New install -- no network

I just installed HA on a new PC. It has two nics. In a precious life the Nics worked fine and they are enabled in the Bios. HA boots fine but there is no network connection. I tried to set the network Ip using ha network update eth0 --ipv4-method auto ipv6-method disable
I get a etho not found

I got to the linux command line and tried nmcli con show and got nothing. Using another nmcli command I found about 8 vethxxxxxxx entries. I tried the update command for the first listed veth and it wasn’t found. What else can I try?

What type of HA install?

What Is linux OS? Does it have network or IP?

I used the instructions here:

Network cable was connected upon boot. Don’t know which Linux OS it is, whatever the image provided. It has no network IP that I can find.

I also solved the same problem by re-recording the IP in /etc/network/interfaces on reboot

@reboot /usr/bin/cp /etc/network/interfaces.old /etc/network/interfaces”

Is the underlying OS Linux? I am used to seeing that file referenced

Debian 11 on service cloud whit ip public static

running nmcli I see a docker0 , an hassio and several other entries.

docker0 has entries like ipv4 address, also dns and route shoule I edit that entry?

no, that’s correct

Theorhetically the install should have detected the NIC and enabled and provisioned it, right?

yes, Theorhetically

I have reimaged the drive twice. Ther version is 9.5, is that the latest? I copied it from the instruction webpage

I don’t know, i use install supervised

The Generic X86-64 image is what I use on an Intel NUC It is based on Debian- not that this ever made any difference to me. It is also a Docker container, and again- I’ve never had to worry about managing the Docker container. You can ignore the Docker IP address.

Which model of PC?
What OS did it run in its prior incarnation?

Can you boot Debian from a USB stick?
Check that you have an IP address using
nmcli | grep inet4
in a terminal window. (It will likely be the same IP on Home Assistant because the router remembers the MAC address for a while).

When you boot Home Assistant, the attached monitor is a terminal window. Enter
nmcli | grep inet4
What do you get?

Debian 11 on public service cloud based on vmware, 4 step for installation supervised.


Currently i do not believe the host PC has networking.

You should connect to host and verify. Not sure if you already mentioned if that’s working

The PC is a OEM2550L2D-MX, Integrated Dual-core Intel Atom processor D2550 4GB ram

It ran Centos 6 flawlessly for a couple of years.

hostname -I got a no host found from the login cli

That is sufficient for running Home Assistant. I have a similar one from BMAX that I am installing Home Assistant on now.

So, is Home Assistant working except for the Ethernet? You are in the terminal? What does
nmcli | grep inet4

How did you install HAOS?

nmcli | grep inet4 returns nothing at all.

I installed HAOS by flashing the image using balenetcher using the url in the instructions onto my ssd drive

Yep I am in the terminal and I can use the login to get to the OS.

As soon as I can , I will probably do the install supervised that sdavides uses. Probably over the weekend if I get lucky

So you downloaded the .bin file in the instructions then flashed that image using Balena Etcher to the boot drive?

Download Advanced IP Scanner. It’s a free tool that you will use often. Run it and look for “homeassistant” in the Name column.

From the Home Assistant terminal window, enter ifconfig. Do you have an “en01” section like this?

I would boot Debian or Ubuntu from a USB stick to verify that the ethernet works.