New Aqara light switching itself on unexpectedly

Hi all - recently started adding some Zigbee devices at home (all Z-Wave until now) but having some issues with one device switching itself on randomly.

The specific device I’m having issues with is an Aqara T1M that is randomly switching itself on; sometime main light, sometimes the ring, sometimes both - multiple times everyday.

I did a bit of searching around and saw some threads about some devices clashing (?? :man_shrugging:) and just to make sure that that the devices’ setting for Start-up Behaviour was set to “PreviousValue” so they would revert to as they were before. I have that setting available on the Ikea bulb, but there’s nothing like that showing for the Aqara device:

Anyone have any ideas or suggestions how I might resolve this?


Additonal info on current setup

Connected Zigbee devices:

Other Info:

  • Devices are all on same floor, less than 20ft apart.
  • Using ZHA in HA.
  • Only current ‘automation’ for this device is one that switches on/off based on a (non-zigbee) switch. No current automation for switching it on/off automatically.
  • Nothing useful in the log - only that it’s now on (I’m assuming as reported by the light)

I have been experiencing the same issue with symptoms just as you describe on my Aqara t1m connected via a Conbee iii and using ZHA. I haven’t found any root cause and don’t really know what to try next. I wondered if there was a firmware upgrade but being ZigBee via ZHA I can’t tell.


After going through the ‘Manage Zigbee Device’ option, I’ve found some settings that look like they are the bits that would usually manage the start-up behaviour:

Anyone know if it’s possible to set some value here to force a change to the start-up behaviour - or is this not likely to work because it’s not showing up in HA?

Hello, I have the same problem and have already tried to write start_up_on_off with a 0 and StartUpOnOff.Off, apparently without success because the field remains empty when reading out.

I was able to find that too:

I found a review on the Canadian Amazon site that suggests the light can ship with firmware that has this random turning on behaviour, and that an update is required. As I don’t have an Aqara hub I have no idea how to get an update. My current firmware is 0x00000017 but I don’t know what is current and/or may fix the issue.

The problem does not seem to have been resolved with the current firmware.

Also experiencing this issue. As soon as both lights turn off, they both turn right back on. Doesn’t matter if I turn the main light off, then the side ring light, or reverse the order, or group them and turn them off simultaneously. With one light on, the other will stay off, but with both lights off, it immediately resets to full on.

My firmware is also showing as 0x00000017 and “Up-to-date” in ZHA.

I am also experiencing this issue. Hoped it was the faulty unit I had first (which developed a coil whine), but the replaced unit is showing the exact same issue as described here. It turns on randomly multiple times a day.

Both the faulty and the replaced unit have firmware version 0x00000017.
Using ZHA with a Sonoff Dongle Plus E with Firmware: build 0.

After numerous tweaks to my Zigbee setup I am running out of options to try. I have it wired to a Shelly 2PM to be able to supply it with constant power and be able to turn it on or off using a switch. I was thinking of directly wiring it to the mains to see if the Shelly somehow cuts the power for a millisecond and it’s goes into a default state. But looking at this topic it might just be the firmware.

Before you go changing anything - mine is wired directly to the mains with no other inline devices connected and still have this issue :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Like everyone else, mine is on f/w: 0x00000017.

I thought I had implemented a temporary fix until a proper one comes along (an automation in HA that when light reports it is on, checks to see if any buttons [linked to light control scripts] have been pushed recently and if not, switch the lights back off)… however, it’s now evolved to bypass my fix and sometimes isn’t even reporting to HA that it’s on so can’t get turned off! :melting_face:

Indeed, mine is doing the same.

However, I’ve installed a second one in my office that doesn’t exhibit this issue, so not sure what’s the matter with the first. I have two others to install so I may replace the one in the master bedroom with one of those in case it’s just a bad unit.

Is there any difference between the one that does work and the one that doesn’t?
Software and/or hardware wise?

They were in the same Amazon order, so I don’t think anything is different hardware wise (and they’re on the ceiling now, so can’t easily check, but nothing stood out to me).
Firmware is the same between the one that wants to stay on:

and the one that respects my nocturnal wishes:

A development: The Adaptive Lighting integration may have been interfering somehow.

I found that the bedroom light does turn off and stay off when I have Adaptive Lighting Sleep Mode turned off.

I do have detect_non_ha_changes set to false as recommended if seeing unexpected turn-ons: GitHub - basnijholt/adaptive-lighting: Adaptive Lighting custom component for Home Assistant so this may be an issue similar to the SENGLED light issue: GitHub - basnijholt/adaptive-lighting: Adaptive Lighting custom component for Home Assistant

Recently fitted a T1M and am having the same issue with it randomly turning on a couple of times per day.

Will be following this thread with interest, otherwise I might take it down and just send it back.

I’ve tinkered with this a bit more to try and find the source of the issue. My T1M is ~3m line of sight from the ZigBee coordinator (SkyConnect), yet occasionally I see it has become unavailable in the log book.

I’ve removed all automations, and removed circadian lighting which I was using (though it was switched off), and yet it still turns on a couple of times a day, some times the ring, or the main light, sometimes both.

There are 39 other ZigBee devices in my network and I’ve never had any of them behave like this.

As far as I can tell, the T1M is behaving as if there was AC power loss; those of us using Home Assistant (ZHA) have it set to be “Always On” after AC power loss, and as we can see in this thread, there is currently no way in Home Assistant (ZHA) to switch it to “Previous State”; though doing so would only hide the real issue here.

I’ve deleted it from my ZigBee network entirely not to see whether it still turns on randomly, and in the meantime, I’ve contacted Aqara to see what they have to say; like others here I have no intention of buying an Aqara hub to update the firmware to see if that resolves the issue; if there response doesn’t provide a solution, I’ll just return the light.

I’ll post back here if I hear anything back from them.

I bought 3 Aqara T1M lights a few weeks ago and also had the same problem with the lights turning on be themselves.
The original firmware, in all 3 of them, was 0x00000017 (looking in HA) when I got them.
A week ago I bought a Aqara hub just to be able to update the firmware and got them up to “0.0.0_0026”, according to the Aqara hub, which is reporting as “0x0000001a” in Home Assistant.
I then left home for 6 days and upon my return 2 or the 3 lights had turned on by itself. Looking at the logs the lights seem to have turned on the day after I left, 4 hours apart.

I’m using Home Assistant with SkyConnect (Connect ZBT-1) build 0.
I’ll connect one light to the Aqara hub again later and see if there is any new software update.

Today (2024-06-27) I remove one T1M from HA and added it back to the Aqara hub.
There was no new firmware available for the light.

As far as I can see. The light coming on seems to be the power-loss-recovery state. I wonder if theres just a hardware issue with the power supply or something in these that can’t be resolved in firmware.

Some people have 1 of several units not doing this, theyre on the same firmware so it has to be a hardware issue.

One potential workaround for anyone with an aqara hub might be to change the power loss state to “previous” or “off”, default is “on”.

After I changed my 3 T1M’s, from HA to an Aqara hub, they haven’t turned on by themselves. This might suggest that it’s not a hardware problem?

It might be luck, or something the aqara hub is doing, but I deleted mine from all hubs and left it as a stand-alone light, turned it off and it still turned on by itself.

Since mine is in my home office, Ive also noticed it turn off and on again when it’s just supposed to be idle while I work, like it’s resetting.

The behaviour all seems to fit with it losing power or the MCU resetting or something.

I’m taking mine down today to return it, and Aqara are sending me an updated one since i don’t have a hub.