Netatmo Presence Camera - toggle light, toggle motion detection

Its marked stale and cancelt. Why? Can we make this happen in ont of the upcomming releases?

The API does not provide reliable enough feedback to make it a proper light platform. The services to toggle lights will come back soon though.

Hi Tobi,

understood. Thats good news. Missing that feature a lot. If I can be of any help, let me know.



Hi Tobi,

is there any update available on the lights of the netatmo camera being able to turn on/off from HA?

Have a great weekend.

This is possible since 0.114. Apparently it got lost then the release notes were put together.

You are my hero. Just updated. Works. Thank you.

1 Like

That is very kind. Thank you.

Dear @cgtobi,

First, thanks for all your recent efforts with Netatmo!

I have problems with my three Presence’s floodlights. The lights seem to be correctly set up (not unavailable, and my webhooks status is OK in Netatmo dev site), but when trying to use them, I get this (IDs partly redacted):

Logger: pyatmo.helpers
Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyatmo/
First occurred: 29 septembre 2020 Ă  19:58:44 (11 occurrences)
Last logged: 17:26:35

* 400 - Bad request - Invalid device_id, 70:ee:50:xx:xx:xx (21) when accessing ''
* 400 - Bad request - Invalid device_id, 70:ee:50:xx:xx:xx (21) when accessing ''
* 400 - Bad request - Invalid device_id, 70:ee:50:xx:xx:xx (21) when accessing ''

Same error when using the netatmo.set_camera_light service.

The rest is working fine (camera images, sensors based on netatmo_event, etc.)

Any idea?

Has this always been this way?

I never had the lights working (through HA), so I unregistered / registered and checked the webhooks, the lights were then available, but with the errors mentioned when actioned.

I just checked with a few users I know and at least this doesn’t seem to be a general issue. Now we have to find out why you’re having trouble. Could you please turn on debug logging for the Netatmo integration and check your logs?

Just PMed you my logs, thanks!

Hi everybody !!
Thank you @cgtobi for your work on the Netatmo integration !
Does it possible to toggle the motion detection ?

thank you :hugs:

To my knowledge Netatmo does not support that. You can toggle monitoring on/off, but this means turning the camera on/off.

Oh OK, thank you for your answer, I will use this method !

I’ve got an other question: how to receive a notification when the camera is off ?
I tried with this automation, but with no result:

- alias: Notif William Caméra OFF
    - event_type: netatmo_event
      platform: event
        type: off
    - service: notify.notify_will
          message: "Camera is out !"

Thanks :slight_smile:

You’re actually pretty close:

  - platform: event
    event_type: netatmo_event
      type: 'off'

Hi !

I find where is my problem

The entity camera.netatmo_xxx does not refresh !

But it pretty ennoying, because I’ve got no error

Did you see this case before ?

Thank you !!

You mean the camera does not react to commands from HA?

Yes it does !

These commands work:

    - service: camera.turn_on
      entity_id: camera.netatmo_camera_arriere


    - service: camera.turn_off
      entity_id: camera.netatmo_camera_arriere

But states and attributes are not updated !
It’s for this reason my notifications do not work !

Can you double check that webhook is working for Netatmo?