Yes, the timers were collected because the data was easily available and I’d originally thought I’d request data from the API only during active timer periods, but it added unnecessary complexity. You can use it, though, in automations because you want to do something with a home battery when the pump is running, or whatever, so I left it there.
I’m not keen to turn things on and off because, as you say, the risk of breaking things. A switch for an outlet is simple to flick, but I have no way of knowing what is attached to it or the rest of the system, and without a full API to refer to I don’t know if turning a chlorinator on without, say, knowing there is an automated valve that needs opening first, would be a problem. Their internal API may be very clear about the order they do things, or know what devices are where, and what it means, but all I have is my chlorinator, so I can’t even test anything more complicated.
INSNRG have not responded to a couple of emails I sent Peter Wallace, so I gather they are not keen to help. Unless they took responsibility for ensuring it worked I just don’t think it is a good idea for me to charge ahead with things I know could be damaging. I’d be guessing about how to implement something, and some users would be guessing about how I implemented it. Even if they used it at their risk (if that was even bullet proof), I imagine I’d end up with a lot of criticisim and complaints…
As much as I’d like to turn my chlorinator off when the chemicals are right and the solar panels don’t generate enough power, I know I can create an alert on my phone and use the official app to actually turn things on and off. The chemical trend is what I have found most useful, so I know when the acid is empty, or if I can run the pump on a slower (more efficient) setting for a while. I’ve thought about it a fair bit and I think that, ultimately, I don’t want to risk being the one to blow up someone’s pool equiment by guessing how INSNRG operate it…
I can read more data if it is useful (and people can show me the right information, if it relates to equipment I don’t have connected), or point people to places they can see the INSNRG commands and responses (browser developer console) to extend the code themselves.
See how you go with it anyway, and let me know what you think of what is there.