New IKEA Dirigera hub

In the HA UI. Wasn’t that hard really

It doesn’t detect it for me. “no unpaired homekit devices found” or something like that.
I’m not sure how to proceed.

It works fine in the Ikea Android app though.

I think I should buy a second hand iPhone to see if I can enable Dirigera for Home Assistant?

Some needed to reset the dirigera a couple of times but tbf the dirigera doesnt work that great compared to a zigbee stick

I added mine yesterday. I had to enable “external integrations” in the Home Smart app for the hub, and then restart HA. Then it did show up (and then used the HomeKit code written on the backside, without any hyphens).

I’ve tried using SkyConnect with Ikea lamps and that works too, but I prefer the redundancy so I can still turn on and off lights even if my HA is down.

I don’t see how you connected a Dirigera hub to HA because there are no “external integrations” in the Home Smart app for the hub, only three 3rd party services: Apple Homekit/Amazon Alexa/Google Home.

I also mentioned this in another topic, but it wouldn’t hurt if I also mentioned it here:

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Yes, its most probably unrelated. I saw it was mentioned in other threads on the Internet, and when I tried it it worked for me, but most probably a coincidence. For anyone struggling, its an easy thing to test at least.

I just wrote a draft integration for the same, anyone still interested in it?


I am interested in it still

An interesting development on my end.

I recently switched from running HA as a container and set up a new instance using a Raspberry Pi and HA OS.

After I got my info restored, a Home Assistant notification showed up saying that it had found a new Homekit device, my Dirigera hub.

I entered the code on the back of the hub, and now the Dirigera hub and it’s attached devices are available in Home Assistant again.

That’s really interesting. For me, the opposite happened. The integration through HomeKit was working fine until yesterday morning and then all of a sudden it stopper working. I removed the HomeKit integration altogether and tried to start from scratch. Now the Dirigera Hub is not even being detected in HomeKit integration.

How can it work for you when it’s something that’s not even possible to configure?

Have written a new integration for the Dirigera hub @ GitHub - sanjoyg/dirigera_platform: HomeAssistant Integration for Dirigera Platform


didnt you integrate the blind controls too? or the remotes?
as the work you’re scaffolding on does so it seems, it would be nice t have all, like the current Ikea integration has it.

would be cool if you did.
if so, I could install and test it, for now I have to stick with the HomeKit integration, as I cant lose that functionality I am afraid.
that is, I dont expect the Dirigera to be able to talk to both?

Finally figured it out!
The Dirigera hub can be connected only to one “home” at a time. For me, the hub stopped showing up from Home Assistant when it was connected to my wife’s iPhone’s HomeKit integration. Once I removed the integration from her phone’s Home app, it showed up again in the Home Assistant app via HomeKit integration!

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Integrated the blinds and controller now, but it is experimental. Will need help with JSON dump if it doesnt work

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I am trying to get this to work with my Derigera and i am not seeing any devices show up in HA. I successfullly get the integration installed, and it finds the hub (I push the action button). It completes the configuration, but it does not pull in any devices I have set up. Currently those are:

Styrbar Remote (I know not supported, was hoping to get you the JSON dump)
Tradfri Remote (Need a dump?)

This is the error I see from the platform dump:

TypeError: homeassistant.helpers.device_registry.DeviceRegistry.async_get_or_create() argument after ** must be a mapping, not SensorDeviceClass
2024-02-25 02:08:58.280 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] Error while setting up dirigera_platform platform for sensor
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 352, in _async_setup_platform
    await asyncio.gather(*pending)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 533, in async_add_entities
    await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 642, in _async_add_entity
    device = dev_reg.async_get(self.hass).async_get_or_create(

Sanjoyg When I try and add your repository to my Hacs I get this error. I’m an HA noob so I might be doing something wrong.

did u pick up the latest?

you still getting the error?