New Aqara light switching itself on unexpectedly

You spoke to Aqara and they agree to replace them?
That will be interesting since I have updated the firmware in mine and still have the problem. But maybe they just don’t want to admit a hardware problem.

Not exactly, they told me to return the existing one and buy a new one, they’d update the firmware before dispatching it.

Worth mentioning that this is Aqara UK.

Ok, I’m looking forward to hearing if that fixed the problem for you.

Can you explain how this works? using the shelly 2PM to control the light while keeping it supplied with constant power?

The Shelly 2PM is installed behind the wall switch for the light.
In the Shelly you can configure the switch as detached, which will register a flick of the switch but it won’t actually turn on or off the power for the light, the Aqara in this case.
Instead when the switch changes to on or off Home Assistant sees this and turns on or off the Aqara using the Zigbee protocol.

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I think you are right. It really seems like a short reset of the device.
Yesterday I was in the room when the main light of the Aqara was on at 5% brightness, it switched off momentarily (half a second), turned back on at 5% brightness and the ring light came on at 100% brightness as well. These are the values I have set in Home Assistant, so instead of going back to the previous state the light was in before the reset it just reads what is set in Home Assistant and turns both lights on at those values.

Yeah, it totally looked like a momentary reset to me, it would go off for about half a second and come back.

The light can’t read state from home assistant, home assistant pushes the state it wants to the light, so the colour/brightness should be the light’s default or the previous state, HA will update its state from the light so you can’t easily check.

I’m pretty confident it has nothing to do with HA state, because when the light is set to off in HA, it shouldn’t randomly switch on and stay on after a reset, if HA state was to blame.

It’s hard to say without debugging whether its a controller resetting, maybe crashing, or a power issue, I wonder if any debug port is accessible on the LED controller? I’ve already returned mine so I can’t check.

Just waiting for the new light to arrive and see of that behaves any differently.

My new light arrived today and I’ve fitted it. It’s running the older firmware 0x17 (23).

Unfortunately, I didn’t follow the scientific process and changed two variables at once; I found, when fitting the light that my earth wire was floating (not connected to anything on the switch side) and was reading ~100V. I’m guessing this was due to induction from the live.

I’ve screwed the earth to the wall/switch box and it has been pulled to ground now. This makes two things having changed; the wiring and the light itself (makes it more difficult to diagnose, but might point others in the right direction if a similar wiring issue could be the cause).

I turned the power off to fit it, so my Zigbee network is a bit of a mess at the moment (a large percentage of the 40 ZB devices I have are light bulbs, which had their power cut, so it’ll need some hours to stabilise.

What I’ve noticed so far, the connection seems very unreliable to this new light, I’m hoping that’s due to the network stabilising, so I’ll play with it more in a few hours.

I’m going to leave it off now for the rest of the day and I’ll check back tonight and see if it has turned on again. If there are no issues, I’ll update the firmware as I now also have an E1 hub.

Any update? Did your network stabilize? Firmware update? Light turn on spontaneously or when turned off?

Hi @StephenBrown2,

My network stabilised shortly after and the light has been working flawlessly since. I haven’t had any issues with it switching on at all. I didn’t update the firmware yet but I plan to at some point.

I had the same issue. I update with an Aqara Hub the firmware from 023 to 026 and now it works correctly with ZHA.

Is there a way to update the firmware on these without an Aqara hub?

No, unfortunately not. Mainly because you can’t get hold of the firmware.

That’s why Aqara distributor in the UK gave me an E1 and said just pair it back and forth when I wan’t to update.

Has anyone else had any luck with the update to 026 fixing it? I have the same issue with mine and it’s driving me nuts. I guess I’ll have to contact Aqara in Australia. What’s the cheapest model hub from them?

Probably the E1, which the UK distributor gave me for free when I told them about the issue.

It retails for something like £27.99 here.

I ordered a T1M for Prime Day, updated to latest 026 when I received it, and then paired it to HA. It seems to randomly turn off and back on during the day and also turning on at night :man_shrugging:

I just got a big Eff You from Aqara support. So much for that brand…

I contacted them directly and through Amazon (where I bought mine) and they sent me a replacement under warranty right away.

I haven’t yet replaced it, but plan to do so soon.

I contacted them on their support page. They’ve told me to buy a hub:

I’m sorry to hear you are having this problem.

The Aqara T1M doesn’t support officially connected directly to the Home assistant

We would recommend you to connect it to the Aqara Hub in the Aqara Home app, then change the power-off memory to be restore the last status, see if it would solve your isssue

Hi All,

I created a quirk for this based in the code in this pull request, by copy and pasting the entire python file into “” and it appears that it’s loaded:


There is now a “power_on_behavior” in the cluster/attributes:

Unfortunately this doesn’t appear to be writing correctly. I set the value to “1”, but when I go back and re-read it, it’s gone back to 0.

I’ve never integrated any quirks before so I guess I’m obviously doing something wrong here.