Netro "report weather" action (service)

I’m using a Netro smart watering controller. As the netro attempts to determine watering schedules based on the need, I use the netro integration to supply additional information to netro.

I’m looking at the “report weather” action (pka - “service”). I’d like to provide information from my ecowitt weather station (using the ecowitt integration) to Netro. Can anyone please post their action calls as examples of how to do this?

Question 1: I’d like to report rain (an obvious first place to start). Should I take the “daily rain” as reported by Ecowitt, and send it to netro say (for example) once an hour? Would netro replace this value with the new value I send? If it rains all day, the ecowitt value would gradually increase through the day. I assume Netro would replace the previous value with the new one I send each hour (as opposed to adding it to the previous value)?

Question 2: I’d like to keep the weather service config in my netro system. My ecowitt can tell me what happened and what is happening - but does not forecast. So what happens if I report rain fall amounts each hour, and then the weather service (weather underground - WUG) tells netro that it is not raining (or provides a different value than I gave it?) Would the WUG value over write the Ecowitt value I provided? Should I disable the weather provider in Netro and thus not have a forecast capability?

I’m very interested in hearing other peoples experiences with the “Report Weather” action.
