No IP address showing

Hi all, I just want to share how I fix it with you and hope may be is solution for some of you.
Little story of my config before:
eth0 was set to DHCP and I use my router settings and reserve by MAC Address of my RaspberryPi some IP address that I use to communicate with my Home Assistant, but like all the stories in this topic, after power shortage I lose access to my HA, I try to do what I ever I can remotely with no success, and only after I manage to connect monitor and keyboard I was able to fix it with the command listed in previous posts, but this fix my problem only to the next power shortage. I spoke with friend and he ask me, do I setup the same IP address that I put in the router, also in my HA.
Well I didn’t at this point it was set to DHCP, so it turns out that for ever reason in some cases on boot HA couldn’t get IP from the router, it didn’t get it later when router is available.
I would like to summarized my present settings that fix my problem and what ever I do now (manually cutting the power to test it), I always get the right IP address.
Go to ‘Settings’ → ‘System’ → ‘Network’ → In tab ’ Configure network interfaces’ → IPv4 → Static → And put your IP Address, Gateway address and DNS address( you can get this info from your router).
Home Assistant Operating System
Installed version 7.6
Home Assistant Core
Installed version 2022.5.2

I hope this will help to some one! Good luck!

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This just happened to me as well. New house and I haven’t set up the UPS yet. Of course the power went out today and HAOS decided to forget the network configuration. Restarted everything again in the appropriate order just to make sure, but it never got an IP. This new installation is running in a Proxmox VM so I was thinking there was something wrong there, but it doesn’t seem like it. As outlined above, all it took was using the HA console to disable the interface and then setting it back to auto like it was before the power outage. I don’t see any open issues in GitHub (though at least one closed that could be related), so if I can find some time I’ll probably try to set up a test installation on a spare Pi and see if its reproducible. I vaguely remember this happening to me before on my NUC installation…

I got stuck on this same issue. In case you didn’t work it out already here is what worked for me:

net update enp1s0 --ipv4-address --ipv4-gateway --ipv4-method static --ipv4-nameserver
net reload

Obviously you will need to fill in your own network info. Once in the webui you can change back to DHCP if thats your preference.

I had this problem and after hours of trying to fix with the info above, all I did as last resort was reboot my router which fixed the problem smdh!


well that’s another fix to add to the list. nice!

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I have recently updated my home from a nest WiFi to a Netgear orbi mesh. Twice in the last few days I found I couldn’t access HA and when I go into the VM console, I also see it has no addresses. Is this something can be improved on the HA side.

A reboot of the HA VM fixed it but could it rectify itself somehow, some Daemon or watchdog that refreshes the ip address if it’s gone?

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Agree that this is a big issue for me and has been for a couple of years now!! Some watchdog would be amazing. Very surprised it isn’t “a thing” already!


Hi there!

I’m new to HA. I have an old laptop that I don’t use, so I installed virtualbox and installed HAOS there. When I first strated it all went right, but I had to turn it off, because the laptop hadn’t more battery. Today I turned it on (now with the charger), but I was having the problem that the IPv4 address was not showing up, so I couldn’t open homeassistant.local:8123 (Chrome shows the message: “Can’t reach this page”).

I had just run this command (network update enp0s3 --ipv4-method update --ipv6-method disabled) and the IP is now showing up, but when I enter in Chrome to homeassistant.local:8123, stills shows the message: “Can’t reach this page”.

I would appreciate some help on this, because I was so exited about configuring HA, but now I can’t.

All the best!

Hi Santi,

Welcome to HA :slight_smile:

Sometimes the homeassistant.local:8123 might not work as it depends on your network setup as well as DNS. You should however be able to always access through the following http://X.X.X.X:8123` (replace X.X.X.X with your Home Assistant IP address).

Hi Raymond,

Thank you very much for the anwer :wink:

This worked!!!

Now I have another problem, I hope you can help:

In my house I have two internet connections, let’s call them Kitchen and Bedroom. The laptop, where I have the server (HASSOS), is in the Kitchen wifi, but my personal computer, where I want to use HA, is connected in the Bedroom wifi.
I tried to connecting to the server (http://X.X.X.X:8123, replacing with my IP) from the Bedroom wifi, but Chrome shows the message “Can’t reach this page”. However, when I am connected to the Kitchen wifi, I can log in to my HA account (again, thank you very much for the answer! I spent so much time on that error). What do you think I can do?
I listened something about making the HA page public, so I can access everywhere, do you think that is the answer?

I apologise for my English, I’m not a native speaker

Thank you very much for your time,

All the best

Great you passed your first hurdle :smiley:

In my house I have two internet connections, let’s call them Kitchen and Bedroom. The laptop, where I have the server (HASSOS), is in the Kitchen wifi, but my personal computer, where I want to use HA, is connected in the Bedroom wifi.

So just to confirm, you are having two different routers each having its own internet and wifi? If true then you will definitely not see HA if it is not on the same network.

This does gets a little tricky. You can definitely open up your HA to public if you so choose but I would choose a different method which is using Tailscale. There are a few similar solutions out there so pick whichever you like. Once you are able to setup correctly, the 2 networks that you have will look like one.

Sorry, I didn’t explain me well.

I have one router in my bedroom (the Bedroom wifi) and another one in the kitchen, that works as a repeater, but the name of the wifi is “Kitchen”, no with the name “Bedroom”. I don’t know ver much about networks, sorry.

However, later on I would like to set up a Google Home device (a Google Assistant speker), so I’ve been searching, and I’ll need to configure a remote access, so I think that the best is to do it now. I was looking this video, but I need a domain, so he says that we can use Freenom. The problem here is that Freenom is no longer working, do you know an alternative?

Again, thanks for your reply :grin:!

Cheers, Santi

As @skull29 said, Tailscale is free.
If you pay for Nabu Casa, which is monthly/yearly, you can access HA from anywhere in the world.

If you are happy to pay a small fee then Nabu Casa is the best solution for you.

Hi s-e-t-h, thanks for your answer!

As i said before I would like to set up a Google Home device (a Google Assistant speker). Do you think that using Tailscale won’t affect?

Thank you for your time!

Hi Santi,

I have one router in my bedroom (the Bedroom wifi) and another one in the kitchen, that works as a repeater, but the name of the wifi is “Kitchen”, no with the name “Bedroom”.

From what you described, you have only one router and probably two SSIDs. Not really sure unless you able to draw a diagram of your network.

Having two SSIDs should not be a problem if they are on the same network. Not sure if you have set extra things like different network range and subnet or turned on Guest mode on one of the SSID. That is the only thing I can think of why you cannot access HA. In that case, Tailscale is not really going to help. You probably just need to tweak your network.

Also not sure when you say you are adding a Google Home, what functionality are you trying to use? I also have Google Home and Amazon Alexa devices but never really use the voice to control stuff but more of just making use of the speakers. If you are trying to use Google Assistant to control stuff, then as @s-e-t-h mentioned, the easiest way would definitely be Nabu Casa if you are not too technical. Just have to pay a small fees monthly.

As I said before, I don’t know too much about the connections and how is my wi-fi working, because I didn’t set it up.

When I refer to Google Home, I mean all the functionality, like saying “Ok Google, turn on my office lights” or for example triggering an automation or script by sayng something. I also want to tell me things for example, at a specific time, tell me about today’s football (or soccer) matches, for example.

I don’t live in Europe or USA, so paying Nabu Casa won’t just cost me $6.50, I will have to pay lots and lots of taxes, so thats why I’m looking to a free alterantive. I have resarched and there’s an alternative way to do this. I found this video, I think that may work (sorry, it’s in Spanish).

I also found another video (it’s in spanish, too) to set up Duck DNS. Do you think that setting up Duck DNS will help to have a remote access? And that will help me to access from my “Bedroom” wifi?


I have asked, and in my house I have two different internet connections, one for my kitchen and another for the bedroom (they aren’t close, so that’s why I have it that way)

I also found another video (it’s in spanish, too) to set up Duck DNS. Do you think that setting up Duck DNS will help to have a remote access? And that will help me to access from my “Bedroom” wifi?

As long as it is a solution to connect the network, it will work. Only problem is that they are two different internet connections and more failure points on top of slower connection than if they are all on the same LAN.

Having 2 different internet itself are already creating lots of unnecessary problems. There are many methods to link between 2 locations using CAT cable or even wireless solutions offered by Ubiquiti. Or even the Tailscale solution I mentioned before. I do not believe you need to expose your HA to internet to use voice command. You probably need to do some research yourself. Besides, HA is also implementing its own voice assistant. Good luck with your journey :slight_smile:

Thank you very much Raymond! Also s-e-t-h, thank you very much!!

I’ll be considering all things you both suggested

It sounds like your VM might not have an IP address assigned to it. Have you tried checking the settings for the virtual machine and making sure that it’s set to receive an IP address automatically? If that doesn’t work, you can try setting a static IP address for the VM using the command line console. To set a static IP address, you’ll need to find the command for it. You mentioned that you couldn’t find it, but have you tried searching online? I recommend checking out, a platform I’ve used before to log in and set up my router. They have a lot of helpful guides and tutorials that might be able to point you in the right direction.