Netatmo station weather

I have some problem with last update of HA and Netatmo station . The sensor not appear on states Of HA. Before this update working well.

Which version are you using now? There was a fix for missing sensors in 0.102.1, see the release notes.

yes this is the versionā€¦ the sensor not work

how could i resolve on Hassio??

Maybe this will help:

There are a lot of people complaining about this Iā€™d suggest you just wait for a new release and roll back in the mean time if it doesnā€™t work.

ok thank you

The solution suggested in the above link uses the netatmo integration from a previous release, if you do it like this everything will be up-to-date, except for netatmo. However as soon as you update to a new version, netatmo will be updated as well, so you would need to do this workaround again if it still not works in a new version.

In the 0.102.1 version which has just been released this morning, the issue of the missing Netatmo indoor sensors had been fixed. I suggest you upgrade to this version.

The problem still exists with 0.102.1.

not work also in new version

Very weird, for me itā€™s working!
Itā€™s also in the changelog:

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What is the exact problem? There is another fix coming for 0.102.2 which is related to manual configuration. Have tried discovery: true and commented our your manual (netatmo related) config?

ā€œnot workā€ is not exactly a precise description of the actual error/problem. Could you please let me know what exactly isnā€™t working and how youā€™ve configured the netatmo component?

the sensors do not appear. only the main module of the weather station is present on the home assistant. also in version 0.102.1.

  - platform: netatmo
    station: 'matteo trieste'
      - matteo via udine
      - camera da letto
      - cameretta
      - lo scroscio dell'acqua
      - la forza del vento

As Iā€™ve written above the manual config is borked right now but a fix is already merged and should ship with 0.102.2. But I would really suggest to use discovery mode.

how could i use discovery mode with my configuration?

Youā€™re right! I removed the appropriate manual climate: and sensor: (weather) entries and it all comes back on-line. Thanks!

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Without seeing your config I can only repeat myself, remove every netatmo specific config and use discovery only.

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  api_key: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' 
  secret_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  username: '[email protected]'
  password: 'xxxxxx'
  discovery: true
  - platform: netatmo
    station: 'matteo trieste'

Either remove the manual sensor config or wait for 0.102.2 and deactivate discovery.