NUE Home Bridge (Zigbee 3.0) Support

Hi @Jozlod, just got a HUSBZB-1 and have moved my switches over from Zigbee2MQTT to test this system out - so far all the switches are working we ll and are more responsive. I’ve had no issues with random on/offs like @meremortal seems to so far, mine are a mixture of the first models and second.

I’m also trying to get scene switches working - have had similar results as you with ZHA but did have these working (minus feedback) on Zigbee2MQTT.
I’ve put in a request here GITHUB and started a sperate topic here if you wish to follow: ZHA Binding

Sounds good. I came onboard recently, and went straight to ZHA with a HUZBZB-1, and I assume all the latest model switches. I’m also waiting for universal dimmers, as my lights are trailing edge dimmed. I’ve been told a couple months should see them ready.

I only bought one scene switch, which is a double, to trial it before buying more. I’ve since replaced that idea with just using normal switches not hooked upto anything, and it’s working great for me through automations. It lets me use one switch from a double as a normal light, and another as a scene switch as I want.

Indeed a good idea - I would prefer though if possible to keep using the scene switches for virtual 2-way switching, as if I ever sell the house, I can just plug the old hub in and everything will just ‘work’. I really just wish I could bring these devices in as an entity - being it a binary switch even?

I have sort-of got them working with automations… but they are acting strange. Sometimes the scene switches switch lights elsewhere in the house that they arent set for - but another scene switch (different id) is. I was also getting an issue where the scene switch would turn the light on then off really quickly on a turn_on command, so for now I’m using toggle (but still getting issue above when more than one automation is turned on?!).

(note - some of the older relay switches identify as a switch not light just to confuse things further…)

- id: '1238461498762'
  alias: Toggle rumpus light from STAIR SCENE SWITCH
    platform: event
    event_type: zha_event
      data: {
      unique_id: 00:12:4b:00:1b:d3:cb:b7:1:0x0006,
      device_ieee: 00:12:4b:00:1b:d3:cb:b7,
      endpoint_id: 1,
      cluster_id: 6,
      command: "off", "on",
      args: []
    service: light.toggle
        - light.stairs

- id: '1237846198766'
  alias: Toggle rumpus light from RUMPUS SCENE SWITCH
    platform: event
    event_type: zha_event
      data: {
      unique_id: 00:12:4b:00:1b:d3:bc:ce:1:0x0006,
      device_ieee: 00:12:4b:00:1b:d3:bc:ce,
      endpoint_id: 1,
      cluster_id: 6,
      command: "off", "on",
      args: []
    service: light.toggle
        - light.stairs
- id: '1237834198712'
  alias: Toggle hall light off from Hall SCENE#1
    platform: event
    event_type: zha_event
      data: {
      unique_id: 00:12:4b:00:14:af:e2:b8:1:0x0006,
      device_ieee: 00:12:4b:00:14:af:e2:b8,
      endpoint_id: 1,
      cluster_id: 6,
      command: "off",
      args: []
    service: switch.turn_off
        - switch.hall

- id: '1237812198732'
  alias: Toggle light on from Hall SCENE#2
    platform: event
    event_type: zha_event
      data: {
      unique_id: 00:12:4b:00:14:af:e2:b8:1:0x0006,
      device_ieee: 00:12:4b:00:14:af:e2:b8,
      endpoint_id: 1,
      cluster_id: 6,
      command: "on",
      args: []
    service: switch.turn_on
        - switch.hall

Starting to think that there’s some binding going on in the background too… I played with that the other day and have since rejoined the network and clicked the unbind buttons but this doesn’t seem to have an effect…

I hope you figure it out. As I only have the one scene switch, I’m just gonna put it in storage until later.

Interesting, I have some of the power points, and they come in as lights, and apparently I can’t change the domain to switch, unless there is some way I can change them, that would make things nicer.

I’m basically buying one of each thing to try and see how they work, and if they go well, I buy the bunch that I need. Not in a super rush, so it’s working well so far. Still working on motion sensors, temp sensors, and yet to do something with fans, and also dimmers.

Great info here everyone, thanks for sharing

So what is the best module to get, the HUZBZB-1 or Conbee II?

I have a few light switches, some are the dimmer types too, mine are all the first gen, so no direct HUE support :frowning: unless i can update them somehow

Hi @buzurk,

After spending close to a year messing with Zigbee2MQTT and CC2531 chips, and now moving onto the HUZBZB-1, I have ALL my old and new switches integrated, and it is much easier to do than using the CC2531.

The scene switches require a little more playing around and are implemented with automations, but still significantly less work than in the past.

No idea what the HUZ is like compared to Conbee, and I doubt we will ever be able to upgrade the firmware…

EDIT: There’s some funkiness with the dimmer switches - I can’t say that I can dim them reliably, but to be honest I think the dimmer products are buggy to begin with and don’t recommend them.

thanks all

anyone got a link to get these in Aus?
I assume it means i can ditch the nue bridge

No sorry - I purchased one from Amazon (US). I think there is some work currently happening to port the intergrated ZHA onto the CC2531 if you want to go down that path too.

Anyone been able to retain the hub but flash it with tasmota or esphome

Any ZigBee stick form the HA list will work well. I have used Xbee (USB), Conbee, Conbee II and the Elelabs sticks, they all work well and are easily available online.
You can ditch most ZigBee bridges if you use a stick.
I am currently using Conbee II with DeConz, but ZHA is pretty well at the same level as far as refinement now.

thanks for help everyone, decided on a wifi panel instead

anyone after a single gang nue dimmer + nue hub, inbox me

I don’t have any issue with NUE 3A 3Gang and have been reliable for me over couple of months. I have issue with 4Gang, it doesn’t send the status feedback. Anyone has any luck? Here are some logs

Hi, I am looking to move from Hubitat to Home Assistant. I have a number of zigbee devices including Nue light switches. I have 2x 3 gang switches with 2 individual switches wired to lights and 1 not wired acting as a slave for 2-way lighting. In Hubitat I am using an app called Switch Binding that allows me to bind the slave/child switch to the master/parent so they are always synced.

My questions is does ZHA or an additional inbuild/custom app allow two switches to bind together like this or do I have to setup my own automation to achieve this?


Hi, I am using CC2531 with HA on PC (virtual Machine) with ZHA integration. I bought three gangs light switch from aliexpress. ZHA discovers the switch and shows three different light entities. however, only first can be switched on and off through HA. remaining two gangs are not getting switches ON or off from HA.

Physically, other two gangs are also working fine.

Can anyone help on it? what i am doing wrong and is anything needs to be changed in attributes or other settings?

This looks like a very old tired thread, so there maybe another option that I haven’t found…

I’ve got a few of these 4 gang theme switches - they’ve been working fine with the nue bridge/hub since I brought them back in 2019… used for two way switching on stairs etc…

I’ve only just very recently started playing with HA, and sad to see no direct integration between HA and the Nue Hub.

The hub has an API, and I obtain the API doc thinking I might do something with one day… but lack the nous…

The google translated API doc I’m looking at:

[API V2.10 - Google translate - Smart Home Gateway API Interface Specification Manual]
(API V2.10 - Google translate - Smart Home Gateway API Interface Specification Manual.pdf - Google Drive)

Original in Chinese for clever bilingual folk…
Smart Home GatewayAPI Interface Specification Manual

Do these doc’s mean anything to anyone?
Any similar integrations that I can leverage?


A repo for some code on this has been put here:

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Alright, now there is a package you can install for it… works strictly for switches an the nue hub.

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Can the switches just be controlled directly rather than using the hub? I have had 3A/Nue switches for years operating directly with Smartthings zigbee hub (no nue hub connected) using device handlers and now edge drivers. The hub is just a Zigbee gateway so you’re going switch → gateway → gateway → home assistant?

I have just bought a Skyconnect to hopefully migrate them all to ZHA.

Anyone had any success registering them directly with Skyconnect?


Yes. Yes they can.

All 3A Nue switches added to homeassistant using Skyconnect with ZHA.

Single, double and triple gangs all added directly with no nue bridge at all using basic discovery and all working perfectly (the speeeeeed! I am currently giggling at turning them all on and off in total unison with no lag at all - CLUNK). Going from handlers to edge dropped the lag a bit but this is phenomenal - immediate response.

All updating status fine when switched manually at the wall and all leds changing when switched.

I am a very happy camper. Smartthings cloud service now in the bin way ahead of schedule (i started the migration 45 minutes ago and i am done). Could. Not. Be. Happier.