No HDMI output

Howdy everyone!

My journey to integrate Home Assistant into my life continues – as I decided to now move the unit where I intended it to go, into converted built-in shelving that I’ve made into a hideaway home automation/entertainment center.

Alas, I’m already stumbling into an odd issue – in that my television isn’t picking up the HDMI output signal from Home Assistant coming out of Raspberry PI 4.

Now, I know that I can run this “headless” and that’s how it’s intended to be operated, more or less – BUT I also can foresee having an issue with the Home Assistant OS directly, and needing to restart the RPI and fiddle around in the text-based OS.

The Home Assistant/RPI works on other monitors, FYI. It’s just not working with this one. The cable is good; I know this because, for a split second, I can see the BIOS load up HASS OS, before going blank. The TV then shows “no signal.”

This is what I THINK is going on:

The signal from the mini HDMI on RPI/HASS OS is low power enough that the TV isn’t quite picking it up. I’ve noticed this as a recurring issue in other RPI forums, but the information on fixing it where it concerns Home Assistant is scant.

I’ve got workarounds in mind already – but I’d really rather head the inevitable off at the pass, where I have to login directly but can’t do it using the TV in the location where I want (need) to keep HASS and RPI. And I don’t want to add a second monitor.

So, anyone run into this problem? Anyone know how to fix it? It’s probably something simple I’m not thinking of, or know about yet (or know how to properly search for). Any help would be appreciated! THANK YOU!

No, there is no local monitor on hass os

You could run raspberry OS and the install supervised on top, but that is not ‘officially supported’

I had a monitor hooked up to my RPI 4 and was able to use the text-based HASS OS interface just fine before – and if I put it back on the monitor, rather than the TV, it works just fine now.

So…I guess I don’t understand why you’re saying that? Unless that’s what you mean in that last sentence there.

I think you may be understanding (or overthinking, rather) – I’m not looking to use HASS OS GUI locally. I just want the text-based interface that comes with start-up, that I could see just fine before, on my TV instead of my monitor. That’s all.

To clarify further (because I noticed that a lot of the responses to other people with the HDMI issues seemed to immediately misunderstand the issue that people were actually trying to solve):

I’m not looking to use the HDMI port on my RPI Hass OS to do anything but have the text-based interface – I’m not looking to use it to control HASS OS, run Lovelace, any of that.

Just to have access to this screen and the commands that come with it:


Try it with a shorter (half meter) cable and see if you get a signal

Nope, no luck – nothing. Thoughts?

I’ve ordered an HDMI-to-VGA dongle; to be honest, this isn’t worth a lot of time and attention, if it’s going to be a long and complicated fix and that does the trick. But if anyone happens to know why RPI with HASS OS does this, and how to fix it, help would be appreciated. I don’t really care for the idea that my HDMI port won’t work with certain displays and not have an clue how to fix it in the future. LOL.

My father’s tv is several years old, and his fire tv stick does not work in 1 of the 3 hdmi ports, and the cable box does not work in 2 of them, but they did work before, eventually he will just need a new tv, how old is yours?

less than a year old, so…yeah. it’s a puzzler. lol.

The raspberry pi boot options work the same in home assistant OS as in any other raspberry pi installation. There is a file called config.txt in the boot partition. The options are documented here

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Thank you for that hint! I saw on other sites that this problem would involve making changes to the config.txt, but to be plainly frank – I wasn’t sure if they meant the Home Assistant config or what. But what you’ve said makes total sense, now that I think about it – of course RPI would still have its own config!

I will save that link, though – and your reply – to learn and tinker with separately now. Because the HDMI to VGA cable worked like a charm; no issues, RPI/HASS OS displays as expected. It was pretty affordable. And it also keeps an HDMI port free for other things I might hook up in the future.

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i comletely know your problem.When i connect my RPI/HASS OS to my PC display, i can see the text-based interface. However when i connect RPI/HASS OS to a 3.5 inch monitor, it wont work. while the 3.5 inch monitor can work with PC show win11.
at the begining i thought it was SPI charger ’ s problem, but hdmi screen with type c charge still in same !
HAOS does not have congif.txt to change the resolution ratio. maybe i guess only original 1080p screen is supported.

Yes it does.

Is there something you can edit to make sure the monitor pops up?

Yes, read the thread.