New install going from bad to worse ... no internet connection appears to be the problem

New installation and new user … And really inexperienced. I BalenaEtcher’d the SSD for generic x86-64, installed the card in a Dell Wyse 5070 thin client PC and started it up. All went well. It appeared to get time from the internet. And It updated the software per my request after I created a user at startup. But … I think that after the update, I lost internet connections. When I tried to do a variety of things (like adding Z-Wave support) it would fail. And the network menu item indicated no internet. I could get there from my PC via the LAN but no WAN connection, seemed to not see the internet.

So I decided to start from scratch and re-BalenaEtcher the SSD for generic x86-64. Now the startup fails. I never get a chance to create a user/system. The log indicates … “blocked from execution, no supervisor internet connection”. The other odd behavior is the first try consisyently gave it a address (it changed on reboots but alway starting with Now the router gives is a number. it is the only number on my router.

Given that I am flashing and booting from an image, I’m at a loss as to what to do.

Nothing on the router hints at any of the issues I’ve had so far. On the first try, when HA sorta worked, nothing hinted at what the problem was or what to do.

Hi Nick, welcome to the forum!

Have a look at this post which explains how to install without having to take out the SSD: Installing HAOS on a dedicated x86-64 PC - #11 by MichaelSidenius

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Thanks for the welcome … it’s good to be here …I wish it was under better circumstances :slight_smile:

I’ll give your suggestion a try. While looking for a flash drive, there’s been a reboot or two and now I can access HA via the network as before. But still no happiness. Still seeing “External Network Disabled”. So as best I can tell, it can’t see the internet.

But that said, it did get the forecast. So it’s seeing the internet???

As I said, I’ll give the USB stick method a try.

Do you mean “External Access Disabled” (from Settings > System > Network)?

If so, that doesn’t mean what you think it means. That setting is for connecting to HA from outside your network (incoming connections, like the companion app on mobile) and has nothing to do with HA connecting to WAN (outgoing connections)

Yes, my mistake. “External Access Disabled” (from Settings > System > Network) is what I meant.

Thanks for clarifying that. That’s not obvious.

FWIW, when I do a Net Info, the last line is supervisor_internet: false

I’m still looking for the right size USB drive. I may need to get an new one. So I have not yet tried the alternative proposed.

Given that HA came back to life after the 2nd install, I wonder if the retries simply timed out.

Could it be your devices loses power on the nic when the usb device started?
Sre there any bios or fw updates for your device?

There were no USB devices used during installation. The only USB device at this point is a Zooz Z-Wave dongle … and it fails to load the “Z-Wave JS Supervisor add-on”. It fails … “Failed to get Z-Wave JS add-on info.” It fails with or without the dongle attached.

And the weather is no longer available. It knows there’s an update but it failed the update process. The radio fails setup … could not connect to radio browser API.

Still looking for a thumbdrive to use for the next istallation.

If your HA box is getting an IP address on the wrong subnet then that will stop it getting internet access. Do you have a second router or other device with DHCP enabled anywhere on your network?
To confirm this, give HA a static IP address on the 192.168.0.x subnet and it should work.
Or else disconnect everything else on your network, disable WiFi on the router and try again.

Pat, that may be part of the problem. Thanks for the hint. After tutning off some other routers, it changed the behavior of HA. So I re-flashed the SSD, reinstalled, and started from scratch. As part of the onboarding it threw an alert " ! Cannot get network information". the onboarding failed. It would only show part of the onboarding screen. So I reflashed again and now it doesn’t get an IP address. I rebooted the router and will reflash the SSD again.

Found the likely problem … the network cable fell out of the socket. Argh!

Is there a way to cause a fresh restart without reflashing the SSD?

Waiting for USB thumbdrive delivery so I can try that approach.

You need to fix the problem with your network first. You mention other routers, you can only have one router on a network (except in advanced setups), and only one DHCP server (usually the router) handing out IP addresses on a LAN. Violating these rules leads to the problems you are experiencing.
It should be possible to just restart your HA PC if it fails to connect, but I’ve never tried it as it’s never failed for me.
Once your Home Assistant box is up and running, give it a static IP address under Settings, System, Network, IPv4.

I think I found a reason why no IP address … at some point the network cable fell out of the socket … :frowning: Argh.

Restarting fresh aagain now.

Thanks again Pat for the suggestion. After numerous attempts using a previous extract (and failing), I extracted the file again and used that new extract. I reflashed the drive using Etcher. That worked. I was able to install the Z-Wave JS support which I was not able to do before. At this point, I think all’s well. :slight_smile: :grinning:

I think the root cause was a router on the network that may be set wrong (working that now).

Now onwards …

For those who may find this helpful …

  • I had HA (Dell Wyse 5070 Pentium) connected to a switch connected to a router modem

  • Off the switch were two other routers acting as access points/switches … extending the WiFi

  • One of the routers, for lack of a better word, was “scrambled”, but still functioning for WiFi. I couldn’t see how it was configured because I could not get to it via ethernet (PC to Modem) or WiFi (PC to Modem). Best I can guess was that it was dishing out DHCP addresses on a diffent subnet (which it was not originally configured to do).

  • Strangely, the main modem/router would give it an IP address, would see it on the network, but I couldn’t get to it, and it didn’t respond to pings. It handled WiFi traffic fine.

  • Further guessing, HA didn’t like that and thus was the root of my problem.

  • With the problem router removed from the network, I could get HA up and running (As best I can tell, it is running perfect now)

  • Once I factory reset the problem modem, I could get to it just fine.

  • Something happened on our wired network while we were gone months ago. I had to replace a couple NIC’s/wired devices. I suspect this is a byproduct of that event.


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