New IKEA Dirigera hub

In my case there is only on device connected to it, a Zigbee Green Power 4 buttons kinetic switch (no power, no wire, no battery).
I’d really LOVE to remove that equipment that is a one device only gateway.
I can also flash my Sonoff GW3 with Zigbee2MQTT but I’ve absolutely no skill in soldering.

Now I understand your pain. I thought you have some Hue bulbs as well.

I really doubt that the Dirigera Hub will ever support 3rd party devices. It is due to the fact that most of the Zigbee devices have some quirks what Hub manufacturers are not willing to deal with.
For this reason you need a hub which can deal with all sort of devices, because it has code to handle these special cases, like a SmartThings (I am not sure that it supports Green Power either) hub or Hubitat or somethings similar, like Zigbee2MQTT running in your HA setup.

I don’t know what you meant by Sonoff GW3. I don’t know what device is it. For Z2M or ZHA you would need a USB Zigbee dongle.
If you meant Sonoff ZB 3.0 USB dongle, then I don’t know what you want to solder on it. They just work with Z2M as I remember. And they don’t cost a lot. You probably could sell the Hue bridge (if it is a v2) on ebay as used and buy from the money a dongle mention above. They don’t cost a lot, from you can get it now for 31 EUR. From other source it would be less than that…

I’m talking about this piece of hardware

It is supposed to be “Green Power” ready if flashed.

But you need to solder headers on the board which I’m not able to do myself.
It is working very well today as Zigbee to Ethernet/WiFi bridge but not taking the full advantage of what is inside. Maybe even matter?

If want to use devices from other manufacturers than IKEA then highly recommend buy one (or) more CC2652P based Zigbee Coordinator USB adapter like the ITead’s “Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus” (model “ZBDongle-P”) as then you have the option to use either Home Assistant’s own native/built-in “Zigbee Home Automation (ZHA)” integration or the popular third-party Zigbee2MQTT solutions as your Zigbee gateway, or optionally you could even use/test both separately at the same time as long as they have their own Zigbee Coordinator USB adapter (but they will not be aware of each other in any way and each devices can only connect to one of them, however you can use devices from any of those inside Home Assistant and integrate such devices there if needed, still the general recommendation is to only use a single Zigbee solution if possible as consolidatiing all Zigbee devices on one common Zigbee network makes better use of its network mesh capabilities).

Regardless of which setup you choose I also recommend you read and follow these tips → Guide for Zigbee interference avoidance and network range/coverage optimization

Also, since you will be starting from scratch to create a new Zigbee network do make sure that you start by adding all your mains-powered devices before adding any battery-powered devices, (since most mains-powered devices will likely act as Zigbee Router devices).

Another tip is to read at least ZHA introduction and limitation sections before beginning with any similar solution that uses a Zigbee Coordinator adapter, see → and

PS: Personally I use the ZHA integration right not though I have used Zigbee2MQTT to and recommended both, just be aware that they have different pros and cons, so suggest you do some more research or just test both before deciding which

I already have a lot of Zigbee devices, door sensors, water leakage and temp/humidity mainly connected to the ZB-GW03 gateway and all light bulbs and remotes to the Tradfri gateway.

I bought a Green Power switch “Friends of Hue” because it was meant to be in a room with no electrical connection. Long story short, I divided a room into 2 and one part still have a ceiling light but the switch is now in the other part of the initial room, so I bypassed the switch and put that “no power” switch.
I thought that it will pair no problem with the ZB-GW03 but no, not without flashing it.

So I bought a second hand Philips Hue bridge just for that particular device.

So, right now, I have 3 “zigbee gateway”: tradfri, ZB-GW03 and Hue Bridge. If I can remove one I’d be happy. I have to find someone to solder the header on my ZB-GW03. Then I can think about replacing or removing the Tradfri GW.

P.S.: I tried to move my Ikea light bulbs and remotes to the ZB-GW03 but it was showing in HA with a image that I did not like.

I finally figured out how to make it work again with the HomeKit Controller/Device integration. For everyone still struggling with the HomeKit based setup, try it this way:

It seems like a firmware update hid the auto-discovery of the Dirigera Hub behind a setting in the app. To trigger auto-discovery in Home Assistant you need to go to the hubs partner service settings in the app and try to connect it from there with HomeKit. But then don’t scan the code in the back of the hub with your phone! Instead now go to Home Assistant integrations page and enter the code there once asked for it while adding the discovered HomeKit controller. Keep the QR scan dialog open on your phone until setup in Home Assistant is complete.

Has anybody managed to get HomeKit working on Dirigera with an Android device?

Yes I did, but I switch to the Skyconnect because the Dirigera is crap

How did you manage to do it?

In the HA UI. Wasn’t that hard really

It doesn’t detect it for me. “no unpaired homekit devices found” or something like that.
I’m not sure how to proceed.

It works fine in the Ikea Android app though.

I think I should buy a second hand iPhone to see if I can enable Dirigera for Home Assistant?

Some needed to reset the dirigera a couple of times but tbf the dirigera doesnt work that great compared to a zigbee stick

I added mine yesterday. I had to enable “external integrations” in the Home Smart app for the hub, and then restart HA. Then it did show up (and then used the HomeKit code written on the backside, without any hyphens).

I’ve tried using SkyConnect with Ikea lamps and that works too, but I prefer the redundancy so I can still turn on and off lights even if my HA is down.

I don’t see how you connected a Dirigera hub to HA because there are no “external integrations” in the Home Smart app for the hub, only three 3rd party services: Apple Homekit/Amazon Alexa/Google Home.

I also mentioned this in another topic, but it wouldn’t hurt if I also mentioned it here:

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Yes, its most probably unrelated. I saw it was mentioned in other threads on the Internet, and when I tried it it worked for me, but most probably a coincidence. For anyone struggling, its an easy thing to test at least.

I just wrote a draft integration for the same, anyone still interested in it?


I am interested in it still

An interesting development on my end.

I recently switched from running HA as a container and set up a new instance using a Raspberry Pi and HA OS.

After I got my info restored, a Home Assistant notification showed up saying that it had found a new Homekit device, my Dirigera hub.

I entered the code on the back of the hub, and now the Dirigera hub and it’s attached devices are available in Home Assistant again.

That’s really interesting. For me, the opposite happened. The integration through HomeKit was working fine until yesterday morning and then all of a sudden it stopper working. I removed the HomeKit integration altogether and tried to start from scratch. Now the Dirigera Hub is not even being detected in HomeKit integration.