Potentially. However, in this case there is no state feedback from the hood I doubt you will get this into an official integration. A starting point could be my appdaemon app novy_hood/novy.py at master · tnagels/novy_hood (github.com), but this has Tradfri control integrated. I use this as you can’t combine HA control and direct control with the hood remote. If there is enough interest I’m willing to look into making this more universally usable.
With the new version of the integration it has become extrmely easy to control your Novy hood. Only downside is that it would not be shown as a fan, but you can use services to send the command.
The service is rfxtrx:send
And the payloads that work for me are: 08170B010000020100: on/off toggle 08170B010000020200: increase speed 08170B010000020300: decrease speed 08170B010000020400: toggle light
It was not THAT easy
This is how I got it to work:
I’m using an RFXTRX XL and I installed firmware 1044. I also needed to enable the ‘fan’ protocol.
Using the RFXmanager I found that the commands for my Novy hood were slightly different. These work for me:
power 08170B090000000100
up 08170B0C0000000200
down 08170B0D0000000300
Light 08170B0E0000000400
Finally I used the Blueprint and Template from @thomas-be
The only thing missing is the Light button. I created this script and can use that to toggle the lights on/off:
Good that you could make it work! Some thoughts on your experience:
The first few steps you mention I already did before, when I used my AppDaemon app. So that’s why I did not put them in the explanation.
The reason your commands differ from mine is that you can “link” the hood to the remote which changes a part of the command. This is so you can use multiple hoods independently in the same home. This is why I made it configurable in the blueprint (forgot to mention that).
I did not add the light because my hood does not have the built-in lights.
I agree, it may not be “extremely easy”, but it for sure is a lot simpler than when you had to use an AppDaemon app to communicate directly with the RFXtrx!
Would be really cool if the light would get added to the blueprint indeed.
Can anyone help with linking the command_up to a button on a remote? I obiously can send the command from the button, but that results in an out of sync with the fan template situation.
I would like to know this too. Recently got a 6911 hood. It connects with the android app through Bluetooth. Would like to implement this in HA. I’ve installed a shelly in the powersocket, so I can detect current state by power usage.
I just tried this; Yes the Broadlink RM Pro works. Still need to play around with the mapping of the buttons vs the several options of the hood but the Boradlink learns all the commands from the Novy remote and plays them back.
I still need to look at the broadlink integration to see if all ends up nicely in HASS
Did not have time yet to play more with this. Also would prefer discrete buttons/codes for on and off as it does not pass it’s state to Home assistant obviously.
I have a Novy hood model 6812 and thinking also of controlling it using the Broadlink RM Pro with HA. I would really appreciate if you could share short guide on how to setup the Broadlink to make it work.
I have a fully working (light & hood) stateful setup for a Novy Mood.
This is based on a (virtual) template light and a template fan, plus Broadcom RM4 pro, a power sensor in the ceiling socket and a luminescence sensor.
I know this is not a thread for broadcom, but if anybody is interested let me know.