Netatmo Welcome & Climate not working

Since a few weeks now I’m having issues with accessing my two Netatmo Welcome cameras and four Netatmo Radiator valves in Home Assistant. FYI, I also have an Netatmo weather station that is working perfect in home assistant.

I’m using Home Assistant 0.96.1 on Pi

Below my config:

  discovery: true
  api_key: api key
  secret_key: secret key
  username: e-mail
  password: password
  - platform: netatmo
    home: WP4
    - Bijkeuen
    - Keuken
  - platform: netatmo
     - name: WP4

Within the logs I only see:

2019-07-20 22:06:53 INFO (SyncWorker_15) [homeassistant.components.netatmo.sensor] No home coach devices found
2019-07-20 22:06:53 INFO (SyncWorker_9) [homeassistant.components.netatmo.sensor] Netatmo refresh interval reset to 300 seconds

Any idea what could be causing this?

Did you try without the explicit config of climate and camera? Discovery should be able to detect them. The No home coach devices found message is a bit confusing but safe to ignore if you don’t have home coach devices.

Thanks for helping!

I tried it now with the followig config:

  discovery: true
  api_key: api key
  secret_key: secret key
  username: e-mail
  password: password
  - platform: netatmo
  - platform: netatmo

The same result, radiator valves and camera are not present in home assistant. Whilst the weather station modules are there. Any idea how I can do some more debugging? My debug rules are now:

   default: critical
     homeassistant.components.netatmo: info

Please remove:

  - platform: netatmo

  - platform: netatmo

And try again.

Tried this with only the main config.

Unfortunatly the same result, only the weahter station available not the cameras or the valves.

Any idea on further debug actions?

  discovery: true
  api_key: api key
  secret_key: secret key
  username: e-mail
  password: password

Next step would be to set

     homeassistant.components.netatmo: debug

Thanks for all the help, please find below the logs.

It looks like it finds the weather station, and indicates that there are no thermostat devices available. Would the radiator valves count as thermostat devices? No mentioning about my two welcome camera’s.

Is there any way to view the direct API (JSON?) response from Netatmo on the list of devices? I allready tried to create an new APP with App secret etc.

2019-07-22 20:43:07 DEBUG (SyncWorker_16) [homeassistant.components.netatmo.climate] No thermostat devices available.
2019-07-22 20:48:56 INFO (SyncWorker_7) [homeassistant.components.netatmo.sensor] No home coach devices found
2019-07-22 20:48:56 DEBUG (SyncWorker_9) [homeassistant.components.netatmo.sensor] WeatherStationData detected!
2019-07-22 20:48:56 INFO (SyncWorker_9) [homeassistant.components.netatmo.sensor] Netatmo refresh interval reset to 463 seconds
2019-07-22 20:56:41 DEBUG (SyncWorker_12) [homeassistant.components.netatmo.sensor] WeatherStationData detected!
2019-07-22 20:56:41 INFO (SyncWorker_12) [homeassistant.components.netatmo.sensor] Netatmo refresh interval reset to 300 seconds

You can run this script to gather further information.

python --USERNAME <your_username> --PASSWORD <your_password> --CLIENT_ID <your_client_id> --CLIENT_SECRET <your_client_secret>

Please send the result as a PM.


is there anything new here?
I have the same issues since 0.96.3.
everything worked fine before that.
It’s only my valves and my netatmo presence.

In my debug Logs i found this:

2019-07-26 11:08:22 DEBUG (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser__hap._tcp.local.) [homeassistant.components.zeroconf] Discovered new device Netatmo Relay._hap._tcp.local. {'host': '', 'port': 5001, 'hostname': 'Netatmo Relay.local.', 'type': '_hap._tcp.local.', 'name': 'Netatmo Relay._hap._tcp.local.', 'properties': {'C#': 'xx', 'S#': 'x', 'ff': 'x', 'sf': 'x', 'pv': 'x.x', 'md': 'Netatmo Relay\x00', 'id': 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx', 'na_tkn': '8xxxxxxxxxxx', 'ci': 'x'}}
2019-07-26 11:08:22 DEBUG (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser__hap._tcp.local.) [homeassistant.components.zeroconf] Discovered new device Netatmo-Presence._hap._tcp.local. {'host': '', 'port': 5001, 'hostname': 'localhost.local.', 'type': '_hap._tcp.local.', 'name': 'Netatmo-Presence._hap._tcp.local.', 'properties': {'C#': 'x', 'S#': 'x', 'ff': 'x', 'sf': 'x', 'pv': 'x.x', 'md': 'Presence', 'id': 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx', 'na_tkn': 'fxxxxxxxxxxx', 'ci': 'xx'}}

I ‘x’ some information :slight_smile:

It broke in 0.96.3?

Yes, i think so. I updated it on monday from 96.2 to .3 and Since then my camera and valves are Not found.

The zeroconf message is probably related to homekit not the netatmo integration. Did you add any new netatmo devices to your netatmo account? The issue described above usually comes from a very specific circumstance which soon will be addressed.

Could you please verify that everything works before 0.96.3?

I Added a new sensor to the weather Station Last week, but everything worked fine afterwards.
I can say that with 96.x everything worked fine until 96.3.
I can hardly say which 96.x Version I had, but I know that After 96.3 the valves and Camera where Not discovered anymore.

Would you mind downgrading to 0.96.2 to try again?

Can you Tell me how i can do that :slight_smile:

Edit: found the command, will do it later!

Great, thanks in advance.

So, I downgraded to every version from now till 0.95.4. even with 0.95.4 my valves and netatmo present are not discovered.
I restarted again and even used my second “app” client.
This didn’t work either.
Now I’m back on 0.96.5.

Ok, I would have been surprised since I am not aware of any related changes. But the good news for you, the upstream changes just got merged so the fix for this issue should be part of the beta next week.

sounds great, thank you!
But when I get that right, it will be part of 0.97, which will be released in nearly two weeks.

That is correct. But if you feel adventurous you can test the fix early.