New Aqara light switching itself on unexpectedly

Ok … never mind! I took it all out, added it again and it’s working fine!

I’m having the same issue, I’m returning it to Amazon.

With the custom quirk installed, I haven’t seen the issue arise again. Here’s looking forward to zha gaining that quirk and exposing the cluster as an easy toggle in the UI.

Thanks for this! I’ve just added my first quirk to HA too (hopefully! :joy:)

I’ve managed to swap the value over, and it seems to be staying on ‘1’ so now just have to wait and see if that works over the next week or so. :+1:

Edit (2 weeks later): All seems to be working properly now, no further random switch-ons! :partying_face:

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Seems to have done the trick for me, thanks for suggesting this!

This is interesting. For me, it doesn’t have issues if I use the Aqara Hub, even with the power-on behavior set to off!

I even used the Aqara App to adjust the power-on behavior to on before adding it back into HA, but I still had the issue

Will have to attempt this

Have applied this quirk a couple of days now and it seems to be working!
Thanks! :+1:

Curious to see if the opposite is now true; that it will turn off when it “restarts” while the light is turned on. But even if it that is the case it is far less annoying than the light turning on when it was off.

What’s the verdict on this quirk? Is it working for most people? Currently running a script to turn off every 5 minutes during daylight hours. I seem to have failed to install the quirk even though I copied the code. Will have another go later if it’s working.