Any one with some experience with the neo coolcam z wave switches. I like the switches very much and operation is ok but i cannot manage group assosiations to link switches together without the controller.
Anyone managed to do group associations with neo coolcam products please?
Hi there I have the same problem, tried open z-wave control panel but still no success. I am starting to think that the switches do not support association after all.
Any help from someone who managed to do it please?
I cant be of any help im sorry as i am stuck too. i managed all functions except the associations. Tried also to install the Open Z wave control panel but no luck. im not sure if im doing all the settings right or if it s aswitch limitation. however on the neo coolcam switches manual it is stating that associations is possible.
im still hoping we can find some help here from someone who managed.
I’ve had 4 neo coolcam 2-gang light switches died on me, some no longer can be discovered on the z-wave network while the touch switch still works, 1 of which wouldn’t turn on at all.