[New Addon] Samba NAS. (Mount external disk and share it )

I apologize, maybe it’s late, but I don’t understand what the problem is.

The disk data should update every 60 seconds and I see no errors from the logs. Are you having trouble with sensor data update?

The fact that every time a message is sent it connects and disconnects is correct because the connection is not persistent. Is done with mosquitto cli.

For samba errors:

idmap range not specified for domain '*'
Failed to fetch record!
pcap cache not loaded

This is a problem with the upgrade to samba version 4.12.7. I’m trying to solve from config but in any case it is only aesthetic as it is warnings.

is not supported, you can’t

Well it used to work by using host system mount command, but I can’t make it work anymore.

No, with ha operating system you can mount external drive on host only manually and, if you do, you can’t mount the same drive with this addon.

I still don’t understand what you are trying to do. If you want help, please try to explain your use case and give me an overview of your system.


Hi Lucio,
I try to explain what happened. So yesterday I updated the SambaNAS to nas2 and then everything was working. The HDD was mounted and the size information was visible in the entities. This was working in 1-2 hours. Now I have checked the mounted HDD and the contents of mounted HDD hasn’t been visible, I needed to restart the SambaNAS. After it, it is working again. As well as I see this in the size entities:
The data hasn’t been updated for 18 hours.
This is why I wrote my previous comment.

Using hassio. I was able to get debug access to work on port 22222. From there, I was able to use /dev/sda1 like this:

mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/data/supervisor/media

Hi Lucio,

I tried sambanas, then I uninstalled it.
Now I have a lot of “sensor.sambanas*” entities left in my system that can’t be disabled nor deleted.
How can I delete the zombie sensors?

Go to the entities tab in UI configuration, sort by state, and click on each one and delete it.

I can’t:


Restart HA.

I just restarted HA, and the whole System, the sensors are still there.
I can’t find the place, where I can delete them.

I think they were auto-discovered by MQTT.

Sensors are created with auto discovery in MQTT with persistent messages. ( as ha documentation )
For now to delete sensors you need do remove the messages from MQTT server, you can do it with any MQTT client.

I will investigate why the UI don’t allow the management and if is possible…


Thanks for the information! :smiley:
I removed the zombie entities with MQTT-Explorer.

Hi, I am unable to start this succesfully and connect to it… the normal “samba share” works just fine.
am on rpi4, here’s my log… would appreciate if anyone had any idea!!

You need to disable Protected Mode, in the Info tab.

Thank you @KTibow
it is disabled tho.
I had the wrong log pasted, I changed it with the correct one now if you have any other idea.

You haven’t configured MQTT in Home Assistant.

thanks, will look into it!

Thanks for the great Addon. This is exactly what I was looking for :slight_smile:

One problem though - I’ve mounted a usb drive and everything works fine with locating and writing, but I don’t have delete rights. Any ideas here on how to change the access right?
