No longer a stable connection via duckdns domain

I also moved to Cloudflared but can’t get google home to work. The google home app after entering my homeassistant username and password says “Something went wrong. Try again.” I am able to access home assistant via cloudflared tunnel. Google home sees my test app and even redirects to home assistant to enter login credentials. I don’t know what to do.

Did you buy your own domain? I saw that the cloudfare integration in HA does not allow the
Unusable TLDs so freenom was out of the question. Not sure how he managed to do that in the video shown.
Due to a limitation in the Cloudflare API, you can not use this integration with any of the following TLD’s:

Do these paid domains need to be paid for every year or is it a oneoff?


I also eventually got fed-up and have now set up cloudflared with my own domain. Also allows me to add an extra host for my bitwarden instance on a subdomain, with the added benefit that I can access it at work even though ports are blocked!


Just buy a cheap domain name. If you buy for example a .online domain with, it will cost you less than 1 euro/year.


I did, just a cheap .com for about £7 for the first year and then it’ll rise to maybe £10 or so after that, although I’ll transfer it over to Cloudflare as the registry before that.

I had to update the 4 url entries that had my old duckdns url’s in it. Then you have to click test and re-connect to the service in your G Home app.

This morning again timeouts for the duckdns URLs, anyone else as well? Also not reachable via mobile connection, so not a network issue.
This is now really annoying if the service is so unreliable!

Yes, same here!

And here too :frowning:

Same Problem here. Again…
Has someone experience with the dynu addon?

I also set up cloudflared ( with an own domain in parallel, works well (multiple tutorials on the internet, most with freenom, but as long as you find where you can change the name servers with your hoster, it is the same), so I might move to that und just have duckdns as a backup/alternative then. The last week has been way too much lack of reliability.

I can‘t load the cloudflare raspo. Has someone the same problem?

I want leave DUCKDNS, and I created a DYNU ddns account. but now I need ssl certificate… how can I create a free certificate like duckddns and let’s encrypt?

Letsencrypt will do it.

please can you post a guide?

The addon has instructions. There are plenty of threads on here.

sorry but I have HA core installation, so I do not have addons…

Thanks again everyone for providing input & help! I’ve decided to move to a Google Domain and the Cloudflare tunnel setup. I have used the walkthrough by Everything Smart Home as well for the Cloudflare tunnel. Some friendly advice when you start your migration to Cloudflare: Ensure that you have SSH access to your HA host machine, stop the DuckDNS add-on and remove or hash-out any code in your configuration.yaml related to DuckDNS (dont ask me how I know :see_no_evil:).

I have updated the last part of my initial post by adding more troubleshooting methods which have been suggested in this post. This might help others as well in the future. Cheers!

I also setup a new connection via Cloudflare with an own domain. But I can’t use Google Assistant anymore and yes Ibupdated everything with the url :slightly_smiling_face:. Does anyone have the same problem) solution?