No IP address showing

@Andybluejay thank you this worked for me

Wanted to add in case it bites anyone like it did me, this will not work if the interface is set to “auto”. So you need to add “–ipv4-method static” to the command.

Full command: net update enp0s3 --ipv4-address x.x.x.x/24 --ipv4-gateway x.x.x.x --ipv4-method static

Also have this problem. Power off-restore causes that my Home Assistant (running in VirtualBox on Linux Mint on Asus Zenbook laptop) loses network connection (‘network info’ command shows empty IP addresses).
Anybody managed to find a permanent solution?

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Hi, I solved my problem (HA can’t get IP) just by rebooting my router. And then HA can get IP without any settings from me