Netatmo public - gone forever?

None of that is very polite. Ease up.

@nickrout, just fyi, polite means “behaving in a way that is correct and shows understanding of and care for other people’s feelings” or “socially correct rather than friendly”. Therefore, please stop manipulating.

Try to image our side of story. HA is great and HA drives lives and houses of thousands of us. So be polite and if you need break some feature you should mark is as deprecated and after few major releases remove it. But netatmo public disappeared suddenly. And what more. I understand some integration must be removed because of changes on other side. But netatmo public still works fine in v104, so this is not that case…

So think about that how WE feel…

You poor self entitled fellow.

Implying that the developer lied about his intentions to submit a future PR is just bloody rude, so how about an apology to @cgtobi

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Both of you are well aware that neither of you is helping this situation, right?

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Just in case you don’t believe my words …



It didn’t make the cut for 0.109, but public weather stations are on the way.


Looking forward to getting public data back. I have my own measurements from Xiaomi temp/hum sensor (Zigbee) mounted outside and rest sensor from official measurement station in close location. Those two are up to 2 degrees apart. I also used the public netatmo data and used average of all three.

Thank you for all the hard work.

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Any chance to get it in 0.110?

It has not been reviewed yet. Sorry

Would it be worthwhile making it into a custom_component and making it HACS compatible for the impatient people (not me I don’t think it even works here, but just an idea)

Anyone is free to do that. I won’t, because I already have enough at hand than to cater the impatient. :laughing:

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As for the inpatient, just as a reminder to you that the functional Netatmo public was removed in early February with the promise to return it. So it will be 5 :tada:version updates with 0.110. So it seems reasonable to ask status of this “fix”.

P.S.: Apart from this one, there is a good few of other components/features broken in homeassistant for various reasons. I’ve been usung this project since 2016 and cannot deny that tremendous improvements been done, but also a lot of unreasonable changes/ideas recently. My overall personal experience with homeassistant has gradually been degrading from somewhat the end of the last year.

I’m already afraid to write something about promises here. And i still don’t understand why it was removed. Integration is NOT broken, Netatmo public still works fine in old version 104.2…

Read the thread.

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Version 110 here… opening release notes… nothing again. :worried:

No, but I have no doubt that you are able to read the pull request and realise that it is under active consideration. So why keep posting here?

Also keen to have this back. Thanks @cgtobi for your work on this!

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Me too.
Looking forward to the return of the netatmo public data.
To check if I missed it in the release notes, I reinstated my config; no errors :slight_smile: but no sensor :expressionless:
Hopefully the sensor will pop back when it’s released.

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You’ll probably have to configure it again, but you will be able to do that on the fly.