New images, based on HassOS

Found the previous resin image and the resin-boot partition mounts fine. I’ll stick with this release for now!

For RPi3 (Not B+), 32 or 64?

64 should be OK. See how you go…

not sure if it’s just me but it runs/boots a lot slower than the old ResinOS system.
and getting underVoltage errors very strange

It wasn’t documented very well in the post, but you need a separate FAT32 USB stick with a volume name of CONFIG, and the resin-sample file in a “/network/” directory.

Took me a while to figure it out last night, but working fine now.

I’m actually trying that right now, if this fails I’ll go back to resin. Man, pretty frustrating not spotting that 5 sd card burns ago…

I don’t know about running slower but I am pretty sure it starts slower.
It was bad enough before but several minutes to restart when making changes to my config is putting me off wanting to change/add/enhance anything! :scream:

Remember to contribute back to the docs to help clarify if something is not clear


There’s a donation page for purchasing hardware to get a supported build:

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Hi, guys. I installed a new HassOS on my Raspberry Pi 3B+ and I am a little confused: How should I connect like Pi user now for installing some new features or configurations? e.g. I need to install LIRC, configure CloudMQTT bridge, configure raspi-config, setting up platform rpi_rf, etc. Thanks in advance for yours advices.

HassOS is for the pi. It has no bearing on what is going on inside any other OS.

Just use normal Home Assistant Docker.

It sounds an awful lot like you need hassbian.

Anyone clear instruction on how to setup wifi on hassos?

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All good so far, thanks for all the hard work your an amazing teamgiphy

I setup 64bit on rpi b. Everything is ok, except the dht sensor (there was an error since 0.73) and rpi_gpio . Everyone else has the same problem?

3B+ here, boots up and connects to network OK, but connection refused to ip:8123. What can I try?

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It actually appears that the correct method (and other updates regarding this new version) got pushed to the Getting Started page already:

I have been running on a rpi3B+ with Raspbian Stretch. Webmin and Node-Red are also running.

Conversion to HassOS worked as advertised except that four of thirteen add-ons were not installed. They are all from third parties. One is a local modification found in the Addon directory. Not difficult to fix if you have local backups of the other available Samba directories (share, addon, config, ssl) in addition to backup.

But, the HassOS version seems slower to (re)start than the Raspbian version. So I timed them. The HassOS version consistently takes 4 minutes and 24 seconds to present the UI upon restart. The Raspbian version is ready in 2 minutes and 26 seconds. No errors in either log. Have repeated these results many times.

I had the rpi_gpio issue too. Reverting now back to resin…

same for me…very slow to boot whitout error

thanks for this I’ll donate now.