z-Wave implementation in HA currently is far from intuitive and it takes some time to get a grasp of it. Fortunately there has been a lot of progress over the last updates of HA and it should become better and better with coming updates.

From your posts relating to Z-Wave and Z-Wave devices here on the forum I get the idea you don’t fully understand yet how Z-Wave operates and works in HA, please don’t vent your frustrations on a product that works perfectly fine.


That’s not what I define a perfectly working product. Far from it.
And not only software wise,
The inner button of one of the sensor I bought, broke after me pressing it with normal pressure.

To me this is a piece of junk.

Thanks for the manual

Both sensors were correctly showing in Hass and opzw. After resetting one, and re pairing, now it shows in opzw but not in HASS

Who said it was a “perfectly working product”? HASS is at version 0.42 and OZWCP is at 0.2.

You seem to forget that you’re using a cheap sensor you bought online from an unknown Chinese company together with a free software developed by unpaid volunteers, incorporating uncertified components developed mainly by reverse-engineering proprietary protocols. There’s simply no such thing as a “perfectly working product” at this stage.

Did you re-pair it in HASS or in OZWCP only?


Pressing the button on the stick, as I did the first time (which went ok)

The other user, not me

i cant get my system to find the sensors properly. this is what i get in ozwcp
And in hass this

Using rpi3 with hassbian and z-stick.
Any ideas?

How long did you wait?

It took me half a day to have it fixed by itself

Did you try waking the sensors up manually?
Remove the cover of the sensor and press the small button next to the battery.

In my case no action needed, but had to wait a lot (like half day to a full day)

Yeah, that’s why you can speed it up by waking the sensors manually. They’re set to call the network master 2-3 times daily for parameter updates.

I received one of these yesterday and so far it seems to be working just fine.

What I can’t find anywhere is the battery level of the device. In the OZW log file I can see this (node 7 is the PIR):

2017-11-25 11:13:04.849 Info, Node007, Received Battery report from node 7: level=100

But where can I pick up this value in Hass?


I have serveral of these sensors.

When i received them a had a lot of problems the gave me a big headage.
But now they work like a charm !!

When i have a new device i will do the following.
(make sure you have zwave “network_key” in your config)

1 go to home assistant setting / zwave / add node secure.

  • (Wait 1 or 2 seconds).
    2 press the button on the PIR 3 times fast.

3 Go to the Home screen an see they are addes.

4 restart home assistant ( just to be sure, i noticed that sometimes after a 1st reboot node names are changed.)

Now you can use the PIR, burglar is the motion sensor. 8 is the value when motion detectect. It has an other value for tamper, i beleive is was 4.

!! when you modify Node Value’s you have to press the button (on the pir) 3 times again. This is a little buggy some times you have to do this several times.

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I knew I had seen a solution to this but it took me quite some time to find it, it turned out to be state attributes in combination with the zwave object (not the sensor object). When I installed my PIR sensor there was a battery_level sensor object available, it seems that one has disappeared.

However, the battery level is accessible from the z-wave object as well, in my case {{ states. zwave.neo_coolcam_battery_powered_pir_sensor.attributes }} which returns all the following attributes:

{'lastRequestRTT': 128, 'node_name': 'Neo CoolCam Battery Powered PIR Sensor', 'product_name': 'Battery Powered PIR Sensor', 'manufacturer_name': 'Neo CoolCam', 'friendly_name': 'Neo CoolCam Battery Powered PIR Sensor', 'capabilities': {'beaming', 'routing'}, 'sentCnt': 40, 'is_failed': False, 'is_info_received': True, 'retries': 0, 'receivedTS': '2017-11-25 21:26:46:204 ', 'is_awake': False, 'neighbors': {9, 10, 7}, 'query_stage': 'Complete', 'old_entity_id': 'zwave.neo_coolcam_battery_powered_pir_sensor_8', 'sentTS': '2017-11-25 18:31:32:890 ', 'node_id': 8, 'receivedCnt': 1221, 'receivedDups': 33, 'max_baud_rate': 40000, 'new_entity_id': 'zwave.neo_coolcam_battery_powered_pir_sensor', 'sentFailed': 1, 'averageResponseRTT': 192, 'wake_up_interval': 43200, 'lastResponseRTT': 227, 'battery_level': 95, 'averageRequestRTT': 201, 'receivedUnsolicited': 1211, 'is_ready': True, 'is_zwave_plus': True}

{{ states. zwave.neo_coolcam_battery_powered_pir_sensor.attributes.battery_level }} returns 95.


I’ve just bought 3 and indeed, they work very well. You can use the binary sensor instead of the burglar one for motion detection (on/off)
Just to help anyone having problems setting this thing up: To change the node parameters from the HA configuration zwave menu is easy but you have to push the unit button first only once to awake the device and then it changes its values without issues from that menu.

I’ve just bought one of these and it’s added to my HASS instance without issues. However it doesn’t seem to have detected as a Neo Coolcam. For example I just have a binary sensor called binary_sensor.sensor.

Do I need to add anything to my zwave cfg files to tell it explicitly what the device is called etc?