No valid repository for

Same here, they are slowly coming back after disabling Advanced Security… Thanks!

I have an open issue with eero and also pointed them to this forum.

Tried all of their suggestions to no avail.

Suggested next steps are to get a packet cap on the HA box of the DHCP negotiation with / without eero involved.

Based on my current analysis i expect that there is an error in the DHCP leasing process that results in the issue. This explains why having the device receive its DHCP info from another source and then putting it back behind the eero works for a short time and is then broken after the lease period expires.

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Just attempting another trick to see if we can force DNS correctly.
From the “Supervisor” side menu - select “System” then use the “Host” card to change the IP address.

This will bring up the options for network settings. After first confirming that you have set the DHCP lease to permanent on your router, change this to Static and add the DNS Servers manually - e.g. “,” (without the quotes)

Then save. I will report back how this goes - hopefully it will work and bypass the weirdness being broadcast from the eeros.

[update] - also disabled IPV6 as part of the debugging process.

I did so, but i have the same problem :woozy_face:

I updated HA to the latest release (yesterday), then Re-enabled Advance Security on Eero , then rebooted HA. All seems fine, it’s been over 12 hours. Maybe something within HA got updated that fixed this?

UPDATE: After another 24 hours, they slowly start disappearing again… I will disable Advance Security again.

Followed the advice in the last entry for this issue and it seems to have helped.

Other options are:

  1. Periodically shutting down and connecting the device directly to an internet connected modem/router - so it can get updates etc
  2. multi-homing the device (not advisable or a good security option) into a network that is not behind an eero

i’m using win10 as a host and ha os as guest with vmware workstation. I don’t have any amazon eero. how can i try to fix the time issue?

Hi @davrte , although I am not on win10 or vmware, the issue seems to most often relate to DNS resolution. I would start by debugging what networking works from the command line in ha.

  1. Can you ping
  2. does an nslookup of work?
  3. does using the nmcli commands below change the outcome of this:

nmcli conn modify “System eth0” ipv4.ignore-auto-dns yes
nmcli conn modify “System eth0” ipv4.dns “”
systemctl restart NetworkManager

  1. Other things to check on a virtual environment:
  • routing
  • local network filtering or firewalls (especially when dealing with VMware virtual interfaces etc)
  1. As you can control both devices, I would also suggest looking at a basic network packet cap for all DNS related traffic to see if you can see where things are breaking
  2. What does the Supervisor → System → Host → IP Address content say? Is the DNS set to the local host and blocking queries. Also worth checking the VMWare networking mode to confirm this is as expected.

As it is some time since I played with vmware, I’m afraid thats as much as I can think of off the top of my head.

Also worth trying this:

ha dns options --servers dns://
ha dns restart

After which I would re-try the above networking tests

I have this same problem (also on Eeros), but none of the above suggestions have provided a fix…

Eero has a new update version 6.3.1 which I’m waiting to show up on my end. Let us hope this fixes the issue for us here.

I have this same problem on the Eeros. On my old Cox Panoramic WiFi Gateway it worked but ever since we got rid of that ISP modem router and upgraded to the eeros and using our own modem we have been having issues… I changed the WiFi card settings in Windows to have DNS server

I am also running VMware on windows and have done the suggestions listed above.

Here are my logs:

21-05-13 14:05:58 INFO (MainThread) [] Cloning add-on repository
21-05-13 14:06:03 ERROR (MainThread) [] Can't clone repository: Cmd('git') failed due to: exit code(128)
  cmdline: git clone -v --recursive --depth=1 --shallow-submodules --progress /data/addons/core.
21-05-13 14:06:03 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.module] Create new issue IssueType.FATAL_ERROR - ContextType.STORE / core
21-05-13 14:06:03 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.module] Create new suggestion SuggestionType.EXECUTE_REMOVE - ContextType.STORE / core
21-05-13 14:06:03 ERROR (MainThread) [] Can't load data from repository core
21-05-13 14:06:03 INFO (MainThread) [] Loading add-ons from store: 0 all - 0 new - 0 remove
21-05-13 14:06:03 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.addons] Found 4 installed add-ons

I just saw the new release as of today. I will try it out…

UPDATE: It took a long time for the update to show up. It finally did, I applied the latest firmware release and it did NOT correct the issues.

I was having the same issue on an Intel NUC running Home Assistant OS. Eero routers (eero 5 pros and eero 6 pros with the main unit being and eero 6 pro). Tried for days to fix this issue. Ended up doing a fresh install of Home Assistant OS on an old Raspberry Pi 3 and that device is NOT having this issue. No problems accessing Add-ons. I restored the backup from my NUC and all is still working fine (for the last few hours anyway). Then I did a fresh install of Home Assistant OS on the NUC and that device is still having the issue of no add-ons/repositories. I dont have an answer on fixing the issue but I’m hoping this information will help turn on a light in someone’s head. I’d much rather be running on the NUC than the pi.

The Eero 6.3.1 update did not fix this issue which is very frustrating.

Anyone else have any success in getting their add-on repositories to show back up again?

I changed the DNS settings on the Eeros (not in HA) to and and things started working again.

Tried connecting to my Netgear modem (which provides the internet to my house) directly by shutting down HA and VMware (since I run HA in a VM), connecting to the Netgear modem, and then restarting VMware and the home assistant instance. Within a few minutes of starting, everything just magically worked again. I then connected back to the eero but I do not know if it’s going to disappear again.

What’s very interesting is that the repositories in HACS show up just fine, even on the eeros. It can get information from GitHub just fine. When I click on a custom integration to get its info it works perfectly. I did not try installing a custom integration from there but I will try later.

That doesn’t seem to have worked for me. I just made these changes in Eero, reboot the Eero network, then reboot the HA’s exhibiting this issue and no joy.
I’ve also just tried a fresh install of 5.13 on a Pi 4 and that device is having the issue.

So with a fresh install of their respective official images on each:
Pi 3 Home Assistant OS 5.13 - Official add-ons are visible (if I remember correctly I was able to see Community Add-ons below the Official Add-ons when it was first set up and now I cannot)
Pi 4 Home Assistant OS 5.13 - No add-ons visible
NUC Home Assistant OS 5.13 - No add-ons visible

System logs show same old logs

ERROR (MainThread) [] Can't remove built-in repositories!`
ERROR (MainThread) [] Can't clone repository: Cmd('git') failed due to: exit code(128)
  cmdline: git clone -v --recursive --depth=1 --shallow-submodules --progress /data/addons/core.
ERROR (MainThread) [] Can't load data from repository core

I’m using a net gear modem as well. How did you access HA when connected directly to the modem? I tried this yesterday also but wasn’t able to access HA.

I had actually had this same issue — had to make sure the network settings were set to Auto/DHCP (while connected to Eero, of course), then shut down home assistant before disconnecting from eero and reconnecting to the Netgear. Afterwards I restarted HA and I was able to access it by connecting my computer to the modem (my Netgear modem is also a router) and going to my ha url. Within minutes the repositories show up.

Just started my HA up again today and the repositories still show up on the eero. They install perfectly fine too even on the eero. I do not know if the repositories install locally or downloads and then installs – but it has worked perfectly and when I started up HA I did not receive the 128 exit code error in the supervisor logs. I didn’t change anything in the eero app but I have noticed I have been getting SERVFAIL DNS errors for My tuya devices have been working fine and I can still control them. No SERVFAIL though – at least yet.

UPDATE: Just got the servfail for when trying to update an HACS integration but it appears to update just fine. I believe this may be because of the DNS caching from the Netgear? I am not too sure but things seem to be working fine for now. I will keep updating as I get more information about the issue.