No entities associated with Zigbee button

I setup ZHA and added an Aqara zigbee button. I am a little confused because though it shows up as a device in the ZHA config, there is no “entity” or that I can passthrough via a homekit bridge. I can however config it via a blueprint (here: ZHA - Aqara Wireless Mini Switch) to trigger different actions within home assistant.

Is there a way to pass this through to homekit? Maybe a dummy button that the zigbee button triggers a press on when zigbee button is pressed?

I tried to passthrough buttons in the homekit bridge but it does not appear, I have been sort of filtering through the device types and include/exclude lists and its not there.

Someone else may have an actual solution for you, but from my limited experience…

Remotes in HA don’t have entity id’s, just devices, and they are ‘scene controllers’ that send events.

You could try to create a new automation and select your device for the trigger, and in the trigger drop-down you should see all of the scenes and value change options that HA has detected as available for the device.

You might also want to use the File Editor Add-On and browse to the Blueprints folder and take a look at the .yaml file for the add-on you’re using to see how they are grabbing the key press events.

As per what mightybosstone has mentioned, the device sends ‘events’ rather than having entities.

You can still use it in the normal way but create triggers based on 'event’s.


      - platform: event
          entity_id: binary_sensor.switch_your_wireless_button
          click_type: single

This may be the wrong rabbit hole, but here is something that I recently learned.

Go to Developer Tools, Events and under Listen to Events, type zha_event then click on Start Listening. Whenever you press a button on the device, you will see how it is reporting.

My Ikea remote produces this:

event_type: zha_event
  device_ieee: 00:0b:57:ff:fe:9b:cb:46
  unique_id: 00:0b:57:ff:fe:9b:cb:46:1:0x0006
  device_id: bb2e292f76d182ffc8c4a2c363793562
  endpoint_id: 1
  cluster_id: 6
  command: toggle
  args: []
  params: {}
origin: LOCAL
time_fired: "2023-12-26T15:45:29.783893+00:00"
  parent_id: null
  user_id: null

In the Automation Editor - Trigger, select “Manual event”
For “Event type”, enter “zha_event”
In “Event data”…
The person who tipped me to this just puts everything between data: and origin: into the automation Event Data, but I found that you only need at least one of “device_ieee”, “unique_id”, or “device_id”. Watch the spaces.

Here is a complete automation I did recently:

alias: Tradfri Remote 1
description: ""
  - platform: event
    event_type: zha_event
      device_ieee: 00:0b:57:ff:fe:9b:cb:46
condition: []
  - service: light.toggle
      color_temp: 153
      transition: 1
      entity_id: light.ikea_tradfri_bulb_1_light
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 1
      milliseconds: 0
  - service: light.toggle
      transition: 1
      color_temp: 153
      entity_id: light.ikea_tradfri_bulb_2_light
mode: single

Another easy way to do this is to use Switch Manager.

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Am I correct in saying: your advice helps with using the button within Home Assistant but does not help with getting the button bridged to HomeKit?

True, although I don’t use HomeKit so not sure if there is a work-around. Thinking about a work-around though, you should be able to create a template switch based on the button events and then expose that to HomeKit.

@stevemann thanks! I now got my Innr RC210 working for the “on” and “off” event, both which trigger a scene in Home Assistant.

device_ieee: 84:ba:20:ff:fe:d1:96:AA
command: "on" //or "off"

Was planning to return my button since it was detected but there were no on/off switch entity added etc., but this works great. Thanks!

Hi all, i am a noob and have a issue with this switch: inner rc 210. I am able to create a automation with inner sp 240 stekkers. So if one sp 240 stekker goes on, all the other go on as well. If i want to use the inner rc 210 switch as trigger i does not work. Whats wrong?