NIBE Uplink API component (non S-series)

Hi @x-erik ,
I`m running into the same issue. Did you manage to somehow extract the room temperatur from the RMU S40 thermostat?

Unfortunately notā€¦ Open for other optionsā€¦ Maybe reach out to Nibe as I should think it should be thereā€¦

I have my pool heated by the NIBE system, and I wanted to control the temperature and compressor frequency based on weather and electricity price. However, those values appears to not be possible to change in the current integration (parameters 48090, 48092 and 48287). Is this not possible to do through the API, or has it just not been considered?

I doubt itā€™s possible. Some parameters are changeable, but most arenā€™t. You can check on in the docs section. There it lists some controllable parameters, but might be others.

I think you are right. I played around with postman, and it doesnā€™t seem to be possible to set those parameters. Thatā€™s a bummer.

I contacted Nibe support and they were quite helpfull. They shared an updated modbus parameter list (pm me if interested) containing register 116: Average temp. klim. system room 1 (BT50). This register holds the current temperature of the RMU S40 thermostat. :tada:

Haha, I did the same lately - contacted support in NL and they gave the same register. Didnā€™t have the time yet to post it in here.

However they couldnā€™t tell me the humidity register. Did you maybe got that?

Does anyone else have slow startup times with hass_nibe?
Mine is over 120 seconds (2 minutes) on a RPi3

It is as expected. I suppose i should not update on startup.

Hi, I saw there was an update of the NIBE component to align with the new update and sensor attributes. Many thanks for all the efforts on this component!
I see that one of my Nibe sensor (outside temperature) apparently is not yet converted? Some are available to use in the new Statistical Chart, however the Nibe outside temperature isnā€™t for me.
Many thanks

It needs a device class set too. I have not figured out a good way to set that yet.

You can use customize feature of home assistant to set itā€™s device class to temperature for now.

Thatā€™s an easy workaround and it works now.
Many thanks!

Another rookie here trying to get this integration to work.
I have an SMO20 & F2040. Iā€™ve managed to successfully install the integration and authenticate etc.
On the integration page I get just 3 entities. ā€˜Hot Waterā€™, ā€˜S1 Roomā€™, ā€˜S1 Supplyā€™
I have read all of the thread above and have added the following into my configuration.yaml

    - system: XXXXX
      climates: True
      water_heaters: True
      sensors: True
        - unit: 0
          categories: True
          statuses: True
        - unit: 1
          categories: True
          statuses: True

I have tried re-booting, however I only ever seem to get the 3 entities, and no other sensors.
In addition, if I add a thermostat card to this and I change a setting it reverts to previous after a few seconds. (I have paid for NIBE Uplink)

Where am I going wrong, Iā€™m sure Iā€™m missing something simple!

And that XXXXX is your real system identifier, ie a number?

Yes correct a 5 digit number that I have taken from the URL from

Any errors in log?

Your config is not correct according to current docs. There should be no climates:, water_heaters:, sensors:, see: GitHub - elupus/hass_nibe: Home Assistant Nibe Uplink Integration

I`ve got the same problem, did you find a solution to this?

Thanks Elupus.
I updated my config yesterday. Nothing changed immediately however today I opened up Home Assistant to see I now have 47 entities!

Since update rates are limited. It takes a long time to get all sensors after a restart.