New Adaptive Lighting Integration

ah! ok, is it not needed via HACS any more then! will have a play

I’m not sure what you mean? The Adaptive Lighting component is not in HA Core so you still need to use HACS, as far as I know?

Has anyone found a way of using this with lux sensors, for times like when the curtains are shut during daytime

Adaptive/Circadian lighting is designed to adjust the brightness and color temperature of artificial lighting based on the sun, not lux sensors. I think you will have to design your own automation…

On top of that Daniel has mentioned, using a lux sensor inside the room to be lit isn’t going to work very well. Once the light is on the lux sensor reading is no longer of any use to control the light level, so it can only be used the one time and has no ability to be dynamic.

I never thought about that aspect! …which is why I do not use the lux sensors that are in my motion sensors! Without a lot of finagling, the light would be toggling on, off, on, off, on…
I only use an outdoor lux sensor to trigger blinds and to disable motion activated lighting during the day.

I did actually do it and it was working ok, but required calculating the lux provided at certain light percentages with all doors/curtains shut and at night. But I take your point, I think what I’ll do it have an automation that triggers the lights to come on to minimum when the lux drops to a certain level if the room is occupied.

Like I said, it will take a bit of finagling! Where there’s a will there’s a way…

These add-ons don’t always provide a solution. I have a somewhat complex node-red routine for my living room motion activated lighting. Entity-controller, AL and CL couldn’t do what I wanted so I created my own automation in NR. I originally started in HA but it got too convoluted for even me to understand…

I’m also using a NR routine for my circadian lighting now…

There is an easy fix for this which I use. I have a condition that if the light is on then allow retriggering of the light despite the light level being over that which would normally warrant triggering the light.

alias: 'Passage downlights auto'
    mode: restart
      - platform: state
        entity_id: binary_sensor.passage_ms6_motion
        from: 'off'
        to: 'on'
      - platform: state
        entity_id: binary_sensor.paradox_z5_living_pir
        to: 'on'
      condition: or
      - condition: template
        value_template: "{{ states('sensor.passage_ms6_illuminance') | int < states('input_number.passage_min_lux') | int }}"
      - condition: state
        entity_id: light.passage_lights
        state: 'on'
      - service: light.turn_on
          entity_id: light.passage_lights
          brightness_pct: "{{ state_attr('switch.adaptive_lighting_passage', 'brightness_pct') | int }}"
          rgb_color: "{{ state_attr('switch.adaptive_lighting_passage', 'rgb_color') }}"
          white_value: 0
      - delay: '00:0{{ states.input_number.passage_lights_auto_off_time.state | int }}:00'
      - service: light.turn_off
        entity_id: light.passage_lights

It’s a simple fix and works really well. I use this same code for a few lights in my house. They never turn off while motion keeps retriggering even thought the light has caused the light level to rise above the low lux setting. Once motion stops retriggering it, the delay turns the light off. If the lux level is above the setting (set via an input_number for easy GUI adjustment) then the light doesn’t turn on at all.

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Thanks for that! I have motion controlled lighting in Garage (always dark so I want to always turn on), Office (I always want them to turn on since ambient natural lighting is insufficient at my desk), Bedroom (I want motion activated lighting disabled when I tell Alexa Good Night), Master Ensuite (same as garage…it’s always dark) and Living Room where I have additional conditions like if TV is on don’t turn the motion controlled light off). The only place I could use Lux is Living Room and Bedroom but my exterior Lux sensor works quite well for them. I might play with it for the Living Room so that if other lights are on it won’t trigger except that where the sensor is located there is likely minimal change in its luix level. Something to play with…

Really scratching my head here. The docs say configuration, after adding repo via HACS, is via ConfigurationIntegrationsAdaptive Lighting, Adaptive LightingOptions

I don’t see Adaptive Lighting in my Integrations and it’s not found if I “Add Integration” and search for adaptive???

Running 2021.7.4

For some strange reason it takes a while until a new integration added via HACS appears in the “Add Integration” search results. I have encountered the same a few times in the past.
Try a few hours later, that’s what I did and then it was there.

No luck - left it over night and even did a second re-start of HA. No errors in logs.

I had removed mine since I’m now using routines in NR but just for the hell of it I re-added the integration in HACS, restarted HA and it was immediately (re)available…

Try refreshing / clearing your browser cashe

I did not have to but yes, that can fix a myriad of issues…

Yep, that did it.


I recall that there was a way to set adjust brightness only (not RGB or Kelvins), but I cannot find this anymore. Installing in a second house which has Warm to Dim style LED lights that auto-adjust color based on brightness levels. The adaptive lighting component does not seem to be turning on lights and setting brightness.