Newbie help - Music Assistant - Onkyo Receiver

Hello Community,

I am looking for some help as I am bit new to HA. I have my deployment setup as docker config and I have MA also deployed on its own container but I am having trouble in getting my onkyo receiver to work. I have added the onkyo integration and added following code into my config.yaml however, when I add the media player card, I am not able to control it to turn on or off and it also seems to be not working correctly when trying to use playlist or next and previous songs or volume control. How do i configure this? I know people have talked about scripts but where do i go to write a script and connect it with the actual action?

  - platform: onkyo
    name: onkyo_receiver
      net: "network"


As you can see in the screenshot, I am able to control the receiver on/off from this card but this does not have any option to play/select media or skip and manage playlist.

Thanks for your help!

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If you head to developer tools > states and search for media_player is your device listed as a media_player device ?

Alternatively as another test head to media and select a source to play by outputting to the device of your choice

Yes, see screenshot below. Notice that it shows status of unknown and there are additional entries for _2, _3, _4…i dont know why and how these gets added.

I would also use a static IP for your device … see the documentation here

ok, i did that but still not seeing the media control options when adding a card.

i see this script at the link you shared, where and how do i add this script and configure it?

# Example play_media script
    alias: "Radio 1"
      - service: media_player.turn_on
          entity_id: media_player.onkyo
      - service: media_player.play_media
          entity_id: media_player.onkyo
          media_content_type: "radio"
          media_content_id: "1"

I think you need to learn to walk before trying to run. There’s no point creating a script if the device is unreachable

Can you try my suggestions of

  • ensuring that you’re using a static host ip
  • try playing media or TTS targeting the receiver

Those _2 _3 and _4 endings indicate a device that have been added several times.
I would remove the integration again, then go into entities and delete the entities left behind and the re-add it again with a static IP.

Ok, i have removed the integration and deleted the entities but it seems this is still what i have now…i dont know how i can remove these entities?

ok, finally able to remove it completely and now i only have one item for the google cast integration…since the receiver has that support…is there a way to remove/disable this?

Seems like you still have some left overs from the pruning, but look for the one that has a state in the developer tools and then try to use that one for your script

I am down to just 1 entry now which is for google cast thing, i dont know how i can remove that…i’ve done couple of restarts of HA but still seeing it in the listing.

That should be ok.
Now try to install the integration again and then look it up in the developer tools.
There should be one with a state then and that one should be working.

so i am not sure how to do the integration since i am running HA as docker container and i have also setup music assistant as docker container…should i be going through HACS to install MA?

The docker music assistant is most likely the music server.
It has nothing to do with HA as such.
The MA integration is the part that makes the connection between HA and HA, so HA can control MA.

Okay but so in that case i just need to add the repo for MA in HACS and then try to add the integration. right?

That is the normal way you do it. :slight_smile:

And it is probably not Onkyo that handle skip forward and backwards, but instead the MA media player.

okay so i added the integration, i setup the player but when i go to play, it does not play the song. i can turn on/off the receiver. I also have the mini media player card added and same thing in there as well…when i hit the play button i get this error…

Failed to call service media_player/media_play_pause. Entity media_player.onkyo_receiver_2 does not support this service

here are more errors in the HA logs

2024-02-21 17:12:08.447 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection] [139877612072384] Entity media_player.onkyo_receiver_2 does not support this service.

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/websocket_api/", line 240, in handle_call_service

    response = await


  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/", line 2279, in async_call

    response_data = await coro


  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/", line 2316, in _execute_service

    return await target(service_call)


  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 874, in entity_service_call

    raise HomeAssistantError(

homeassistant.exceptions.HomeAssistantError: Entity media_player.onkyo_receiver_2 does not support this service.

2024-02-21 17:14:28.485 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection] [139877612072384] Entity media_player.onkyo_receiver_2 does not support this service.

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/websocket_api/", line 240, in handle_call_service

    response = await


  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/", line 2279, in async_call

    response_data = await coro


  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/", line 2316, in _execute_service

    return await target(service_call)


  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 874, in entity_service_call

    raise HomeAssistantError(

homeassistant.exceptions.HomeAssistantError: Entity media_player.onkyo_receiver_2 does not support this service.

You’re all over the map, and you’re not following directions or suggestions that have been given.

You’re on a bad path. Slow down, take a breath, and read the documentation.

Then, if you still have questions, come back and ask them, and then wait for the responses before going and changing half your setup around and creating new problems to solve.

Your Onkyo is the amplifier.
It controls the volume and speaker setup.

Your MA is the music player.
It skip forward and backwards, play, pause and so on.

Well, I’ve got to give credit to @desi4life as I wasn’t aware that MA existed.

I’m trialling the addon and integration as a potential replacement for LMS (logitech media server) which is old and clunky

Oh dear :frowning:

I might just have to park this but MA isn’t that bad


Is MA just an LMS fork in disguise ?
