Nest thermostat client id etc

Hello gents,
Long time ago I managed to get the Nest Client_ID and Client_Secret. All worked fine.
After setting up HA from scratch I am confused on how the get the new C_ID en C_secret.
This might be because I moved over to the Google account instead of the Nest account but I can not get it working.
Can someone explain what I do wrong or what I have to do.

Iā€™m not using Nest, but it looks like you will not be able to do this anymore according to the docs

Thanks, than my assumption was right. I was so confused about the information on the Nest website.
No Nest for me than.

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Try I made a crappy Nest Thermostat integration that will work as a stopgap until alternatives come out

Thank you Vlad. Will try this for sure.