Nest Protect motion sensors with Starling Hub

I am getting exactly the same results using the Homebridge-Nest plugin on homebridge running on a raspberry Pi. It’s nice to have the protects available in HA!

The room occupancy sensor works as you’d expect, but the names of the smoke and CO detector seem confusing. They just show up as binary sensors, and even in the entity name it doesn’t say they are smoke or CO.

Is there a way to fix this in the integration so the sensor type from homekit is properly represented in HA?

Device class is set. And there you can find which is what. See above.

Hey all,

I love my Starling Hub, I set it up via directly via the Starling App + HomeKit.
Was i not supposed to do that?

I cant seem to find my starling hub whenever I am searching for a HomeKit Controller in HomeAssistsant :frowning:

I think you can only pair once at a time, either this or that.

Was anyone able to get this to work with the Nest x Yale lock? When I try to use the HomeKit integration and sync the lock, nothing actually happens.

for those using Starling to get to Nest - How do you set Nest Home/Away status?

I see it has a Home Occupied device with a button and a home occupied state; trying to set away on the thermostat when I arm my alarm. Thanks

Update: I just did a Restful switch like so:

  - platform: rest
    resource: http://Starling_IP:3080/api/connect/v1/devices/DEV_ID?key=KEY
    name: Nest Home Status
    body_on: '{"homeState": "true"}'
    body_off: '{"homeState": "false"}'
    is_on_template: "{{ }}"
      Content-Type: application/json

Seems to work fine.

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