New Automation GUI: Put Device at the bottom of the drop down trigger list

Please could Device be moved to the bottom of the drop down list of triggers in the new automation GUI. And remove the phrase “Great way to start”. It isn’t.

There are a number of disadvantages to device triggers - they are one of the most common sources of problems raised on the forum. Entity should be at the top of the list.

Please please please! Agree 100%!!


FWIW, I have usually found it more challenging to answer questions about automations employing Device Triggers/Conditions/Actions. They were designed for user convenience but are inflexible and their verbose YAML was never designed to be manually altered (common mistake is to attempt to add a template) and not for ease of support.

Lately, they use an alphanumeric identifier for entity_id which makes them even more opaque to people who provide support. There’s probably a good reason for doing that (another level of indirection to allow for more flexibility internally) but it reinforces the belief that, unlike a traditional trigger, a Device Trigger’s YAML was never meant for interpretation/modification.


Very much this.
In fact I constantly have problems on my own installation, because it seems that at some point I took advantage of device triggers and device actions, and at some point replacing the device, has meant that the automation now has errors, and then I have to go in to the YAML editor to fix these issues, because otherwise you have to add a state condition, or a service call depending on what you are fixing, and then move the section to the right part of the automation, and then delete the broken bit. It’s very time consuming.