NUT's Status: Online->Unknown->Online->Unknown; Battery: 100%->Unknown->100%->Unknown

I setup NUT yesterday and I ran into a problem. My NUT server is running in host and my Home Assistant LXC container is in My Ubiquiti EdgeRouter ( is able to see the status of my UPS (CyberPower AVRG750LCD; alias named “AVRG750LCD” with no quotes). I am running Home Assistant 0.74. I could share my configuration, however I do wish to keep my username and password private. The host ( and port (3439) is correct.

No changes were made to a NUT server today. What can I do to resolve the problem?

I solved a problem with the “unknown” state by adding this to crontab as root (sudo crontab -e):

*/15 * * * * killall usbhid-ups; sleep 1; systemctl restart nut-server

Why would I do that? Because if I don’t stop the usbhid-ups process but instead restart the nut-server, Home Assistant will still show unknown, so I stopped the usbhid-ups process first before I restart nut-server.