NX584 Alarm & Hass.IO Add-on

Is there a Hass.IO component available for the NX584 alarm integration yet, or has anyone put a package together? This is the only thing that is stopping me from using Hass.IO (from Hassbian).

The original component is noted here: https://home-assistant.io/components/alarm_control_panel.nx584/ and requires the Pynx584 server to be running on the host. I have a serial adapter plugged into the Pi via USB (Keyspan USA-19HS which is driven through the standard ‘firmware-linux-free’ package).

Any assistance in getting this running on Hass.IO would be most appreciated.


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I have the same issue with concord232 which I believe is based on the nx server

I managed to get this working by connecting the NX-584 to a seperate raspberry pi via serial that is running the pynx584 server. HASS.IO has the client library already so it can talk to the server via ethernet.
I wrote just about everything that I have done on to the wiki on the github site (above), and there is a lot of info on there that you can refer to. I am not the developer of this library however.
The end result was very good, and I now have things working with HASS.IO. There are some things that I think could be improved and I will submit those as feature enhancements in time.

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Same problem for me, i went back for hassbian, i wrote a service to start the nx584 server with systemd.
i included some instructions for it in the pynx584 wiki.