Netatmo weather Station sensor settings

Hi configured two thermostat in discovery false mode in configuration.yaml.
I tried all the combination to setting up the sensors for weather station sensors modules but read a lot tried a lot but nothing worked.
Please suggest a simple solution ( I tried also touch sensor.yaml with not avail)

Have you fixed it yet? I’m also trying to get Netatmo weather module integrated with my hassio where I already have my Netatmo thermostats - but these has been setup without any yaml messing-up (OMG yaml sometime is difficult to figure out - like what are my options and what should go where etc.)

following instructions on here: Testers needed for Netatmo climate (multiple thermostats or valves)

Message of:
oct 18

he said (and it works for me)
"I have configure 3 thermostat.
Work perfect with this confirguration.

api_key: !secret netatmo_api
secret_key: !secret netatmo_secret
username: !secret mail
password: !secret password
discovery: False

  • platform: netatmo
    relay: Relè
    • Living
      target_temp: 19,5
  • platform: netatmo
    relay: Relè1
    • Bathrooms
      target_temp: 18.0
  • platform: netatmo
    relay: 3
    • Bedroom3

      Hope it helps