Nest thermostat hvac_action in Matter integration

I’m wondering if there’s a reason that the hvac_action attribute does not appear in my Nest thermostat climate entity in the Matter integration. All other attributes show up (cooling vs. heating mode, set temperature, actual temperature), but it’s not possible to tell what the thermostat is actually doing (is it idle or actually calling for AC, for instance).

hvac_action works fine through the Nest integration.


I would love to know this as well, but I haven’t seen any other threads on the topic.

It’s an important feature for me. I have an on-demand water heater that functions to provide both domestic hot water and hot water for heating my house. The domestic hot water always takes priority.

I have a domestic hot water recirculating system controlled by Home Assistant, but I only run it when there’s no demand to heat the house (i.e., I don’t want to shut off the heat to my house just to heat recirculated water). Right now, I check for whether there’s heating demand (hvac_action set to “heating”) by using the Google cloud integration (which is not 100% reliable); I’d rather do it locally with the Matter integration.

Yes… usability in this state is very limited. Matter integration should expose correct
preset_modes (eco,none)

without hvac action stats are invalid also. it shots like heating is active all the time.

I am facing the same challenge. My second floor HVAC systems is not well balanced as the only HVAC registers are in the bedrooms, but the Nest thermostat is in the hallway (where there are no registers). I installed a through-wall exhaust fan from AC Infinity, and put it on a switch using the Innovelli Blue fan switch. My intent was to trigger an automation based on the Nest HVAC Action to turn on the exhaust fan to balance the temperature upstairs. However, since my Nest is integrated via Matter, the HVAC action is not exposed, that automation is not possible. I can shift back to the Nest integration, but like many, I would prefer to move away from integrations that require the cloud.

I’d really like to know the answer to this persistent omission. Is it that Google Nest doesn’t expose this via Matter, or is the Matter integration just not picking it up? (Or is it not yet supported for any Matter thermostats?)

This is a bummer to see this. I am switching away from a Nest Learning thermostat and was considering a model of theirs that supports matter but this would be a deal breaker for me.

So, I posted this as well -

The HA Matter integration supports hvac_action if the device provides the “ThermostatRunningState” attribute, so this isn’t a limitation in HA:

The problem seems to be that the current Nest Thermostat’s Matter implementation doesn’t provide that attribute. Hopefully Google will add it at some point?
(Here is another issue that mentions that the attribute is missing on the Nest side: Nest thermostat from Matter integration not exposing hvac_action · Issue #104847 · home-assistant/core · GitHub )

In the interim, as OP mentioned, hvac_action works fine through the HA Nest integration.


I submitted feedback in the Google Home app.
I’m sure it will fall on deaf ears, but what more can we do.
I’d love to remove another cloud integration.
I guess feedback isn’t super critical in my application.
Good luck to those depending on it for automations or what have you.