Since running HASS OS on a VM, I am interested in finding a ZigBee hub that connects over the network instead of USB. Any thoughts or suggestions on this?
under network:
You have a few options. You can keep your existing hub and simply run it on a serial to ethernet converter, or you can use a raspberry pi and ser2net to perform the same function as those purpose-built devices (one advantage is you can use the same pi for both z-wave and zigbee hubs). Or go with the list Francis pointed out.
One advantage of using the serial to ethernet option is you don’t have to rebuild your existing zigbee network. Migration details here Connecting to a remote Zigbee coordinator with ZHA using ser2net
Edit: the migration option assumes you run ZHA but I would assume Zigbee2mqtt would have similar migration paths.
If running Zigbee2MQTT, I would simply install Zigbee2MQTT on the pi instead of running ser2net
There’s a post on the forum for doing the same with Z-Wave-JS-UI as well, which is a great option if you need to run multiple Z-wave hubs due to distance/size or other constraints.
Lot’s of great suggestion. One thing I didn’t mention, the only ZigBee network I have is Phillips Hue, and looking to augment/replace that anyway based on some things that they are doing lately.
I like the self-contained unit for simplicity, adding a Pi in the mix is one more thing to go wrong in the chain. Although, looks like some of these are ESP8266 coupled with a CC2652P board for the actual ZigBee. Not sure how difficult that would be to setup since I have a lot of ESP8266 devices as climate thowies (Temp/Humidity) in ESPHome already. It would use WiFi, which for non-critical things may not be bad but would rather the reliability of the ethernet. Maybe a Pi dedicated to this function with the ZigBee hat isn’t the worst thing, keep it minimal on the OS load. Then again, the adapters on the page that @francisp provided are cheap enough that it may not be worth the effort to roll my own.