Node Red lost mqtt credentials every update

I’m using NodeRed with mqtt-broker integration. My Zigbee2mqtt is connected and NodeRed works fine.

Each time there is an update of Node-Red, my mqtt-broker integration lost password of Zigbee2mqtt, with the massage :

Credentials could not be decrypted

The flow credential file is encrypted, but the project’s encryption key is missing or invalid.

The flow credential file will be reset on the next deployment. Any existing flow credentials will be cleared.

I must re-eneter credentials to work properly !

Go to the addon page for nodered. Configuration tab is there anything where it says credential secret? The default is nodered. If it’s not there add it. If it’s there change it. restart the addon.

If you change it, store that password somewhere safe. If lose that password you can wind up getting locked out of NR.


Ok, but I already did this, there is a credential_secret from the beginning, and I already tried to change it.
Despite everything, each time NodeRed is updated, the mqqtt broker identifiers are lost!

You may need to do a clean install. Delete the mqtt server nodes. Right click anywhere on the workspace and choose export. Choose all nodes, the nodes will populate.

Scroll down to global configuration nodes, make sure there are no mqtt servers left then save. Shut down the nodered addon and uninstall.

Go to config rename the nodered folder old_nodered. One level up where /media folder is there is another nodered folder, rename that one too.

Restart, Reinstall, import your flows, open one of the mqtt nodes you have in use. Add the server and deploy.

Ok, I’ll test this tonight and waiting an update to see if the problem continues

new update today and credentials were ok !
Thank you