You connect it as required to open GPIO pins then go into the Tasmota webui panel and add the appropriate sensor as connected to that GPIO. If you can’t find the appropriate sensor, you re flash Tasmota with the sensors image to add that sensor and hope that your panel will still have enough space to work.
I use TasmoCompiler for compile wersion with BME680. But I have problem with NextionFlash - doesn’t work correct.
I trying use:
“FlashNextion http://localadress:8080/lui-release.tft” (local server)
nspanel_blank.tft have other problems with writing.
I use NSpanel in HomeAssistant with MQTT protocol. How can I compile in tasmocompiler (or in arduinoIDE) tasmota with display nspanel and sensor BME680?
do you have a tutorial what to do in what order for beginners?
I have brand new panels with the original software so what should I do first before soldering the BMA680?
What software should be flashed, and when does the configuration come into play?
Should one first flash the panel and then solder the BMExxx to the board?
They have a great step-by-step documentation on the project page:
I would suggest that if you manage to go through it and make their custom software work then you’re good to go to try to add some extra hardware to it.