New widgets: media source select, climate operation mode select and media player with volume slider

not sure what it is but it doesnt do well with sonos. it will play a song for 1 or 2 seconds and then stop. I can look at the sonos directly and it keeps flipping from play to pause, Ive never seen that behavior withsonos before…

Can you pos a screnshot of the entity like it is displayed in HA with all the attributes ?
Since I do not own a sonos I can not check this behaviour.

yea scroll up a couple messages i posted it the other day along with some info from the cli and a pic of the dashboard

Ok found it. I just compared your sonos entity with mine from yamaha and there is a difference.
The Sonos differs regarding the field media_content_id which is set as Playlist.
Another thing that differs is the field source and then the array source_list.
The source “Radio” is not in the source_list array.
What my widget does is to take a select from the source_list and set it up as state of the entity.
It looks to me that the sonos entity does not work like this.

What happens to the field source when you select a different radio station within HA ? Will it change or stays it to the value “Radio” ?

How did you get the cover art to display in HAdashboard?

theres awhole nother thread that shows how i get mine Need help with appending entity_picture url attribute to ha url

it states is playing. the media title says the station

media_title: 104.3 104.3 Jams Chicago, IL

btw these are connected to my tvs too so sometimes source is tv

Look at the camera widget settings as mentioned in the documentation:

As url enter the url of the entity_picture of your media_player

If you need help than post a screnshot of your media_player-entity like it is displayed in HA.

Dont waste too much of your time. I really appreciate it, i like the look with the volume and was hoping for grouping but no biggie. I spent a lot of my time and pestering @ReneTode to get mine setup. I could never be happy with my dashboards until I got them like this, been in use for over a month with no issues.

you didnt bother me :wink:
i just pressed you to go on untill you found something you would love :wink:

No problem. I found it interesting to know. I think that the radio list that you have is basically a playlist and the way to change the radio station is done by the service media_player.play_media and not with the service media_player.select_source.

I can not simulate the behaviour since i do not have playlist in my media_player an my radio stations are choosen via favorites.

@ReneTode I know i liked it :slight_smile: I just gotta give credit whenever possible

@gcosta74 thanks I appreciate you trying to help figure it out.

If you look at source_list that is all of my favorites that can be called from HA. radio is played by tunein and i store the startions I listen to in favorites and then they show up in ha. to call that station or playlist i use

  alias: "RapCaviar"
    - service: media_player.sonos_join
        master: media_player.basement
        - media_player.basement
        - media_player.bedroom
        - media_player.living_room
    - service: media_player.volume_set
          - media_player.basement
          - media_player.bedroom
          - media_player.living_room
        volume_level: "0.4"
    - service: media_player.select_source
          - media_player.basement
          - media_player.bedroom
          - media_player.living_room
        source: 'RapCaviar'
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I get a
Unable to find widget type ‘media_with_volume’

any suggestions?

Have you downloaded all the files and put them inside the subfolder custom_widgets ?

Thanks for replying!

The custom_widgets folder is in the config folder. It contains the downloaded files.

Still getting the Unable to find widget type ‘media_with_volume’

Har uninstalled and reinstalled AppDaemon2 several times and I am pretty sure it is from the right repo.

Greatfull for help on this one.

wrong config directory.
you need to use the config directory from appdaemon, where alse the file appdaemon.yaml is.

Thanks, @ReneTode. I actually go it in that folder as well. Dosn`t make any difference. Same result:

Thus is from my dash.dash firle:

widget_type: media_with_volume
title: Anlegg
entity: media_player.reciever_stue
icon_on: mdi-speaker
icon_off: mdi-speaker-off
step: 3

widget_type: media_select
entity: media_player.your_media_player
title: Musikk
title2: Your Subtitle

so you got all files?

and appdaemon has rights there?