New IKEA Dirigera hub

Similar thing here.
I added-removed-readded that shortcut button at least 5 times and then it suddenly worked. No idea what I did different that time (if anything at all).
Now it’s been working for a solid 8-9 hours! \o/

… Having tried 10+ times now it seems the Trådfri remote (round thing, on/off button in middle and 4 buttons around the perimeter) can be added to Dirigera using IKEA’s mobile app, but does not show up in HA at all. No battery, no nothing. So far.

Same here. Managed to add IKEA hub but tradfri remote not appearing in HA. However, light is appearing.
I can see both in IKEA app though :thinking:

The on/off dimmer and Styrbar buttons also don’t show up.

Anything not compatible with HomeKit won’t display.

Not sure, but I think the firmware on the Dirigera was updated.

My shortcut button works fine with a scene on the hub, but is not working within HA.

Another odd thing, I went through the process of adding the shortcut button to the Dirigera without deleting the old instance.
It added a new device instead of indicating that particular device was already connected :man_shrugging:

I’ve been able to detect and pair with the Dirigera using the 8 digit code, but the Tradfri remotes I have are also not detected in HA.

It’s being added as a HomeKit controller, so anything not HomeKit compatible won’t show up.

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And what is and what isn’t HomeKit compatible from the Tradfri (IKEA) line-up?

Most of the buttons and remotes.

I have the on/off dimmer, Styrbar, and shortcut Button connected to my Dirigera.

Only the shortcut Button shows up in HA.

anyone added the STARKVIND Air purifier? do we have the same sensors etc?

Not really useful, can’t turn it on or of or setting the speed…

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I further extended the client. Pretty much all endpoints are now implemented and can be accessed via the API. However, what is still missing is the data model of most devices. You would help me a lot if you ran the dump application provided in the repo and shared the output with me (best as an issue on GitHub). Especially if you have devices that are not supported yet (Basically everything except of: TRADFRI bulb E27 CWS 806lm, Remote Control N2, SYMFONISK Sound Controller, TRADFRI motion sensor).


@m73 Could you share the websockets URL you used for doing the event stream?

@metellius Didn’t use the websockets at all (or the event stream). Just reverse engineered some of the endpoints from the decompiled apk. Great work above by @Tamagotchi that includes a lot of the endpoints and models for the HubApi exposed by the gateway.

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I finally able to get HA and Dirigera working. Just realized that I had to remove the Dirigera bridge from the Apple Home app, then it becomes discoverable in HA. The rest is straightforward, except the Ikea Tradfri dimmer button would not show up


I see a lot of work on decrypting the API communication, what I found out is that this hub seems to work differently with pairing (on Zigbee protocol level). In previous one you would use the Touchlink approach of holding the pairing button from a remote close to the light you want to add. This hub does not support that behavior. It uses an approach similar to what we have been using for ZigBee3 in Home Assistant (the 6 power on/off cycle).

This allows you to assign remote controls, group lights and move then from one room to another on the app, after you have paired them.

Because it doesn’t seem to rely on Touchlink, it seems we can finally make the 5 key remote bind correctly to a group of lights on ZHA, if we capture the zigbee traffic and reproduce the steps the hub is doing.

I suggest updating firmware of your IKEA devices to the latest version. There was a lot of fixes to device firmware during dirigera development (among them binding issues).

All of the Ikea devices I added to my Dirigera hub updated their firmware automatically.

The only issue I’ve seen so far is that for some Ikea battery devices on firmware 24.4.5, the battery reports 250% if connected directly to HA via ZHA.

I’ve played a bit with using the REST integration to control a “TRADFRI control outlet”. It works, but is a bit tricky to set up. You need to find the IP of the hub and generate a token (see DIRIGERA/ at 341fbab6ab23e74e5b30a085a76c500e2eeb602f · wjtje/DIRIGERA · GitHub for example). You also need to find the device ID of the device you want to control (listed on the https://HUB_IP:8443/v1/devices endpoint)


  packages: !include_dir_merge_named packages/


   - platform: rest
     resource: !secret ikea_dirigera_url
     name: !secret ikea_dirigera_device_name
     unique_id: !secret ikea_dirigera_device_id
     method: patch
     device_class: outlet
     body_on: '[{ "attributes": { "isOn": true }}]'
     body_off: '[{ "attributes": { "isOn": false }}]'
     is_on_template: "{{ value_json.attributes.isOn }}"
     verify_ssl: false
     scan_interval: 5
       Authorization: !secret ikea_dirigera_bearer
       Content-Type: application/json


ikea_dirigera_bearer: Bearer TOKEN
ikea_dirigera_url: https://HUB_IP:8443/v1/devices/DEVICE_ID
ikea_dirigera_device_id: DEVICE_ID
ikea_dirigera_device_name: "Outlet 1"
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They fixed battery reporting range to be aligned with zigbee spec (previously was 0-100, on new firmware is 0-200 - according to ZCL spec)

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