New Sonoff RF Bridge Board - Need Flashing Help

I am in the same situation to some other here.
I have followed the direct hack board changes, flashed Tasmota 10.1.0.
I have configured the module type to Sonoff Bridge(25)
I have played with configuring the GPIO4 and GPIO5 pins to Serial TX/RX.
I’ve configured MQTT
But I cannot get any RF receives on the console. I think it should be automatically snooping for RF signals. I have about 3 RF remotes and none of them trigger anything. I can’t determine if I just don’t have a remote recognized by the RF chip or if the serial link to the RF chip isnt working.

I also have a broadlink 4 pro, does anyone know if there is there a Send Comand I can use from that should be observed by this RF chip?

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In Reply to Rikels…
Flashing with Tasmota was very frustrating and involved many retries before it worked for me.

First, I followed the direct hack instructions earlier on this thread. The GPIO0 is already connected to the push button on the board. So you don’t need extra connections, you just need to hold this button as you power up. And hold it for an extended period.

Second, I had no luck with the web tool for flashing. It said it was successful a couple of times but the board never booted into Tasmota. I only got it to work using the Tasmotizer executable. And then I just used the Release 10.1.0 and Erase before flashing.

Third, I think the USB-Serial adapter I have is a bit flakey, the USB socket seemed to easily connect/reconnect with the slightest touch. This may well be the source of my frustrations. I was powering my RF board via this USB, so I connected GND, VCC (3.3v), RX and TX (remembering to cross these over). ie. 1 USB cable into the USB-Serial, and no USB plugged into the RF Board. So to flash I carefully unplugged the USB (computer side because my socket seems poor), hold the RF board’s button, Insert USB and keep holding the RF button for a while. Now Tasmotize.

Once successful you will see the “wifi LED” on the RF board blink as it reboots.
And you will see a new Wifi network named Tasmota-xxxx to connect to and follow the steps
I was then able to unplug the USB-Serial and power the RF board by its own USB socket.

If you did the hardware mod, I don’t think tasmota makes sense, ESPHome is good for that

Can I please have a clarification from @mateine?
If my point is to receive more RF codes, it doesn’t matter whether it’s Tasmota or ESP Home on the main processor. The restriction seems to be the RF chip firmware and the inability to flash Portish on this V2.2 board. Tasmota / ESP Home has a different set of pros/cons but their ability to detect RF will be the same?

Can I please have a clarification from @mateine?

Sure. The point of modding the hardware is to remove the RF processor from the circuit and talk directly to the RF (de)modulator.
Tasmota’s module 25 expects to talk to the (now disconnected) RF processor through its Tx and Rx pins, but there’s nobody to talk to anymore.

With that being said, my comment about “tasmota not making sense with the mod” is actually incorrect. But you need to use this module instead: RF Communication - Tasmota

Note that this only applies if you modded the hardware. Otherwise go for module 25.

I hope you get it running soon! :slight_smile:

Thanks for the explanation. It’s a bit embarrassing I did not pick up the details of the hack on first reading.

The Sonoff Bridge has 4 main chips (labeled on the circuit board picture above)
• U1 is an 8051 instruction set micro used to encode/decode RF It used to be EFM8BB1 now OB38R08A1 in V2.2, this is the change preventing Portish.
• U2 is the ESP8266
• U5 is the RF Transmitter
• U4 is the RF Receiver

After the “Direct Hack” we removed U1 from the system
• RF Received data out connects into ESP8266 GPIO4
• RF Transmitter data in connects to ESP8266 GPIO5

From where I was with Tasmota it was easy to do an over the air firmware upgrade to the tasmota-sensors.bin.gz. Then I configured the module like this (I think that’s correct from the documents).

Then into the console, checking we have the right firmware and setting the receive protocol to parse all available protocols. Note that this command will not work unless you have the right firmware and module setting.

Unfortunately, I still don’t receive anything from my remotes. Given the RX and TX paths appear to be independent I was expecting the RFSend to be received back to itself and this would be a good self-check. But nothing.

I probably need to take a look at ESPHome given people here have that working…


Did you have any luck with Tasmota or did you go with ESPhome?


I also use the new version of the Sonoff RF bridge, the hardware mod described here seems to work. I am using ESPhome and somehow getting nowhere and need your assistance.

When I press a button on the remote control for my shading the following appears in the log.

Now the question is what should I do with the raw data, how do I reformat it?

I have tried in different ways to program the switches…but unfortunately nothing happens…the shading does not move.

Attached my YAML

  name: sonoff-rf
  platform: ESP8266
  board: esp8285
  build_path: ./build/sonoff-rf

  fast_connect: true


  pin: GPIO13

# USBRX = GPIO4 ---> receiver
# USBTX = GPIO5 ---> trasmitter

# receiver = pin 5 of the 8-legged chip (the one closer to the wifi antenna)
# transmitter = pin 4 of the 6-legged chip (closest to r12)

  pin: GPIO04
  dump: all

  pin: GPIO05
  carrier_duty_percent: 100%

# this will log received commands, and can also transmit. Read up here:

  - platform: template
    name: HOCH 01
      - remote_transmitter.transmit_raw:
          code: [636, -261, 608, -263, 614, -271, 598, -273, 605, -275, 596, -275, 608, -272, 606, -2402, 1499, -262, 1434, -575, 310, -256, 602, -598, 291, -243, 632, -272, 599, -272, 604, -591, 299, -563, 312, -561, 320, -250, 601, -597, 306, -548, 322, 
                 -260, 623, -251, 602, -273, 601, -277, 599, -260, 624, -581, 312, -563, 296, -268, 615, -573, 300, -582, 284, -277, 601, -275, 608, -563, 327, -246, 623, -262, 608, -280, 592, -274, 597, -271, 616, -584, 296, -577, 299, -262, 606, -272, 611, -260, 613, 
                 -263, 607, -278, 603, -256, 615, -277, 598, -581, 324, -244, 617, -265, 609, -258, 615, -253, 631, -261, 611, -263, 603, -265, 621, -262, 615, -249, 617, -268, 613, -258, 622, -265, 606, -587, 286, -275, 610, -590, 279, -582, 315, -549, 314, -266, 595, 
                 -583, 303, -265, 611, -579, 310, -254, 601, -596, 305, -540, 317, -575, 4996, -4958, 634, -582, 299, -255, 608, -571, 316, -263, 607, -271, 599, -282, 591, -597, 293, -575, 314, -555, 310, -253, 620, -568, 315, -570, 298, -275, 589, -282, 608, -277, 
                 579, -287, 612, -264, 607, -569, 319, -559, 311, -269, 617, -564, 307, -563, 306, -272, 610, -263, 613, -568, 310, -258, 621, -264, 601, -263, 613, -277, 595, -276, 603, -580, 309, -564, 300, -266, 608, -282, 596, -286, 591, -278, 602, -276, 613, -258, 
                 601, -277, 610, -585, 300, -263, 593, -254, 624, -281, 596, -269, 610, -268, 609, -260, 626, -254, 611, -274, 606, -263, 603, -284, 599, -268, 608, -267, 612, -581, 298, -246, 619, -581, 305, -578, 306, -574, 291, -268, 608, -584, 308, -256, 603, -410, 
                 499, -239, 615, -571, 295, -566, 309, -552, 5018, -4924, 661, -579, 315, -256, 607, -576, 310, -263, 604, -267, 596, -270, 612, -585, 315, -540, 332, -567, 315, -250, 593, -588, 306, -551, 331, -254, 613, -269, 601, -263, 618, -270, 594, -279, 610, 
                 -592, 294, -565, 316, -250, 613, -563, 315, -577, 305, -256, 608, -268, 615, -584, 292, -272, 601, -262, 609, -267, 608, -272, 606, -268, 627, -568, 305, -556, 322, -265, 598, -247, 625, -272, 605, -275, 607, -271, 607, -267, 608, -279, 599, -572, 313, 
                 -260, 602, -274, 600, -268, 610, -278, 601, -270, 594, -281, 592, -279, 613, -265, 605, -283, 591, -280, 612, -258, 617, -269, 610, -580, 300, -263, 598, -566, 327, -554, 324, -580, 296, -253, 610, -573, 313, -253, 608, -582, 303, -267, 604, -596, 294, 
                 -580, 274, -559, 5014, -601, 2794, -1570, 623, -421, 462, -257, 613, -592, 310, -237, 622, -249, 610, -277, 607, -583, 314, -548, 306, -581, 317, -258, 598, -586, 317, -565, 289, -263, 608, -258, 613, -277, 599, -272, 598, -294, 594, -575, 303, -575, 
                 303, -253, 630, -568, 310, -563, 312, -263, 601, -272, 612, -574, 305, -265, 597, -272, 615, -272, 607, -269, 610, -270, 592, -598, 292, -577, 305, -263, 595, -281, 592, -267, 619, -266, 603, -282, 600, -252, 633, -250, 615, -577, 311, -255, 610, -268, 
                 608, -265, 615, -265, 611, -272, 595, -257, 637, -262, 602, -274, 596, -282, 599, -279, 599, -260, 608, -268, 623, -577, 303, -250, 620, -568, 314, -543, 341, -568, 292, -271, 606, -584, 299, -262, 609, -563, 325, -255, 608, -584, 315, -570, 270, -580, 
                 4989, -4103, 1498, -578, 297, -264, 615, -563, 317, -275, 582, -275, 612, -256, 622, -552, 332, -570, 298, -558, 317, -265, 610, -583, 303, -566, 319, -263, 581, -285, 606, -272, 601, -275, 603, -286, 598, -458, 420, -562, 315, -258, 610, -571, 307, 
                 -582, 302, -269, 599, -267, 611, -579, 310, -254, 609, -273, 601, -261, 610, -277, 607, -266, 606, -568, 334, -556, 308, -253, 611, -272, 606, -262, 618, -263, 589, -284, 617, -266, 608, -260, 608, -599, 298, -258, 594, -282, 608, -263, 613, -258, 620, 
                 -265, 617, -251, 599, -270, 630, -255, 613, -270, 636, -242, 612, -266, 601, -272, 613, -580, 291, -265, 615, -573, 314, -578, 294, -574, 308, -263, 598, -592, 291, -263, 608, -514, 362, -260, 618, -575, 313, -562, 296, -564, 5012, -4953, 630, -560, 
                 331, -252, 612, -571, 310, -267, 601, -270, 595, -281, 596, -592, 300, -568, 315, -573, 296, -262, 613, -587, 297, -563, 314, -251, 619, -259, 609, -264, 614, -266, 609, -260, 625, -568, 317, -551, 322, -265, 601, -575, 306, -560, 313, -263, 608, -277, 
                 605, -559, 329, -248, 613, -265, 613, -268, 596, -291, 597, -260, 625, -546, 325, -563, 313, -264, 606, -268, 608, -255, 616, -267, 613, -273, 605, -277, 599, -272, 608, -575, 315, -251, 613, -262, 599, -270, 620, -258, 615, -272, 606, -265, 599, -267, 
                 613, -270, 620, -260, 610, -285, 599, -260, 601, -277, 614, -567, 313, -252, 606, -590, 305, -568, 305, -570, 296, -270, 596, -568, 327, -258, 611, -579, 301, -270, 608, -580, 307, -571, 281, -575, 4987, -4972, 626, -562, 317, -246, 630, -572, 304, 
                 -262, 606, -270, 608, -270, 605, -585, 304, -576, 311, -563, 291, -279, 594, -570, 317, -561, 323, -250, 608, -275, 603, -267, 617, -273, 613, -261, 605, -585, 292, -572, 312, -258, 606, -575, 312, -575, 301, -262, 604, -270, 605, -583, 312, -251, 599, 
                 -272, 612, -268, 604, -263, 615, -270, 606, -582, 303, -570, 317, -237, 620, -262, 623, -265, 589, -294, 598, -268, 608, -263, 604, -281, 594, -601, 296, -255, 625, -251, 603, -270, 606, -270, 613, -277, 596, -279, 593, -278, 613, -256, 610, -270, 613, 
                 -260, 611, -267, 598, -276, 612, -571, 317, -251, 615, -566, 324, -573, 298, -558, 308, -270, 594, -589, 301, -262, 612, -600, 277, -260, 604, -596, 291, -570, 301, -575, 4992, -3016, 319, -1068, 1179, -573, 310, -267, 603, -580, 303, -268, 613, -262, 
                 604, -272, 603, -587, 301, -572, 303, -583, 298, -265, 607, -576, 305, -571, 305, -244, 622, -263, 608, -286, 590, -272, 613, -246, 637, -563, 307, -580, 308, -251, 613, -587, 295, -568, 310, -242, 625, -267, 601, -585, 312,
                 -268, 607, -569, 315, -258, 610, -575, 313, -575, 296, -572, 298, -268, 601, -575, 308, -255, 618, -580, 312, -256, 615, -561, 312, -556, 303, -554, 5008, -4974, 633, -562, 315, -270, 604, -589, 298, -263, 603, -265, 606, -272, 606, -577, 
                 308, -577, 308, -556, 305, -258, 613, -554, 331, -566, 315, -251, 608, -277, 606, -260, 611, -267, 608, -272, 613, -573, 304, -557, 315, -265, 608, -576, 300, -577, 308, -265, 615, -258, 611, -566, 311, -254, 611, -270, 605, -275, 603, -263, 620, -260, 
                 606, -594, 301, -573, 300, -267, 612, -264, 602, -267, 607, -254, 614, -285, 599, -258, 620, -253, 623, -563, 308, -262, 611, -284, 599, -269, 600, -285, 594, -289, 582, -282, 606, -270, 605, -277, 603, -275, 590, -279, 599, -269, 606, -277, 615, -578, 
                 291, -267, 618, -566, 314, -566, 308, -542, 326, -258, 625, -561, 322, -255, 606, -592, 281, -265, 611, -577, 308, -568, 310, -537, 5010, -2270, 155, -2524, 650, -590, 292, -262, 615, -582, 297, -266, 607, -266, 599, -277, 613, -582, 298, -571, 315, 
                 -565, 308, -248, 613, -571, 319, -563, 291, -263, 619, -259, 620, -265, 608, -275, 606, -258, 604, -581, 320, -558, 324, -244, 613, -568, 313, -570, 308, -246, 620, -267, 608, -580, 304, -276, 600, -269, 605, -268, 610, -270, 617, -252, 608, -565, 327, 
                 -561, 308, -262, 606, -282, 596, -270, 600, -273, 622, -268, 601, -265, 599, -279, 608, -580, 305, -251, 618, -263, 597, -269, 629, -272, 597, -260, 611, -260, 622, -265, 609, -267, 611, -265, 608, -272, 603, -282, 594, -275, 601, -598, 294, -241, 639, 
                 -547, 324, -571, 303, -567, 310, -261, 610, -559, 319, -256, 620, -577, 301, -256, 615, -577, 310, -549, 315, -573, 4981, -4949, 658, -577, 294, -255, 612, -581, 310, -258, 607, -250, 629, -268, 615, -570, 305, -580, 299, -541, 325, -260, 616, -584, 
                 319, -554, 303, -260, 601, -270, 623, -255, 618, -267, 594, -261, 627, -580, 305, -558, 309, -274, 605, -575, 306, -575, 291, -260, 604, -286, 611, -577, 316, -245, 611, -257, 613, -277, 600, -271, 599, -279, 599, -558, 329, -568, 323, -231, 622, -280, 
                 598, -268, 599, -269, 609, -274, 610, -275, 595, -276, 604, -577, 303, -267, 611, -270, 594, -279, 608, -270, 613, -272, 582, -284, 609, -269, 601, -277, 590, -288, 610, -263, 611, -253, 607, -267, 617, -578, 303, -255, 624, -569, 305, -571, 310, -591, 
                 283, -262, 612, -587, 296, -272, 599, -570, 308, -258, 626, -583, 290, -574, 288, -571, 4986, -4966, 646, -575, 298, -253, 615, -587, 300, -252, 609, -276, 606, -269, 613, -580, 298, -568, 310, -459, 410, -270, 605, -580, 310, -566, 305, -258, 604, 
                 -282, 599, -257, 619, -269, 606, -572, 308, -272, 594, -272, 612, -269, 599, -274, 604, -262, 632, -260, 615, -233, 629, -277, 605, -266, 615, -261, 617, -263, 592, -291, 603, -370, 510, -263, 606, -582, 313, -556, 311, -567, 316, -252, 615, -561, 312, 
                 -258, 613, -393, 497, -256, 598, -414, 476, -582, 296, -549, 5012, -268, 594, -272, 604, -267, 603, -285, 598, -272, 614, -271, 606, -265, 612, -273, 604, -3848, 722, -383, 628, -588, 306, -258, 609, -453, 424, -267, 609, -274, 607, -257, 606, -587, 
                 307, -566, 313, -553, 329, -246, 615, -573, 310, -580, 293, -275, 596, -272, 606, -261, 601, -291, 603, -265, 599, -575, 312, -590, 281, -275, 601, -592, 303, -560, 306, -251, 608, -267, 627, -561, 315, -248, 616, -272, 601, -260, 618, -268, 603, -272, 
                 611, -591, 304, -574, 285, -260, 615, -277, 608, -270, 594, -279, 608, -275, 600, -259, 603, -282, 613, -575, 312, -256, 599, -267, 600, -276, 620, -255, 617, -264, 615, -256, 624, -268, 601, -267, 599, -279, 594, -287, 601, -577, 308, -251, 623, -262, 
                 615, -566, 303, -255, 620, -270, 608, -580, 312, -578, 286, -256, 620, -260, 614, -271, 597, -594, 293, -260, 613, -270, 588, -586, 4993, -4956, 632, -587, 298, -270, 598, -585, 291, -263, 619, -270, 616, -265, 608, -559, 326, -568, 298, -582, 286, 
                 -266, 621, -565, 319, -563, 304, -262, 606, -272, 603, -268, 596, -284, 618, -251, 617, -580, 303, -585, 292, -257, 605, -583, 293, -566, 324, -260, 610, -275, 593, -579, 305, -260, 619, -269, 603, -268, 610, -268, 608, -258, 635, -562, 319, -564, 296, 
                 -272, 601, -272, 592, -270, 611, -274, 597, -278, 599, -272, 620, -258, 626, -562, 303, -249, 629, -270, 596, -282, 599, -277, 594, -277, 603, -265, 617, -263, 604, -279, 599, -281, 586, -297, 586, -598, 289, -271, 609, -255, 625, -561, 319, -254, 618]
  - platform: template
    name: RUNTER 01
      - remote_transmitter.transmit_raw:
          code: [604, -268, 608, -270, 610, -578, 303, -572, 302, -264, 606, -270, 605, -270, 606, -272, 608, -265, 618, -263, 606, -267, 608, -585, 298, -265, 606, -270, 606, -272, 608, -267, 606, -270, 606, -272, 606, -270, 605, -270, 612, -266, 608, 
                 -270, 607, -581, 301, -262, 609, -269, 609, -579, 301, -263, 608, -270, 608, -580, 304, -574, 303, -260, 607, -271, 608, -268, 608, -580, 310, -257, 604, -270, 594, -582, 4993, -4970, 630, -577, 301, -262, 613, -578, 303, -262, 604, -272, 608, -268, 
                 615, -575, 305, -571, 307, -568, 305, -261, 608, -580, 303, -572, 303, -263, 606, -272, 608, -268, 608, -267, 606, -270, 611, -579, 301, -575, 300, -266, 608, -580, 302, -573, 301, -265, 610, -265, 609, -582, 303, -260, 606, -272, 606, -270, 603, -272, 
                 606, -272, 608, -580, 303, -571, 305, -260, 620, -258, 606, -270, 606, -272, 606, -269, 606, -272, 606, -270, 608, -580, 301, -265, 608, -267, 608, -266, 610, -270, 606, -269, 606, -272, 604, -272, 604, -274, 605, -271, 608, -267, 606, -585, 300, -263, 
                 608, -268, 611, -577, 303, -262, 606, -272, 606, -577, 306, -572, 313, -253, 606, -270, 607, -268, 609, -582, 298, -265, 606, -272, 594, -580, 4993, -4961, 631, -583, 303, -260, 613, -575, 300, -263, 617, -261, 608, -268, 608, -580, 310, -565, 306, 
                 -572, 301, -263, 610, -580, 303, -573, 300, -265, 608, -270, 606, -267, 607, -271, 604, -274, 606, -582, 301, -575, 301, -262, 611, -577, 310, -566, 303, -263, 608, -270, 608, -580, 300, -265, 604, -269, 609, -269, 609, -269, 611, -267, 609, -577, 303, 
                 -575, 303, -260, 606, -270, 608, -268, 610, -267, 609, -269, 606, -272, 604, -272, 608, -578, 300, -265, 606, -272, 604, -272, 606, -270, 610, -268, 603, -272, 604, -274, 606, -270, 606, -272, 606, -267, 608, -583, 300, -263, 606, -272, 606, -582, 310, 
                 -253, 606, -270, 610, -580, 305, -571, 303, -260, 608, -267, 609, -269, 609, -582, 300, -263, 604, -272, 596, -580, 4993, -4961, 641, -573, 303, -260, 608, -580, 303, -260, 608, -273, 603, -270, 610, -580, 303, -573, 307, -568, 306, -260, 608, -580, 
                 303, -575, 301, -262, 606, -270, 610, -270, 603, -268, 608, -270, 611, -577, 305, -573, 304, -259, 609, -579, 303, -575, 301, -265, 601, -277, 606, -580, 307, -256, 606, -272, 608, -267, 606, -270, 608, -268, 610, -578, 307, -571, 300, -263, 608, -270, 
                 606, -272, 606, -270, 606, -269, 611, -267, 604, -274, 609, -577, 300, -265, 604, -272, 606, -270, 606, -269, 606, -272, 606, -272, 606, -268, 605, -273, 605, -270, 611, -265, 618, -572, 303, -260, 609, -267, 611, -579, 301, -263, 608, -267, 609, -582, 
                 300, -578, 300, -263, 608, -268, 610, -268, 605, -578, 303, -265, 606, -269, 597, -580, 4993, -4963, 629, -582, 301, -263, 610, -580, 303, -263, 605, -270, 604, -272, 606, -582, 303, -573, 305, -573, 300, -263, 608, -582, 303, -573, 300, -263, 608, 
                 -270, 606, -270, 605, -270, 609, -269, 608, -580, 306, -570, 303, -262, 606, -583, 312, -566, 305, -258, 606, -267, 608, -585, 299, -262, 608, -270, 605, -270, 606, -272, 606, -270, 610, -578, 305, -573, 300, -263, 611, -265, 610, -268, 610, -265, 609, 
                 -269, 604, -272, 606, -270, 608, -580, 303, -262, 608, -270, 604, -269, 609, -269, 606, -270, 613, -265, 613, -265, 606, -270, 606, -269, 605, -273, 606, -580, 303, -263, 606, -272, 605, -580, 303, -263, 606]
  - platform: template
    name: STOP 01
      - remote_transmitter.transmit_raw:
          code: [-199, 693, -268, 610, -265, 611, -267, 606, -270, 611, -267, 608, -268, 607, -271, 608, -4960, 634, -580, 303, -260, 611, -577, 303, -263, 608, -268, 610, -268, 613, -575, 303, -572, 313, -565, 306, -258, 610, -578, 307, -571, 303, -260, 
                 606, -276, 606, -263, 613, -265, 608, -268, 610, -580, 308, -570, 301, -262, 609, -582, 303, -570, 305, -261, 608, -270, 610, -578, 302, -261, 608, -267, 609, -267, 611, -267, 608, -270, 611, -577, 303, -575, 301, -262, 618, -261, 605, -270, 606, -270, 
                 605, -270, 611, -267, 606, -270, 610, -583, 300, -260, 609, -267, 611, -269, 606, -268, 611, -267, 608, -267, 611, -265, 610, -268, 610, -268, 610, -266, 612, -578, 300, -263, 608, -270, 611, -265, 610, -580, 305, -571, 307, -571, 305, -570, 310, -256, 
                 606, -270, 608, -267, 608, -270, 611, -580, 303, -572, 294, -568, 4998, -4963, 634, -575, 303, -260, 611, -582, 303, -258, 617, -261, 610, -265, 611, -580, 305, -570, 310, -568, 301, -265, 608, -580, 303, -573, 300, -263, 608, -270, 609, -269, 606, 
                 -269, 606, -270, 611, -582, 300, -576, 300, -263, 608, -580, 305, -570, 303, -263, 608, -270, 610, -578, 300, -263, 608, -270, 606, -272, 606, -270, 615, -260, 609, -584, 303, -574, 299, -261, 608, -267, 611, -270, 605, -268, 608, -270, 608, -267, 615, 
                 -263, 609, -577, 308, -260, 606, -270, 608, -270, 606, -269, 609, -267, 611, -267, 608, -268, 608, -267, 611, -267, 606, -270, 610, -580, 303, -260, 611, -267, 611, -265, 619, -571, 301, -575, 308, -568, 307, -571, 303, -262, 606, -270, 608, -268, 605, 
                 -270, 611, -577, 308, -570, 289, -575, 4991, -4963, 641, -570, 303, -261, 613, -577, 305, -258, 606, -272, 607, -269, 608, -580, 308, -570, 303, -570, 303, -265, 608, -578, 305, -570, 303, -263, 611, -267, 606, -267, 611, -271, 609, -265, 611, -577, 
                 306, -570, 305, -260, 611, -578, 302, -575, 306, -258, 608, -267, 611, -580, 312, -251, 608, -268, 610, -268, 607, -269, 607, -270, 611, -577, 306, -572, 303, -260, 611, -265, 608, -268, 610, -268, 608, -270, 607, -268, 609, -267, 613, -580, 300, -263, 
                 608, -268, 605, -270, 608, -268, 610, -268, 608, -270, 606, -269, 609, -267, 611, -267, 608, -268, 620, -570, 303, -260, 608, -270, 609, -267, 613, -575, 303, -573, 305, -573, 305, -570, 303, -263, 608, -268, 610, -265, 608, -270, 611, -579, 306, -570, 
                 291, -573, 4998, -4963, 634, -575, 301, -265, 609, -579, 304, -259, 608, -270, 608, -267, 611, -580, 305, -570, 306, -573, 302, -261, 610, -578, 306, -569, 306, -260, 608, -268, 610, -268, 610, -265, 608, -270, 611, -577, 308, -569, 302, -262, 613, 
                 -578, 307, -568, 303, -261, 607, -271, 608, -580, 306, -257, 611, -265, 612, -266, 608, -267, 608, -270, 611, -577, 305, -576, 300, -258, 611, -269, 609, -269, 606, -270, 611, -267, 615, -258, 608, -270, 608, -583, 303, -260, 607, -269, 608, -270, 605, 
                 -271, 607, -270, 606, -270, 616, -262, 608, -267, 607, -269, 611, -267, 608, -578, 306, -262, 605, -270, 606, -270, 610, -580, 306, -570, 303, -575, 305, -570, 303, -263, 606, -270, 608, -267, 611, -265, 613, -577, 303, -575, 291, -571, 4993, -4965, 
                 632, -580, 300, -263, 610, -581, 302, -261, 608, -267, 611, -265, 611, -579, 306, -570, 305, -573, 303, -260, 616, -575, 307, -568, 303, -261, 610, -268, 608, -267, 608, -270, 606, -271, 618, -571, 303, -573, 303, -260, 611, -579, 306, -568, 307, -258, 
                 611, -270, 608, -580, 303, -257, 609, -272, 610, -263, 611, -267, 611, -265, 610, -578, 305, -575, 303, -258, 608, -270, 611, -267, 608, -268, 608, -270, 608, -267, 608, -268, 610, -578, 305, -260, 609, -269, 613, -263, 606, -270, 606, -269, 609, -269, 
                 611, -267, 609, -267, 611, -265, 608, -272, 609, -577, 305, -260, 608, -268, 610, -268, 608, -580, 304, -574, 305, -570, 303, -575, 301, -263, 606, -272, 608, -267, 613, -263, 608, -581, 304, -573, 291, -573, 4993, -4963, 634, -577, 303, -261, 613, 
                 -577, 303, -258, 611, -269, 606, -270, 613, -575, 305, -573, 303, -573, 303, -262, 608, -580, 306, -570, 303, -262, 616, -264, 604, -268, 608, -270, 609, -266, 609, -582, 303, -572, 306, -260, 611, -577, 305, -573, 301, -260, 608, -270, 608, -580, 303, 
                 -260, 611, -267, 608, -270, 608, -268, 606, -269, 611, -580, 303, -572, 306, -260, 608, -268, 608, -267, 613, -268, 605, -268, 608, -267, 618, -263, 610, -578, 303, -260, 611, -267, 608, -268, 605, -270, 615, -261, 610, -268, 610, -266, 610, -268, 608, 
                 -270, 605, -270, 611, -580, 300, -263, 606, -272, 608, -267, 611, -577, 306, -572, 303, -573, 305, -573, 301, -262, 608, -268, 610, -265, 613, -268, 610, -578, 310, -568, 291, -570, 4996, -4965, 632, -577, 306, -260, 613, -577, 301, -263, 608, -267, 
                 608, -268, 613, -577, 306, -572, 306, -570, 308, -255, 611, -580, 307, -566, 303, -262, 611, -265, 608, -270, 608, -270, 606, -272, 608, -578, 305, -573, 305, -258, 610, -580, 306, -572, 303, -258, 608, -270, 608, -580, 303, -263, 613, -265, 608, -267, 
                 606, -270, 611, -265, 610, -580, 305, -573, 301, -260, 610, -268, 619, -259, 608, -267, 609, -267, 608, -270, 611, -265, 608, -582, 303, -260, 606, -272, 611, -263, 608, -273, 605, -270, 608, -267, 608, -268, 610, -268, 610, -265, 609, -269, 609, -579, 
                 303, -261, 610, -268, 608, -269, 609, -580, 303, -572, 306, -572, 303, -573, 303, -260, 617, -261, 608, -268, 608, -270, 608, -580, 303, -575, 291, -573, 5003, -4955, 632, -580, 301, -262, 611, -579, 303, -261, 608, -270, 615, -260, 611, -580, 303, 
                 -572, 306, -572, 301, -261, 612, -577, 306, -568, 310, -258, 607, -271, 606, -267, 611, -269, 609, -267, 611, -579, 303, -571, 303, -264, 614, -575, 305, -570, 303, -261, 608, -267, 611, -579, 305, -261, 609, -267, 606, -269]


This is how your data looks like:

Aligning on the spaces I get this:

Which doesn’t look like complex data.

I recommend you add this to the receiver:

    tolerance: 50%
    filter: 35us
    idle: 2ms

and try to copy the dump again. The “idle 2ms” will separate signals if they are spaced by more than 2000us, and in your case, the spacing is ~5ms or 5000us.

1 Like

Wow, what a professional feedback…thank you!

How did you manage to prepare the data like that? Do you use a special tool?

My log looks completely different now…I think that’s a good sign. :slight_smile:

It’s late… will test this as a switch to implement.

[22:34:45][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:34:45][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 596, -287, 601, -270, 601, -267, 606, -281, 602, -267, 603, -277, 601, -275, 603
[22:34:45][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000000101110101011'
[22:34:45][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:34:45][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000000101110101011'
[22:34:45][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:34:45][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000000101110101011'
[22:34:45][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:34:45][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000000101110101011'
[22:34:45][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:34:45][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000000101110101011'
[22:34:45][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:34:45][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000000101110101011'
[22:34:45][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:34:45][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000000101110101011'
[22:34:45][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:34:45][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000000101110101011'
[22:34:45][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:34:45][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000000101110101011'
[22:34:45][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:34:45][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000000101110101011'
[22:34:45][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:34:45][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000000101110101011'
[22:34:46][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:34:46][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000000101110101011'
[22:34:46][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='00000000'
[22:34:46][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010010011000100'
[22:34:46][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:34:46][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010010011000100'
[22:34:46][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:34:46][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010010011000100'
[22:34:46][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:34:46][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010010011000100'
[22:34:46][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:34:46][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010'
1 Like

Back to work after the holidays so this project has stalled for me.

The new dumps look like a step forward! Fingers crossed that you get your gadget to work now :crossed_fingers:

Yes I made myself a small web tool to visualize the raw dumps, If you want it I can try to put it online somewhere.


ok I could not wait and have just tested it…unfortunately it does not work.
Something must be missing…



[22:34:45][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:34:45][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 596, -287, 601, -270, 601, -267, 606, -281, 602, -267, 603, -277, 601, -275, 603
[22:34:45][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000000101110101011'
[22:34:45][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:34:45][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000000101110101011'
[22:34:45][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:34:45][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000000101110101011'
[22:34:45][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:34:45][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000000101110101011'
[22:34:45][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:34:45][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000000101110101011'
[22:34:45][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:34:45][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000000101110101011'
[22:34:45][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:34:45][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000000101110101011'
[22:34:45][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:34:45][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000000101110101011'
[22:34:45][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:34:45][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000000101110101011'
[22:34:45][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:34:45][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000000101110101011'
[22:34:45][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:34:45][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000000101110101011'
[22:34:46][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:34:46][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000000101110101011'
[22:34:46][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='00000000'
[22:34:46][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010010011000100'
[22:34:46][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:34:46][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010010011000100'
[22:34:46][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:34:46][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010010011000100'
[22:34:46][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:34:46][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010010011000100'
[22:34:46][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:34:46][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010'


[22:56:40][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='00000000'
[22:56:40][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000100001111100011'
[22:56:40][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:56:40][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000100001111100011'
[22:56:40][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:56:40][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000100001111100011'
[22:56:40][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:56:40][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000100001111100011'
[22:56:40][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:56:40][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000100001111100011'
[22:56:40][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:56:40][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000100001111100011'
[22:56:40][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:56:40][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000100001111100011'
[22:56:41][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:56:41][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000100001111100011'
[22:56:41][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:56:41][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000100001111100011'
[22:56:41][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:56:41][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000100001111100011'
[22:56:41][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:56:41][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000100001111100011'
[22:56:41][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:56:41][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000100001111100011'
[22:56:41][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='00000000'
[22:56:41][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010010011000100'
[22:56:41][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:56:41][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010010011000100'
[22:56:41][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:56:41][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010010011000100'
[22:56:41][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:56:41][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010010011000100'
[22:56:41][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:56:41][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='101000111'
[22:56:41][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:56:41][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010010011000100'
[22:56:41][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:56:41][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010010011000100'
[22:56:41][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:56:41][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010010011000100'
[22:56:41][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:56:41][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='10100011101100000110110'


[22:55:56][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='00000000'
[22:55:56][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010001111000011'
[22:55:56][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:55:56][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010001111000011'
[22:55:56][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:55:56][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010001111000011'
[22:55:56][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:55:56][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010001111000011'
[22:55:57][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:55:57][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010001111000011'
[22:55:57][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:55:57][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010001111000011'
[22:55:57][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:55:57][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010001111000011'
[22:55:57][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:55:57][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010001111000011'
[22:55:57][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:55:57][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010001111000011'
[22:55:57][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:55:57][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010001111000011'
[22:55:57][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:55:57][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010001111000011'
[22:55:57][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: 
[22:55:57][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010001111000011'


  - platform: template
    name: HOCH 01
      - remote_transmitter.transmit_rc_switch_raw:
          code: '1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000000101110101011'
          protocol: 6
  - platform: template
    name: RUNTER 01
      - remote_transmitter.transmit_rc_switch_raw:
          code: '1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000100001111100011'
          protocol: 6
  - platform: template
    name: STOP 01
      - remote_transmitter.transmit_rc_switch_raw:
          code: '1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010001111000011'
          protocol: 6

Mmm ok, the last idea I have today is to change dump: all with dump: raw and use that format for transmission instead. Protocol 6 is too different from what you pasted for the receiving device to understand it

FWIW, I have the new RF Bridge (hacked) up and running with ESPhome in the end. Here’s my ESPhome config for Nexa devices (using ESPhome beta 1.21.0b3 to enable Nexa protocol handling).

  name: rf-bridge
  platform: ESP8266
  board: esp8285
  build_path: ./build/sonoff-rf
# Enable logging
# Enable Home Assistant API

  password: "somepass"

  ssid: ssid
  password: password 
  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: fallback ssid
    password: fallback password 
    number: GPIO13
    inverted: yes

    number: GPIO04
    mode: INPUT_PULLUP
  #dump: all
  dump: nexa
  tolerance: 50%
  filter: 200us
  idle: 4ms
  buffer_size: 2kb

  pin: GPIO05
  carrier_duty_percent: 100%

NB: beta 1.21.0b2 worked better than b3. Getting random occasional random transmits (lights turning on) with b3.

ok, I played around a bit more.

with these settings I always get a clean result. but the switches unfortunately do nothing.

    number: GPIO04
    inverted: true
  dump: rc_switch
  tolerance: 50%
  filter: 35us
  idle: 2ms

  pin: GPIO05
  carrier_duty_percent: 100%

# this will log received commands, and can also transmit. Read up here:

  - platform: template
    name: HOCH 01
      - remote_transmitter.transmit_rc_switch_raw:
          code: '1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000000101110101011'
          protocol: 6
            times: 12
            wait_time: 100ms

  - platform: template
    name: RUNTER 01
      - remote_transmitter.transmit_rc_switch_raw:
          code: '1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000100001111100011'
          protocol: 6
            times: 12
            wait_time: 100ms
  - platform: template
    name: STOP 01
      - remote_transmitter.transmit_rc_switch_raw:
          code: '1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010001111000011'
          protocol: 6
            times: 12
            wait_time: 100ms

the log now looks like this when i press the buttons:


[08:43:32][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000000101110101011'
[08:43:32][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000000101110101011'
[08:43:32][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000000101110101011'
[08:43:32][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000000101110101011'
[08:43:32][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000000101110101011'
[08:43:32][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000000101110101011'
[08:43:32][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000000101110101011'
[08:43:32][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000000101110101011'
[08:43:33][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000000101110101011'
[08:43:33][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000000101110101011'
[08:43:33][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000000101110101011'
[08:43:33][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000000101110101011'
[08:43:33][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='00000000'
[08:43:33][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010010011000100'
[08:43:33][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010010011000100'
[08:43:33][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010010011000100'
[08:43:33][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010010011000100'
[08:43:33][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010010011000100'
[08:43:33][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010010011000100'
[08:43:33][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010010011000100'
[08:43:33][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010010011000100'
[08:43:33][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010010011000100'
[08:43:33][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010010011000100'
[08:43:33][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010010011000100'
[08:43:34][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010010011000100'


[08:42:13][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000100001111100011'
[08:42:13][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000100001111100011'
[08:42:14][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000100001111100011'
[08:42:14][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000100001111100011'
[08:42:14][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000100001111100011'
[08:42:14][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000100001111100011'
[08:42:14][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000100001111100011'
[08:42:14][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000100001111100011'
[08:42:14][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000100001111100011'
[08:42:14][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000100001111100011'
[08:42:14][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000100001111100011'
[08:42:14][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000100001111100011'
[08:42:14][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='00000000'
[08:42:14][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010010011000100'
[08:42:14][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010010011000100'
[08:42:14][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010010011000100'
[08:42:14][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010010011000100'
[08:42:14][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010010011000100'
[08:42:15][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010010011000100'
[08:42:15][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010010011000100'
[08:42:15][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010010011000100'
[08:42:15][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010010011000100'
[08:42:15][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010010011000100'
[08:42:15][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010010011000100'
[08:42:15][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010010011000100'


[08:39:35][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010001111000011'
[08:39:35][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010001111000011'
[08:39:36][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010001111000011'
[08:39:36][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010001111000011'
[08:39:36][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010001111000011'
[08:39:36][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010001111000011'
[08:39:36][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010001111000011'
[08:39:36][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010001111000011'
[08:39:36][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010001111000011'
[08:39:36][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010001111000011'
[08:39:36][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010001111000011'
[08:39:36][D][remote.rc_switch:259]: Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data='1010001110110000011011001000001100000001000000000010001111000011'

What is noticeable is that with HOCH (UP) and RUNTER (DOWN) always two 64bit codes are sent and with STOP only one. Nevertheless STOP does not work either.

can it be that the bridge does not send the code that I program…I have found the following entry. unfortunately I do not have an oscilloscope to test this.

If you’re trying to communicate with Nexa/Anslut/Proove-devices you should go with ESPHome beta 1.21.0b1 (or above) as it brings the Nexa protocol. There seems to be something of a mismatch between how other RF-devices communicate and Nexa-devices.

See Nexa 433MHz using Sonoff RF-bridge modified with the direct hack (and ESPHome)
and Nexa 433MHz RF protocol by GruffyPuffy · Pull Request #2037 · esphome/esphome · GitHub

Details on how you should use the nexa protocol in ESPHome are available in the beta docs at Remote Receiver — ESPHome and Remote Transmitter — ESPHome

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thanks for the tip, beta is on it, but with the NEXA protocol the log remains empty…no matter how many times I press the buttons.

unfortunately, i do not know from which manufacturer the motors for the shading are…they are re-labeled and the actual manufacturer is not known.

I guess your equipment communicates using a different protocol then. Raw would be the way to go, or better yet, finding a detailed description of the protocol used.