[New Addon] Pentair Screenlogic

I have created an addon for communicating with Pentair EasyTouch via Screenlogic. First, I would like to give credit to https://github.com/krk628/hassio-screenlogic-addon for creating the proof of concept and inspiring me to create my first addon.

Control Pentair Pool Circuits via Screenlogic IP and Receive Status updates

Home Assistant addon for communicating with Pentair EasyTouch via Screenlogic IP via nodejs

  • This addon requires a MQTT broker to pass state and commands to Screenlogic.

  • Add repository to your addons and install: https://github.com/bwoodworth/hassio-addons

  • Set config options:

    • MQTT_server - IP address of MQTT server
    • MQTT_port - MQTT server IP
    • MQTT_user - MQTT server username
    • MQTT_password - MQTT server password
    • ScreenLogic_server - IP address of the ScreenLogic controller
  • Add the entities from configuration-entries.yaml to the HASS configuration…use those command_topic and state_topic attributes exactly as that’s what the addon is using. Restart your Home Assistant so you see the new entities.

  • You should be getting values into the sensor entities and be able to turn the configured circuits ON/OFF


Is it possible to use this with homeassistant rather than hassio? I use homeassistant and I am considering installing a screenlogic system and was hoping for something like this :slight_smile:

You should be able to copy the files from the repository to a pentair-screenlogic directory in your custom_components directory.

I hope to eventually turn this into an actual integration which would then definitely work with Home Assistant Core.

I have updated the addon to output details about the system including the circuits when it first starts. Check the log after starting the addon and you should be able to tell which circuits are what.

I use Hassio and I get when circuits report but can’t turn anything on from Hassio.

Did you add the entities to your configuration?

I’m in the same boat as chrismdann. The add-on reports but my HA buttons don’t control anything.

This is a great addon, thanks Brian!

My water temp has been stuck at 30 degrees for 3 days, which isn’t correct. So I may have something else wrong with my config…

Can you post the logs from the addon after you start it?

version=POOL: 5.2 Build 738.0 Rel
pool ok=1
pool active=false
pool temp=59
pool heatStatuse=0
spa active=false
spa temp=83
spa heatStatus=0
salt ppm=3300
air temp=52
Number of circuitArray Objects=14
cyanuric acid=0
salt cell installed=false
controller is in celsius=false
Number of bodyArray Objects=14
circuitId: 500
name: Spa
circuitId: 501
name: Booster Pump
circuitId: 502
name: Pool Light
circuitId: 503
name: Spa Light
circuitId: 505
name: Pool
circuitId: 510
name: Spa High
circuitId: 511
name: Boost Low
circuitId: 512
name: Feature 3
circuitId: 513
name: Feature 4
circuitId: 514
name: Feature 5
circuitId: 515
name: Feature 6
circuitId: 516
name: Feature 7
circuitId: 517
name: Feature 8

version=POOL: 5.2 Build 733.0 Rel
pool ok=1
pool active=false
pool temp=30
pool heatStatuse=0
spa active=false
spa temp=41
spa heatStatus=0
salt ppm=0
air temp=14
Number of circuitArray Objects=18
cyanuric acid=0
salt cell installed=true
controller is in celsius=false
Number of bodyArray Objects=18
circuitId: 500
name: Spa
circuitId: 501
name: Pool Light
circuitId: 502
name: Aux 7
circuitId: 503
name: Aux 3
circuitId: 504
name: Deck Lights
circuitId: 505
name: Pool
circuitId: 506
name: Gazebo Lights
circuitId: 507
name: Pool Low
circuitId: 508
name: Pool High
circuitId: 510
name: Feature 1
circuitId: 511
name: Feature 2
circuitId: 512
name: Feature 3
circuitId: 513
name: Feature 4

Looks like it is reporting 30 degrees for your pool temp. I’m guessing that is not what your Pentair app is saying? The air temp is reporting as 14 degrees. Is that true?

@chrismdann Looks like the addon is connecting correctly to your ScreenLogic. Do you have an MQTT server set up have the MQTT addon configured with the proper creds? Can you post your config for the switches?

Same issue here. Changing the switch state returns back to initial state and nothing happens. States are published correctly

1582087425: Received PUBLISH from mosq-Z3Vl7fXmxByba9kZsO (d0, q0, r0, m0, ‘pentair/circuit/503/state’, … (3 bytes))
1582087425: Sending PUBLISH to auto-FFA8815E-8B70-FE2B-D79D-B45DB74B9853 (d0, q0, r0, m0, ‘pentair/circuit/503/state’, … (3 bytes))

Also the command is seen on MQTT broker:
1582087970: Received PUBLISH from auto-916B6684-AE99-F966-D337-66AE18D9444A (d0, q0, r0, m0, ‘pentair/circuit/503/command’, … (2 bytes))

set_circuit seems to work if I manually run it to control the circuit states, but no idea how to troubleshoot further.

v1.5 released. This fixed the issue with changing the switch state.

It works. Thank you for the fix!!!

v1.5 works on my end too. Thanks Brian!

I was wondering if anyone has this working with Home Assistant and would be kind enough to post their working configuration.yaml entries.

I’m afraid something happened with the addon and it is no longer working. If you have a working version don’t upgrade.

I’m trying to figure out the issue, but I am admittedly new to creating addons so I don’t know when it will be fixed.

Ok, I got it figured out. v1.8 released. Let me know if it still isn’t working.