This is my first blueprint and itās pretty much based on the original camera motion blueprint (see šø Send camera snapshot notification on motion ). But I expanded it by adding an (optional) condition that can block the automation. Like a binary template sensor that states if people are home or not.
I looked at Turn on light, switch, scene, script or group based on motion, illuminance, sun (+ more conditions) to see how to add optional conditions.
I also added an (optional) clickAction URL that will open when you click on the notification on your smartphone, for example open a lovelace view with a camera stream.
The goal is to only have notifications for movement detection (with camera snapshot) when we are not home. And open the lovelace view with cctv streams when i click on the notification.
Iām still very new at YAML and blueprints so I hope it meets the quality expectations.
Iām open to suggestions and feel free to improve where possible.
UPDATE: 25/01/2021 ā New GIST url and updated the code below to give you more control of the group_name, channel_name and if you want critical/high priority notifications or not.
UPDATE: 24/07/2023 ā Added a 2 sec delay after calling the snapshot service, before sending the notification.
Gist: CriticalCollapseOptionNotHomeMotionCameraSnapshotWithClickAction.yaml Ā· GitHub
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Or import this Blueprint by using the forum topic / Gist URL:
name: Send a notification with camera snapshot when motion is detected with blocking state and URL (or lovelace view) on click, critical or not, collapse or not.
description: >
This automation blueprint creates a camera snapshot if motion is detected
and sends a notification to your phone with the picture.
Optionally you can define a binary sensor that will block the automation from running when state is ON.
For Example do not run when somebody is home (you can use the people_home template example).
Furthermore you have the option to make the notification critical or high priority and to collapse/overwrite or not.
Required entities:
- Motion sensor (binary_sensor in motion class)
- Camera entity
- Notify device entity (mobile_app).
Optional entities:
- Blocking entity (any entity with state on/off), example people home or not. Entity in state ON will block the automation. If needed you can create a template sensor to inverse states.
- Delay before taking a snapshot. You can play with this a little see what values shows the person best in the snapshot picture.
- Notification title & message
- URI for clickAction on the notification. For example a lovelace view such as /lovelace/cctv, this will open in the app.
- Name for the channel, different channels can have different notifications settings, such as sound etc.
- Name for group (Android) or grouping name (iOS), to group similar notifications together
- Overwrite (collapse) similar notifications (iOS): Yes/No
- Should the notification be critical (iOS) or High Priority / TTL 0 (Android)? Yes/No (However on iOS this will defeat the collapse of grouping)
domain: automation
name: Motion sensor
description: The sensor wich triggers the snapshot creation (domain binary_sensor, class motion).
domain: binary_sensor
device_class: motion
name: Camera
description: The camera to create the snapshot (domain camera).
domain: camera
name: Device to notify
description: Device that runs the official Home Assistant app to receive notifications.
integration: mobile_app
name: Is it an iOS device?
description: Toggle if your selected device runs iOS, default is Android
default: false
name: '(OPTIONAL) Blocking entity'
description: If this entity state is on, it will prevent the automation from running. E.g. somebody is home (binary_sensor.people_home).
name: Delay (Optional)
description: Wait before creating camera snapshot
default: 0
min: 0
max: 60
unit_of_measurement: seconds
mode: slider
name: Notification title (Optional)
description: 'Default: "Motion detected!"'
default: "Motion detected!"
name: Notification message (Optional)
description: 'Default: "{{ motion_sensor_name }} detected movement!"'
default: "{{ motion_sensor_name }} detected movement!"
name: ClickAction URI (Optional)
description: An URI to open when you click on the notification, can be an external URI (https://www.google.com) or an internal URI to a lovelace dashboard or view (/lovelace/cctv).
default: ""
name: Name of the group
description: To group notifications together for 1 automation. For instance if you want to have multiple automations but seperate them use unique names per automation.
default: "alarm_motion"
name: Name of the channel
description: Different channels can have different notifications settings, such as sound etc.
default: "alarm_motion"
name: Overwrite similar
description: Toggle on if you want to a new notification in the same group to overwrite the previous one (iOS).
default: false
name: Should the notification be critical (iOS) or High Priority (Android)?
description: Toggle off it you don't want critical or high priority notifications.
default: true
platform: state
entity_id: !input motion_sensor
from: "off"
to: "on"
motion_sensor: !input motion_sensor
motion_sensor_name: "{{ states[motion_sensor].name }}"
camera: !input camera
notify_device: !input notify_device
is_ios: !input is_ios
notification_title: !input notification_title
notification_message: !input notification_message
delay: !input delay
snapshot_create_file_path: "/config/www/tmp/snapshot_{{ states[camera].object_id }}.jpg"
snapshot_access_file_path: "{{ snapshot_create_file_path | replace('/config/www','/local') }}"
blocker_entity: !input blocker_entity
clickAction: !input clickAction
is_critical: !input is_critical
overwrite_similar: !input overwrite_similar
channel_name: !input channel_name
group_name: !input group_name
- condition: template
value_template: >
{{ (blocker_entity == none) or (states[blocker_entity].state == 'off') }}
- delay: "{{ delay }}"
- service: camera.snapshot
entity_id: !input camera
filename: "{{ snapshot_create_file_path }}"
- delay: 00:00:02
- device_id: !input notify_device
domain: mobile_app
type: notify
title: "{{ notification_title }}"
message: "{{ notification_message }}"
data: >
{% if is_ios %}
{% if is_critical %}
{% set platform_data = { "channel": "%s", "url": "%s", "attachment": {"url": "%s", "content_type": "JPEG"}, "push": { "category": "%s", "sound": { "name": "default", "critical": 1, "volume": 1.0 } } } | format(channel_name, clickAction, snapshot_access_file_path, group_name) %}
{% else %}
{% if overwrite_similar %}
{% set platform_data = { "channel": "%s", "url": "%s", "apns_headers": { "apns-collapse-id": "%s" }, "attachment": {"url": "%s", "content_type": "JPEG"}, "push": { "category": "%s", "sound": { "name": "default", "volume": 1.0 } } } | format(channel_name, clickAction, group_name, snapshot_access_file_path, group_name) %}
{% else %}
{% set platform_data = { "channel": "%s", "url": "%s", "attachment": {"url": "%s", "content_type": "JPEG"}, "push": { "category": "%s", "sound": { "name": "default", "volume": 1.0 } } } | format(channel_name, clickAction, snapshot_access_file_path, group_name) %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% if is_critical %}
{% if overwrite_similar %}
{% set platform_data = { "tag": "%s", "channel": "%s", "group": "%s", "ttl": 0, "priority": "high", "clickAction": "%s", "image": "%s"} | format(group_name, channel_name, group_name, clickAction, snapshot_access_file_path) %}
{% else %}
{% set platform_data = { "channel": "%s", "ttl": 0, "priority": "high", "clickAction": "%s", "image": "%s"} | format(channel_name, clickAction, snapshot_access_file_path) %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% if overwrite_similar %}
{% set platform_data = { "tag": "%s", "channel": "%s", "group": "%s", "clickAction": "%s", "image": "%s"} | format(group_name, channel_name, group_name, clickAction, snapshot_access_file_path) %}
{% else %}
{% set platform_data = { "channel": "%s", "clickAction": "%s", "image": "%s"} | format(channel_name, clickAction, snapshot_access_file_path) %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{{ platform_data }}