Ness DX8/DX16 Alarm

Mine is rock-solid too. Is it only people with “earlier” panel versions (e.g <=v7) having issues, like @cryptelli?

Can I check panel version from keypad?

Agreed. They’re different but point I was trying to make was in an 0.88.2 environment the a state update wouldn’t automatically trigger the Sending payload: part, now it does.

Full version
2019-03-12 01:53:04 DEBUG (MainThread) [nessclient.client] Requesting state update from server (S00, S14)
2019-03-12 01:53:04 DEBUG (MainThread) [nessclient.client] Sending payload: '8300360S00E9\r\n'
2019-03-12 01:53:04 DEBUG (MainThread) [nessclient.client] Sending payload: '8300360S14E4\r\n'
2019-03-12 01:53:05 DEBUG (MainThread) [nessclient.client] Decoding data: '820003600000001b'
2019-03-12 01:53:05 DEBUG (MainThread) [nessclient.packet] Decoding bytes: '820003600000001b'
2019-03-12 01:53:06 DEBUG (MainThread) [nessclient.client] Decoding data: '8200036014000007'
2019-03-12 01:53:06 DEBUG (MainThread) [nessclient.packet] Decoding bytes: '8200036014000007'

I fear it might be… whatever changes were made for the newer revisions might have adversely me due to the reason stated.

Having same problem you’re having. Haven’t read logs yet but last night went to set armed home and it reverts back to disarm after a few arming flashes. Check with Ness app and it is armed.

If I arm via keypad then it updates status correctly.

@Yuddy please see quote from @lockytaylor

Not displaying. Is that PusercodeE then P99999999E?

Correct. It should display one number at a time, so in my case 5 7 0 0.

Weird not working on navigator keypad

Pleased to hear I’m not the only one, thanks for reporting.

I’ve just tried arming mine from the keypad, says armed but again after a few seconds reverts to disarmed.

I think you can just hit the info button on the Navigator and it will display the panel version on the bottom in text.

Ah yes how did I miss that.

Panel Version 8.6

You are right it does revert back. I know my wife left this morning and armed via panel, so I assumed that’s what happened because i checked during the day and HA had reported armed .

So HA will report armed after the alarm has gone through the cooldown cycle and actually armed after all the beeping

Should be 2 different states there.

My automations use:

  alias: NESS Alarm Arming
    platform: state
    entity_id: alarm_control_panel.alarm_panel
    to: "arming"


  alias: NESS Alarm Armed
    platform: state
    entity_id: alarm_control_panel.alarm_panel
    to: "armed_away"

Mine still dies after a few minutes with a zone index out of range. :frowning:

Unsure if you have a specific reason to have two separate automation, in mine I just use a single state trigger on the entity and send the value via a push notification.

alias: Report Ness Alarm Status
  - platform: state
    entity_id: alarm_control_panel.alarm_panel
  - service: notify.push
      message: "The alarm has been {{ states('alarm_control_panel.alarm_panel') }}."

According to @ant-car nessclient==0.9.14 should have resolved this, did you end up upgrading from nessclient==0.9.13 in 0.89.1?

nessclient 0.9.14 does resolve the issue, it’s just that home assistant 0.89.1 isn’t using it. The docker still uses 0.9.13. I have had to manually replace the nessclient code in /deps/lib/python3.7/site-packages with the ones form the repo to get it working with Home Assistant.

At least the fix works :slight_smile:. I believe the changes are scheduled to be included into next weeks release.

1 Like

Howdy - yeh kinda :slight_smile: Firstly I’m not that confident with “template” style yaml yet (or whatever we call it) - but I also set some different coloured lights in my garage based on the various states so I can see the alarm state as I leave/enter my garage.


Neat! The template style takes a bit of getting used to. Few ways you could handle it but doesn’t look possible to set rgb_color in a template, other way would be through firing two different scripts which is really no different to what you’re doing :laughing:.